Sunday, December 3, 2017


I am a little bitter if you can't tell. The worthless Republicans just passed their Senate version of a tax bill which still has a way to go but will probably get through in some way, shape or form. When it does, this country ends, perhaps forever. The success rate for trickle down economics is 0%. That is not a misprint. It really is that low. It has NEVER worked anywhere on Earth. Yet here we are again. And the next time the economy crashes, which is likely to happen sometime next year, they are going to go after everything we like. Kiss Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid goodbye. And with that, there is every chance this country devolves into riots and chaos. This is what you are voting for America. If Roy Moore wins, it is the beginning of the end because it will prove Republicans will never change, and if that is true, voting and legal avenues will be closed to us. Violence is all we will have left. Let's see those runner ups in what is probably our last Christmas season.
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10)Anthony "The Mooch: Scaramucci- For a guy who lasted all of ten days at the White House, he certainly is going down hard outside in the public avenues. After an opt-ed appeared in Tuft's college newspaper demanding that Mooch be let go from his position as an advisory board member, the Mooch had a fit about it. It got so bad he threatened to sue the paper for slander. Nevermind the fact that there is no way this lawsuit would ever see the light of day, it ticked off the school so much they demanded he leave. I guess the paper got its wish didn't it?

9)Cy Vance- It's not just Republicans fucking up the country. The Manhattan DA, already under fire for sugar coating and dismissing cases against the rich and powerful is back at it again. Many are accusing the DA of dragging his feet in the Paz De La Huerta lawsuit against Fat Bastard, Harvey Weinstein. How does this ass still have a job? Can we get no nice things in this country anymore?

8)NYT- Our media sure does suck lately. These assholes, the same fuckers responsible for getting us into the Second Gulf War, this week published a glowing account of a Nazi sympathizer. Are you kidding me? Mainstreaming the alt-right is NOT okay anymore? Here is how you deal with Nazis. You kill them. No freedom of speech bullshit. I have come to the conclusion that too much free speech is just as dangerous as too little. It's time to put the brakes on hate speech once and for all. And ending Fox News as dangerous propaganda wouldn't be a bad idea either.

7)Matt Lauer- While some cases lately seem made up (Garrison Keeler's accusations seems suspect), this one appears to be true. What kind of dick has a button that locks the door that he can use from his desk? EEEWWWW! I NEVER liked Lauer, especially after his interview with Trump and Clinton during a Town Hall showed he was WAY out of his league and I have heard stories for years that he was kind of a dick. I am not sad to see him go.
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6)John Conyers- Another guy who can't keep it in his pants. He is denying the charges,which is the right way to handle this. Al Franken has gotten his ass handed to him with his non-denial denials and apology tour. And those are not true from everything we have seen. Conyers has a bigger problem in that these charges seem credible. Should he quit? Not until Roy Moore and Trump do. Until then, he should stand fast.

5)Broaddrick and Wiley- I HATE these two fuckers. They were NEVER raped and this week proves it. These two liars went to Franken and Conyers office to demand their resignation. Notice they decided that Trump and Moore, who have been accused of far worse crimes against women, were going to be ignored. How partisan do you have to be to see these two are not truthful, a fact that has been well established for decades before being brought up? Stop with the nonsense.

4)Media- The media is incapable of doing anything anymore other than parroting what they heard form other sources. They have stopped investigating cases and just repeat, repeat, repeat. Even a rudimentary look at Franken's accusers would show they have serious problems. The first two have been thoroughly discredited. Tweeden lied that about just about everything she said and there is proof of that. She saw Franken at least twice afterward, with photographic proof. She didn't look unhappy in any photo. Neither does any other photo. The latest story about Franken grabbing a woman's boob was so obviously not true I am stunned she didn't say Santa Claus also molested her. The media has to do their job which they are incapable of lately. This is why the country is dying because no one knows who or what to believe anymore and the press is making it worse. Over at ABC, Brian Ross got suspended for four weeks for publishing an untrue story about Mike Flynn. He said the Trump gave him direct orders to contact the Russians, but that proved to be wrong. Oops. The first rule of journalism is to NOT publish anything without verification. This is what happens when that rule is not followed. Morons.
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3)Blake Farenthold- This fat fuck Republican from Texas (of course he is) got caught using $84,000 of taxpayer money to pay off a sexual harassment charge. At least Joe Barton from the same state had the courage to say he would not be seeking reelection after being caught up in a sex scandal with a woman who was not his wife. This is the same asshole who went after Susan Collins for her killing the health care bill. Time to go doofus. There's the door. Squeeze your enormous girth through it.

2)James O'Keefe- Another Republican loser who had his antics blow up in his face. He tried to get the Washington Post to run a fake story about Roy Moore and a younger girl who got an abortion, which then they would use to slam the newspaper as willing to publish anything anti Roy Moore. Right now, the Post is one of the only newspapers in the country printing actual news. If I had the money, I would subscribe to this over rags like the NYT or WSJ, both of which are not worth the paper they are printed on. This story proved it as they did diligent research, uncovering the utter ineptitude that this ass was trying to do. Her story did not check out and within minutes discovered her actual motivation which they then caught all on tape themselves. O'Keefe is a loser. His stories are garbage. Stop watching him destroy democracy. If anyone sees him, explain to him as forcefully as possible he is not wanted here anymore. This kind of crap has to end or our society is not going to last much longer.
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1)Republicans- If you still a Republican after this past week I have this to say you to: FUCK OFF! If you are still voting for establishing a fascist dictatorship, I have lost all patience with you. Here is my promise, the next person who utters the words trickle down economics gets a punch in the mouth. This theory has been tried three times already in 1929, 1987 and 2007. What happened shortly afterward? Oh that is right, the economy collapsed. This is coming next year as our stocks are way over inflated and Captain Dumbass and the Republican party are all but guaranteeing the whole house of cards is coming down.This is my promise for what I think will happen afterward: Republicans are going to die en masse. If these assholes continue to refuse to listen to reason, then violence is all we have left. Better to die on our feet than live on our knees. This tax bill will end this country once and for all. Their economic plan has a 0% success rate yet here we are again. We cannot keep going round and round like this. If society ends next year, the Republicans have to go down with it, along with the religious right. Trump is a menace whose days appeared numbered. How that plays out next year is anyone guess but again violence may be either sides recourse depending if Trump and the Republicans refuse to do anything with overwhelming evidence against him. Mitch McConnell flipped on Moore today, saying the people of Alabama could decide. This says lots. This means if Moore wins, he may stay on. What if they find Trump conspired with the Russians and the Republican congress does nothing? The revolution begins two seconds later. If the government is no longer following the rule of law, it is out duty as Americans to overthrow it. We have 300 million guns for a reason. I am hopeful that smarter heads will prevail here but considering that every single Republican not named Bob Corker, signed a bill that would kill poor people and devastate the middle class. Their motivations are clear. Too many of you are fine with this, but that may change next year when we are at war with Iran and North Korea, our economy is in tatters and martial law rules the day. You voted for this you idiots and continue to do so. Stop it or else. Congratulations Republicans you are indeed douchebag of the week.

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