Unfortunately facts are the country is safer than ever with gun crime way down overall. That is NOT true in places where gun control has been enacted like the UK and Australia where gun crime is soaring. But the MSM makes it sound like the wild west out there with a mugger hiding behind every parked car and gun nuts shooting everyone in sight. If the media doesn't scare you, you won't keep watching. And people like Piers Morgan are exploiting this tragedy for their own benefit and not for the good of mankind.
The worst part is that I see both sides as behaving like dangerous lunatics. The anti gun crowd wants ALL guns banned, like that would solve anything. And then you have the NRA watering down gun statutes that could actually do some good. We seem to not be able to have a cohesive argument about anything anymore because everyone is so sure that they are right, they are acting very righteous in the process. And those that have true faith about anything are usually the same people who will never change their minds about anything no matter how many facts are thrown in their face. Studies show that the more rigid you are in your thinking, the less likely you are to compromise. Too bad most of these idiots seem to be in Congress.
Here are some common sense ideas to end gun violence, if which were implemented would reduce gun deaths by as much as 75%. First, recent polls show that the country is united in universal background checks with only the NRA holding up that bit of legislation for reasons no sane person could fathom. The government already knows who owns what, thanks to the evisceration of the Constitution which no one seems to care about beyond the 1st or 2nd amendment. We should be fighting in the streets over some of what the government has done to our rights (NOAA, TSA, DEA) yet we only bitch about our guns, which at this point, is the only amendment keeping us safe from tyranny. But we need to stop giving up our rights for imaginary bad guys and start going after the elites who are the real terrorists.
Second, we need to end the drug war once and for all. It's not working. It will never work and we are just literally pissing money away with these stupid drug tests that cost a fortune and can be easily beat. The president doesn't even need Congress to stop it. As the office comes with the power of the pardon, blanket pardon all non violent drug offenders everywhere. The courts will be forced to let go everyone convicted of a non violent drug offense and clear the prison of millions of people. We then get rid of the DEA and the ATF, the former of which is now worthless and the ATF too broken to fix, and use that money for the third idea which is to reopen state mental hospitals and get some of the crazies off the street.
Drugs will be treated as a medical problem not a justice problem. Prisons will have less inmates saving states money. Cops can focus of real crimes and get off the back of the average citizen, also eliminating no knock drug raids once and for all. If we legalize pot at this point and tax it, we will create a brand new industry that will general billions in revenue and thousands of new jobs. It will also save roughly 300 people shot every week in drug violence which will disappear overnight.
Guns are not the problem in this country. Most people who have guns are responsible and will never use them in a way not recommended by the NRA or anyone with common sense. Should everyone have a gun? Hardly. We read every day about some moron who should never have had a gun, a kid or even a pet they are so incompetent. But the law does not protect against stupidity and one has to see this as Darwinism in action. If you want to kill yourself with a gun, go at it. There are far too many people on the planet as it is and one less is always a good thing.
The media talks about none of this, harping on a school shooting which, while horrifyingly tragic, is a blip on the radar. Over the last 30 years, world wide, 350 people have died in massacres. That many died this week in drug related shootings. Which is the bigger threat to your kids? Why are we not talking about it at all anywhere? Not the MSM which is focused on guns, guns, guns; see sawing between Piers Morgan calling anyone who disagrees with him an idiot and a rabid Alex Jones coming across as unhinged and dangerous. Neither speak for me or many gun owners out there. Guns are not the problem. The media hyping the story out of all context is.
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