According to The Times of London, think New York Times of the UK, Israeli sources have confirmed that Fordo did explode for reasons unknown and the story was accurate. The Telegraph, also of England, reported the same story but said they had no confirmation through their sources. And then, both Iran and the US deny anything has occurred, agreeing for the first time and appears, at this point at least, utter bullshit.
The story is getting major press world wide. Seen anything about it on the local or national news broadcasts? How about in the press, or Fox news or CNN? Nope, nope and nope. Kind of a huge story to ignore, don't you think? The closest who came to anything about any of the Middle East crisises was Jon Stewart last night. When a news comedy program is the only network nation wide to start talking about all the insanity going on there, you know civilization is doomed.
The story is being confirmed by German newspapers (man my German is rusty so thank God for translations), and countless web news sites, like yours truly. The fact that WND broke the story makes me weep for the MSM because that is one crazy site, but as I said yesterday, they do get some things right. Just because your nuts doesn't mean you might not be occasionally correct.
If this story is true, and it appears to be at this point, Iranian citizens are bathing in radiation and don't even know it as NO evacuations have been ordered. Could Iran be doing what Russia did; by forcing civilians to stay in a highly radiated area, like Chernobyl, and go about their business even though they are actually dying and unaware? That's sick.
Some Israeli papers are saying it was sabotage, which is a solid bet. There is also the possibility that Iran is using substandard materials, due to economic sanctions, and the plant blew up due to negligence. All of this could influence upcoming nuke talks between Iran and the West. It could either lead to a Star Trek 6 moment after the Klingon planet, Praxis blew up, which was the main source of energy and led to a peace plan between the two races. Or Iran will use it as a pretext for war, but first would have to admit it happened in the first place, and that seems some way off.
The worst part of the story is one that is not being reported anywhere but According to their sources, Iran has has success in in other areas that are truly frightening. They are listed as:
A secret nuke site exists at Nijaf Abad.
A secret uranium enrichment site is at Khondab, where Russian and North Korean scientists are helping them.
A secret bio-weapons site is at Marzanabad, where with Russian help, Iran has developed at least eight deadly weaponized diseases which can be put into rocket warheads.
Another secret base is at Bonab, where the Russians are helping them with laser technology to enrich uranium.
Lastly, a list of scientists working on the project:
That is a lot of problems. While all of this is going on, North Korea is flexing their muscle and sources say a nuke test may be imminent. China has publicly said they don't agree with the rouge state, a rare show of disapproval from the only link North Korea has to the rest of the world.
And of course one cannot forget that both Egypt and Syria and falling apart, one from a dictator, the other from democracy. When you have groups of people living together who hate one another, democracy is not always the best idea, as whoever the winner is, they will exploit the rest he doesn't like. We sit a razor's edge for a massive war, but what else is new. Most of the time, no one knows about any of it, like now, as our media is more concerned with Oscar night, Lindsay Lohan and some lady in Omaha who has a potato chip shaped like Jay Leno.
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