Friday, June 14, 2013


Institution list

A recent poll, seen above by Gallop, reflects what Americans think of all organizations here in the US and the results are pretty damning for everyone. Is it really a surprise that Congress has hit a new low of a 10% approval rating considering they are filled to the rafters with some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet?

Trent Franks (R-AZ) learned nothing from the Todd Akin debacle by telling a group of people that he doesn't support an exception to the proposed House bill outlawing abortion after twenty weeks for rape or incest because pregnancy from rape almost never happens. Tell that to the approximately 33,000 women who get pregnant from rape each year.

On the flip side of the aisle, recent evidence suggests Dianne Feinstein has been using the office to make herself rich. This bitch has been long accused of corruption and anti-American stances as her assault on the 2nd amendment while defending the rights of the government to spy on us willy nilly have been particularly loathsome. Now comes a new round of allegations that would have been illegal under Scott Brown's now dead anti-insider trading rule that all sides agreed would cost them too much money and the repeal sailed through Congress and the Presidency with no issues. The law was pretty watered down to begin with but is yet another sign that both side are working to undermine the US public while enriching themselves.

Feinstein was one of the Senators responsible for awarding the CBRE Group a contract that made them the sole marketing company for the US Postal Service. Richard Blum, Fienstein's husband, was Chairman of the Board for CBRE. Now while Feinstein was supposedly not directly responsible for the bill, I fail to believe that she did not nudge it one way or another from behind closed doors. That old dodge of a "blind trust" was used but anyone who understands how these things work know there is no such thing as a blind trust. It's all a lie. Here's a list of other shady dealings she has had in the past from Roots Action:

Shortly after San Francisco’s then-Mayor Dianne Feinstein married private equity financier Richard C. Blum in 1980, those who knew them called theirs “a marriage of the public and private sectors.” 
Although Feinstein lost a gubernatorial bid to Republican Pete Wilson, she soon took his seat in the U.S. Senate. Working across the aisle, her power rapidly grew along with her husband’s diversified investments and their mutual wealth. 
• As Chair and ranking member of the Military Construction and Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Feinstein appears to have steered contracts to companies controlled by her husband. Blum has profited handsomely from military contracts. 
• In 2009, Senator Feinstein introduced legislation to provide $25 billion in taxpayer money to the FDIC after it gave Blum’s CBRE real estate company a contract to sell foreclosed properties at unusually high rates. 
• As a Regent of the University of California, Blum appears to have profited from contracts with the UC-run nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos. 
• In the summer of 2012, the U.S. Postal Service awarded Blum’s CBRE company the exclusive contract to sell its portfolio of public properties. Feinstein’s office denies any influence in the awarding of the contract.
The worst part about all of this is that I suspect 90% of Congress is doing the above all the time from both sides. With that level of corruption it is going to be near impossible to disarm the machine with voting. The alternative is violent, horrific and one I hope does not have to happen. But as many Americans are looking at Congress with so much disdain, we are rapidly reaching a tipping point where rioting may become commonplace like Turkey or Greece.

But what about the rest of the list? What does it say about us? First off, Americans are really gullible considering how much trust they put in some things and not a lot in others. At the top is the military which seems to me to be the stupidest thing to trust on Earth. Individual soldiers, many of whom I consider to be close friends and totally trustworthy, are usually fine upstanding people. The actually military, including generals and upper commanders, are run by the same sort of people you wouldn't let bag your groceries. These are the same people letting your daughters get raped en masse to such an extent that even John McCain wouldn't want his female relatives joining any branch. Numbers have increased over 30% over the last few years and part of that, according to those who have been in the military for a while, say that the new recruits are some of the worst human beings to be soldiers. They are the scum of society in many ways and this is coming from people in their twenties in the military. They have their pants around their ankles half the time, pretend to be black or Hispanic when they clearly are not, and have the IQ of a gravy ladle. This is not a trustworthy group. Not anymore.

After that we have small businesses which I have worked for in the past and let me tell you, they are no great shakes either. All but one I have ever worked for have ripped me off for money, blatantly lied about salary, benefits or work hours and behaved like a royal douche the whole time. Many small business owners suck and they are just as greedy as the CEO's everyone hates. However, I have met a lot of small business owners over the years who have been kind and generous with their employees so I know part of it was just my bad luck working for tools. But to say that small businesses should be trusted more than big business is horribly naive.

The most shocking name comes next with the police who went from 56% to 57% ignoring all the times the police are killing innocent people in the name of safely. Deaths from no knock warrants are skyrocketing, pet deaths are way up (including a NJ police officer who shot five feral kittens in full view of several children) and due to budget cuts, people are getting raped and murdered in higher and higher numbers. I trust the police about as far as I trust Eric Cantor with Social Security cuts. The police are dangerous, hiring people who should have been drummed out of the force years ago and not a day goes by when some new horror story doesn't arise. The fact that so many people still trust the police says we have a lot of stupid people here.

From there we get Churches, because there is no safer place to leave your child than with a Catholic priest, the presidency, because Obama has done such a wonderful job creating jobs and increasing wealth for the middle class (insert sarcasm here), and then the medical profession which has been stifling cures for things like cancer for years because of control by Big Pharma. Trust in any of that is idiotic.

Then we have the Supreme Court who did make a rare unanimous decision to not allow bio-tech companies to patent genes, but this also the brainpowers that from the right gave us Citizen's United and from the left gave eminent domain to corporations. They have made dreadful decisions as of late with several more huge announcement coming Monday about affirmative action, gay rights and other important topics.

Public school are next and anyone who has read anything about our schools knows that they are no longer teaching our kids anything but how memorize rote learning. Without critical thinking we are going to get some really stupid people. Considering half of those that graduate can't read or write at a college level, we are definitely doing something wrong.

Here is where trust plummets. The criminal justice system is a joke. Rich people have one set of laws the rest of us another. Banks, which should be far lower than an approval rating of 26%, are ripping us all off while stuffing their coffers with the money they steal from us. TV News is next and who can blame anyone on that. They have been in free fall for decades and the corporate news is no better than the stuff you get out of North Korea at this point.

Newspapers tie with TV News, again because when you lie with impunity about things like the second Iraq war, 9/11 and the OKC bombing people start to tune you out. Corporations are next and we all know they suck. This next one bothers me as Unions only get 21% approval. Have we become so stupid as to not recognize why we need unions? Without unions we wouldn't have weekends off, medical care, a forty hour work week, overtime pay, vacation days and a millions other perks that corporations and the right are trying to take away from us everyday. Unions are not only necessary, they should be mandatory. I'd still have several of my past jobs had I had a union to back me up. Unions are being broken at the same rate that wages are falling. See a pattern?

Last on the list are HMO's and Congress where they do belong. We have got to stop this left/right crap and realize it is rich/poor and the poor are losing. This is what Congress has approved over the last few years:

• Many of the regulations that govern energy and banking sector were written by Corporations;

• The biggest influence on legislative votes is often Corporate Lobbying;

• Corporate ability to extend copyright far beyond what original protections amounts to a taking of public works for private corporate usage;

• PAC and campaign finance by Corporations has supplanted individual donations to elections;

• The individuals’ right to seek redress in court has been under attack for decades, limiting their options.

• DRM and content protection undercuts the individual’s ability to use purchased content as they see fit;

• Patent protections are continually weakened. Deep pocketed corporations can usurp inventions almost at will;

• The Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations have Free Speech rights equivalent to people; (So much for original intent!)

Welcome to the Fascist States of America. Remember that the next time you vote. The entire Republicans party needs to go and 90% of the democrats. The alternative is to get yourself some chains and get used to wearing them because that is where we are headed.

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