Many months back, I wrote that because of a new Sheriff in town in Saudi Arabia, the son of the current leader, he has decided to both modernize the country, like allowing women to drive and letting movies back into the country for the first time in decades, and rethink past alliances. As Hamas and the PLO are more connected with Iran than the Saudis, the crown prince has decided to throw them to the wolves. Trump moving the embassy wasn't just because the far religious right demanded it, but because the Saudis had told us they just want the whole thing over and they don't care who wins. I mentioned last week that their complaints against Trump for moving the embassy was weak at best from many allies like Jordan and the Saudis, as allies like Turkey were far more upset about it. Turns out, I was right.
Last month, the leader of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas went to Saudi Arabia for a meeting. It did not go well. He was told to accept the new peace plan they had drawn up under the threat that he would removed from office if he didn't. I don't know if the Saudis have that kind of power, but they probably have enough influence to get him ousted if they desire. The terms of the news deal suck really hard for them. I knew when the turned down the peace deal in 1999, they were forever screwed. They would never get a deal like that again, and I was right. The new deal is a far fall from even the last one that was offered them in 2009.

The deal as presented would give the Palestinians their own state, but one with severe limitations. Their state would be unconnected blocks in suburbs of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, although all of the Israeli settlements would remain. They would lose the right to return (which was never going to happen in a million years anyway and why the last few deals broke down) and any rights to Jerusalem as a capital. Even worse, they would have limited sovereignty over any of this, with Israelis watching over them like a hawk. Wow, talk about a reaming with NO lube.
This is why turning down a peace deal that gave you 90% of what you wanted back in 1999 ended any chance for peace. There was never going to be a better deal and, true to form, each deal has been far worse. This latest one is downright awful. The funny part, is they may have no choice but to take it. If they turn this one down, and launch a new intifada instead, the retribution may be biblical. But the odd part is that due to infighting between the PLO, Hamas and Fatah, along with the knowledge that another attack on Israeli is unlikely to do much, wide spread riots are not forming. The wall they put up to keep put attacks is also a factor now.
So because of varying factors, the Palestinians may finally see peace. But it will come at a hefty price tag that may not improve their lives much if this deal is signed. They still will face significant hurdles but chances are much better that they also won't starve to death or be killed by a terrorist bomb. They should take the deal as bad as it is. The next one will come with a spray of bullets.

On a side note, anyone voting for Roy Moore tomorrow should be shot. If he wins, this country is going to burn. It will prove the democrats can't win in the South with their current strategy. It will prove the Republicans really are the pro-Nazi, pro-pedophile party. If we don't right this ship here, we may not be better off than the Palestinians. Our deal will be even worse than theirs with a civil war a real possibility. Their are whispers of armed insurrection already. If the GOP keeps doing what they are doing, especially if they start going after Medicare and Social Security, someone is going to get killed over it. Bet on it. Vote Doug Jones and prove you a real American. Moore wins and we all perish.
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