The explanation for this is simple: the Today show footage is wrong. In their rush to get information out, almost everything that was being reported, on every network, was wrong, sloppy, or just plain invented to keep viewers watching. And this is leading to the death of our society. Check out the below nonsense:
This is proof positive that when things are being reported as fact, the more gullible among us soak it up like a wet sponge. How do I know the Today show footage was wrong? Because several hours later, on the same day, the coroner came out and spoke about how all the children were killed by a rifle. Now much like you, I would like to see the coroner's report but unless I decide to go FOIA on their ass, there is little chance that info will be give out to the public and, to be honest, I am not too concerned about anything more than shitty reporting by our MSM.
This Sandy Hook Truthers crap isn't helping either. Here a link to Jim Fetzer, a PHD for God's sake.
That is some world class bullshit there. When one of your first paragraphs deals with a Holocaust denier, you know you are in some sad company. Not one thing he postulates has any proof, just grand conjecture and wild conspiracy theories. It is insanity like this that is also destroying our country. The Internet is a great thing but it doesn't prevent the less stable out there flinging their feces at the screen and seeing what sticks. The fact that so many people bought into this story, with no proof, is really terrifying.
People are believing everything they see on the news as fact and now even the Internet which has the same level of believability, i.e. none. Nothing someone tells you that isn't being repeated by somebody of integrity (one of the reasons I hope many of you are coming here for) should be believed until it is vetted thoroughly. I hate the MSM but the fact that no one reported it all over the past few days was too conspiratorial even for me. When I saw all the hoopla was over a video from December 15th, and no mention of the fact it was retracted hours later when the coroner disavowed all of it, says sloppy, possibly fraudulent, reporting and not a grand scheme to kill off children by a blood thirsty government. Even I cannot buy that explanation without some proof, for which there is none.
While all this continues the GOP is attempting to change the electoral college to give them an edge over the democrats in the next election. Appropriately called the "sore loser" bill, Virginia will change the way electoral votes are counted, like Maine and Nebraska do, by awarding electoral points to district winners and only two to the overall winner. This will skewer the vote toward Republican candidates and could lead to a radical shift in power where the minority could win an election and still lose by a massive number of votes. That is not democracy in any way shape or form and will lead to a severe change in how this country looks in ten years. This cannot be let happen and I am hoping will lead to a Constitutional challenge by the Supreme Court, which would seem likely. I am surprised no one has done it for Maine or Nebraska, but let's face it, nobody cares what happens in either politically as they have little sway over an election. Virginia is another matter.
If this had been around in the last election, Obama would have received four votes to Romney's nine, even though Obama crushed Romney in total votes. In this scenario, nation wide, Romney would have won in a landslide and still lost the popular vote by the same margin he lost by. How do you think people will react when they see such blatant theft? Not well I assure you. This same setup is being debated in several other Republican states like Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan. If it occurs, it will dramatically alter the political landscape where democrats will NEVER win another election no matter what. As long as we have gullible people, which the Sandy Hook Truthers are definitely a part of, things will never change. And that is truly depressing.
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