First off, religion makes you stupid. We need to abandon ALL religious clap trap and accept that most of what was written in any religious text was written by a guy who thought the world was flat, infested with demons and no knowledge of any higher learning. You know, Republicans. I have studied every major, and even some minor, religious books and found that if you strip away all of the moronic bits, the end result is basically this: "Don't be a dick." Give to those that need, don't attack others needlessly and behave like a civilized individual. How hard is that? Unfortunately, the so called religious out there never follow any of that any instead focus on the parts they like, even those like the Rapture and 72 virgins which do not exist at all anywhere except in some lunatics mind and now is accepted as fact.
Evolution is a fact and I can prove it. Same goes with the age of the earth which, I am sorry to tell you, is not 6000 years. And dinosaurs never existed with man. If you believe any of the above, the confirmation to you being borderline retarded is established. These are no debatable facts here any more than gravity is. And I hate to tell you all this but not only is the existence of Jesus in some doubt, the image we have all accepted is actually that of a member of the Borgia family, Cesear. Here's a picture of him:

Tell me that isn't the Christ that we all know. Son of a future Pope and born in the late 1400's, at a time when the clergy still had children, Cesear was also a Cardinal with at least 11 illegitimate children. So much for all the celibacy nonsense, He eventually resigned from his cardinal position, a first in the Church. When his brother died under mysterious circumstances, some contemporaries have blamed Cesear for being behind it. He then went on to be a great military leader. He has also been suspected of an incestuous relationship with his sister, a great many deaths in battle, and while both treacherous and murderous to his enemies, he was widely considered a great leader who was both fair and just to his subjects. Still, not exactly Christ is it? The original pictures of Jesus are still under guard in the entrances to the Italian catacombs as they show a radically different Jesus, one who would have been of Middle eastern decent and had much darker skin and hair seen below:

Looks nothing like you thought huh? Religion holds your brain hostage and we have to start not only getting rid of it, but ridiculing anyone who believes this nonsense anymore. Would you feel comfortable with a grown man believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny around you? Hardly. So why do we accept religion which has outgrown it's usefulness. Let me clear about one thing though: I believe in God. Just not the retarded god that religion makes him out to be. Zeus, Odin and others have hit the dust bin of history. It's time for the other religions to join them.
Because of this idiocy, people are more inclined to believe anything they hear on TV, especially Fox News which is nothing more than pure propaganda packaged in a slick box. A recent poll said that 68% of the country is against raising the debt ceiling. WTF? This shows that even the most educated individual has no idea how things actually work. Not raising the debt ceiling mean our soldiers don't get paid, our government doesn't get paid, social security checks stop, and the economy falls off of a steep cliff when the stock market drops 1200 points the next day. So 68%, roughly two thirds of this country, is basically saying, let the world end. This is idiocy squared and demonstrate that a majority of this country should not only never vote, they should seriously think about blowing their brains out to end this kind of radically illogical thinking. The funny part is I am guessing a majority of that 68% are the nation's Baby Boomers, collecting SS and Medicare and basically slicing their own throats in the process. Stunning.
Now comes word that Unions are disappearing across the nation and the right wingers are all saying this: Fuck em. Maybe they missed the memo but because of unions we have paid vacations, sick days, a decent wage and 40 hour work weeks, all of which are disappearing before our eyes. These are the same assholes that when they get laid off, can't find work again because they too old and over educated and only then realize how screwed they are. No one thinks they can ever get laid off until it happens to them and it happens all the time now where older workers are shown the door so the company can hire someone else at half their salary, which further decreases wages across the board. So without unions, we are making less, working harder and have little to no job protection and idiot America is fine with that. Sheep.
Intelligence is in rare supply anymore and it certainly doesn't exist at the higher levels anywhere. Government is run by corporate stooges, religion is run by closeted homosexuals and the Tea Party is run by the criminally insane. Matt Damon had a great quote where he said it was hard to be optimistic anymore as nothing ever changes. The worst part is that we are to blame for all of this. No one fights for anything anymore except over long decided things like abortion and gay rights. Now we have Sandy Hook Truthers who believe the whole thing was staged. I don't even know how to respond to such a stupid thing. It joins the Birthers who are still at it. Not everything is a conspiracy and neither of the previous things are. People have to open their minds to new possibilities and that is not possible where religion is involved. Religion will kill us all if we continue down this path. Don't let it.
Wow, such a hate filled diatribe. Seems you are exactly the type of person you hate. I'm sorry, must suck to be you.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate smart people. They just seem in such rare supply. And yeah, it does suck to be me because if you read this blog back from the beginning, I am right about a lot of things yet am powerless to do anything about it. Talk about Cassandra Syndrome. If you are not as mad as some of us are about how dumb this world has become, take a long hard look in the mirror because you may be indeed one of those exact people I am talking about. You should be pissed, royally as a matter of fact. When the world comes crashing down because you refused to acknowledge it, I am the one who will be prepared and you will be shit out luck.