Monday, December 4, 2017


Trump spent the day trying to convince us that presidents are immune to obstruction of justice charges which must be news to Nixon historians or Clinton himself, both of which were impeached for just that. This all stems from an ill advised tweet that directly implicated Trump for said charge and, as a result, all hell broke loose.
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This weekend, Orange Hitler tweeted that "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the VP and FBI. He had pled (sic) guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his action during the transition were lawful. There was noting to hide!" The problem with this tweet is he just admitted to obstruction of justice AGAIN. Remember when a confession was all you needed to convict someone? After his lawyers had a fit over this, they arrived at a novel explanation over it: he didn't write it, his lawyer John Dowd did. There is ample evidence that is NOT true.

First and foremost, the tweet came late at night, on the weekend, between two other tweets he does not deny writing. So to believe this, his lawyer, who has NEVER written any tweet before or since, wrote a tweet that incriminated his client and coincidentally came at the same exact moment the president himself was tweeting. Right. What kind of crap attorney writes that nonsense that could put his client behind bars? Not John Dowd from what I have heard from associates. If he did, Trump should fire him today for incompetence and be disbarred from any further cases. However, there is even more evidence that Dowd did not write said tweet.

The language is a dead give away. Everyone writes in a specific method of grammar and syntax. That Tweet sounded just like Trump. The other big giveaway is the fact that there is a massive error in the statement that no lawyer would make. It's pleaded guilty not pled. Only someone not a lawyer or with half a brain would make that mistake.Who does that sound like?

The Roy Moore race is coming down to the wire and it could go either way. The president and Mitch McConnell have both backtracked and now seem to support Moore. If he wins, every Republican candidate nationwide will be running mates with Trump and Moore. His win is still not pre-ordained. Word is there are a lot of Doug Jones signs up, the polls are a dead heat, and if enough people either do not vote for Moore or vote for someone else, Jones could realistically win. For the country and people of Alabama, this would be preferable. If Moore wins, their state is going to be seen as the worst state in the country and business and tourism are going to die off. Amazon will NEVER build their headquarters there if he wins. Neither will any other business who wants to stay afloat. Moore wins and this state burns.
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Then there is the Middle East where Trump has strongly suggested that he will move the Embassy to Jerusalem this week. As little as two years ago, this would have filled my heart with dread and would have expected WW3 over it. But much has changed and, just as I predicted way back in 1999, when the Palestinians told Israel to pound sand with their extraordinary peace deal, that this was the last chance they would ever get for such a deal and the longer they waited the less they would get. Two other peace deals, with much lower gains were also ignored. And now here we are with the US to align with Israel against a Palestinian state and there is far less pushback than expected. Why? Saudi Arabia.

There is a new sheriff in town there and he is igniting a war with Iran, their mortal enemies. As the Palestinian fight is now closer aligned to Iran than the Saudis, they are no longer useful as a bargaining chip. They have literally not said one word over this move publicly or privately. If this is true, and they no longer care about what happens in the West Bank or Gaza, this conflict has changed for the worse as that means that these areas have NO protection anymore and Israel will do what they want with little repercussions. Nobody cares if Syria, Lebanon and Iran bitches. That means if the Palestinians get wiped out tomorrow, few are going to care. Not the US, not Israel and not Saudi Arabia. The UN could put up a token fight but the US will veto it for certain. One thing is definitely going to happen and that is hundreds of thousands of people in these regions are going to die. It didn't need to be like this. But as the adage goes, opportunity only knocks once. Yassir Arafat is dead. Because of his idiocy, millions may follow him.
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The Palestinian state is never going to happen.That time has come and gone. Survival will be your goal now. Good luck with that when food, medicine and clean water end. No one is going to care and no war will start because of it. You will be forgotten by Western media, and eventually, Israel is going to occupy the entire region. I see no way of stopping it. Russia may complain as will Iran but it is unlikely that anyone will end the planet over a bunch of people few care about anymore. I feel for these people but they did it to themselves the same way Alabama is. Choice have consequences, sometimes lethal ones. We picked Trump and look how that is turning out. I have yet to meet anyone who is happy with their vote for Trump. They exist, especially in the brain dead south. History shows that if these assholes continue to vote against their own self interests, they will be the first to suffer.

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