1)Mayor Bloomberg- This guy is SUCH a dick. First he attempts to curb obesity by limiting drink size, like that'll work. Then he closes down a relief organization for Hurricane Sandy run by Occupy protesters. Now he wants draconian measures for both guns and prescription pills. Mayor Douchebag has gone on record stating his opposition to all guns and that, because he is unwilling to go after the doctors prescribing pills they shouldn't be, he has allocated a plan to limit pill sizes allowed for pain killers. What about the people that actually need the drugs to get by, as I did for nine months during an excruciating back problem? Oh, they have to, and I quote, "suffer a little bit more." WTF? The crap I had to go through while in serious pain to get the pills I needed was already a giant pain in the ass that cost me a fortune as insurance doesn't charge by the pill but by the bottle. So under Mayor Bloomberg, insurance companies stand to make a fortune as more money comes out of people's pockets who can afford it least. This ass needs to go. I don't know if he can run again or not but this jerk should be thrown out into the street past haste.
2)TSA-They are now officially going out into the real world, making us feel more like a police state every day. Passengers to Amtrak in Austin, Texas, were recently searched through the luggage of everyone traveling that day, looking for both narcotics and explosives. What right do they have to look through anything? This madness has to stop and no one is saying boo about it. Yes gun rights are important but we need to start looking at all of the amendments being violated on a daily basis and are not making us the least bit safer. As the checks are voluntary anyway, wouldn't the people with drugs or explosives simply not comply anyway. This is how our tax dollars are being spent: on worthless, feel good only security instead of actually protecting us. The TSA is just sad. In other news, the TSA lost $250,000 of tax payer money after losing a lawsuit. The defendant, Aaron Toby, removed his clothes, except for his underwear, at a TSA checkpoint with the 4th amendment written on his chest. He was arrested for disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct. The charges were dropped but Toby sued and won. Good.
3)NYC Police-The other big story is that those naked scanners are currently being set up on NYC streets to film passer bys without their knowledge so police can oogle naked girls, oops, I mean "look for weapons." There is a reason we have guns guys and it's not to protect us from criminals. It's to protect ourselves from the police. Earlier this week, the NYC boys in blue fucked up again making them look like king high douchebags. A customer at an upscale steak house, Smith and Wollensky, forgot his wallet at a nearby hotel when the check came. He offered to leave his I-pad or to have a bellboy go with him to his room to get his wallet. Instead the manager called the cops. The police, instead of escorting to his room to pay, he was arrested, booked and charged with larceny. The next day in court the charges were dismissed under the promise that he pay the bill, which he planned to do all along. Again, think of all the money it cost taxpayers to solve a simple problem that didn't need to be taken to such extremes. Think of all the bad publicity this will echo across Europe, as the customer was an Italian visitor. Think he'll ever come back again? Unlikely. So way to go NYC, you turned a common sense solution into a giant, international incident. No wonder you keep voting in Bloomberg. The lot of you are retarded.
4)Sarah Palin- The dumbest governor in history, and that's saying something with both Rick Perry and George W Bush in the same group, was let go from Fox News as her popularity and fifteen minutes of fame, are just about up. CEO Roger Ailes was not a fan and dropped her as soon as her contract would allow. Hopefully Palin will disappear into the white noise of history but something tells me she's like Herpes and will never go away. I can dream.
5)Egypt- Riots have gripped the streets of Egypt after a verdict on deaths at a soccer stadium resulted in the death penalty for twenty one accused. Four days of rioting by soccer fans, relatives and anti-government forces have led to the deaths of 37 people. Morsi is doing a bang up job.
6)The Brazil Nightclub fire- Apparently unaware of the Providence club fire, the Station, a few years back when a fading heavy metal band, Great White roasted 100 people after using pyrotechnics that lit the cheap soundproofing into an inferno, the same thing happen yesterday when 232 died under the exact same circumstances. Expect the owners to get the bejesus sued out of them, if not jail time.
7)Action movies- I love action movies more than anything else. And lately, there have been a lot of them. The Last Stand with Swartzenegger was better than expected. And Parker looks interesting even if J-Lo is in it. You know who doesn't like action movies? Everyone else as these two films died hard in the theater. Maybe the Newtown shooting has taken a hit on these types of films because quality, at least in the case of Last Stand, was not an issue. Worse for Hollywood, there are a lot more films like this coming out like Bullet In the Head, GI Joe 2 and Die Hard 17. I will see them all. I may be alone in the theater but damn it, I am going anyway.
8)The Tea Party- The name has become so toxic many are changing it like South Florida's Tea Party is now the National Liberty Federation. Tea Party heroes like Jim DeMint is leaving Congress and Dick Armey was let go from Freedom Works, a Tea Party driver. A recent Rasmussen poll shows that support for the Tea Party has dropped from 24% in 2010 to 8% today. That is a steep drop. It doesn't help that the ideas that come out of this group are birther nonsense while people dress up in revolutionary garb with tea bags dangling from their hat. All that's missing is some tin foil on your head and you've got the crazy outfit down pat. NBC's poll echoed the exact same numbers as polling averages are below Congress for God's sake and we all know how well they are liked. The Tea Party is dead. Long live what ever stupid thing comes after it.
9)Republicans- It was a really bad week for the Republicans. First they all to smile through their tears as President Blackenstein was inaugurated again. John Boehner tried small talk with the first lady and got a blistering look in response. You Tube it, it's funny. Then they tried to hammer Hillary Clinton about the Benghazi incident which, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Oh sorry dozed off as I DON'T CARE ABOUT BENGHAZI and, according to polls, no one else does either. Bad things happen. Get over it. Bush had 3000 dead on American soil and NOBODY said boo about it. Obama loses four overseas and it's the end of the world. Please. Hillary destroyed the GOP as they attempted to smear her and Obama with no success. Time to move on already. The worst was the fact the GOP is attempting to steal the next elections by changing how the voting is tabulated which would give them an unfair advantage. See my previous post for more on this awful plan. So congratulations Republicans, you are again douchebag of the week.
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