Saturday, December 30, 2017


This was a bad year for douchebags. Just about everyone or everything you though was good turned out to be a lump of coal with the world spinning wildly out of control. Neighbor is turning against neighbor as our tribal nature returned with a vengeance. 2018 could be the end for all of us and because no one is taking a stand beyond a worthless protest or petition, we face unimaginable horror next year. But before we get to the hellhole 2018 promises, let us look back one more time at the people who really deserve our scorn.
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16)Hillary Clinton- Can this witch go away already? Her book "What Happened?" is a fitting epitaph to 2017 which had many a person asking that very question. Let set aside the book, which was a shooting spree of accusations against everyone but herself as to why she lost which was obvious to anyone not a idiot: she is NOT likable. Not everyone is made to be a politician. She wasn't in spades and it showed. We are still being subjected to daily Clinton tirades from Orange Hitler and his minions, the latest being "classified" emails found on Anthony Weiner's wife, who should have been cut loose months before any of this was an issue. I doubt any of these emails will matter as I guarantee all were classified after the fact, a stupid but real thing the government does that is completely ineffective in its usefulness. I just want her to go away for a while, maybe forever. Every second she is out there, Republican arrows have a target, distracting us from things that really matter.

15)Martin Shkreli- Pharma Douche had a bad year. He got convicted of securities fraud and then had his bail revoked after posting a bounty of $5000 for anyone who could get him a lock of Hillary Clinton's hair. He currently sits in prison waiting his sentencing next month. On top of that, his former lawyer was convicted of the same type of crimes and is currently awaiting his turn in court to for sentencing too. I pray he goes to a real prison but chances are he goes to some country club and gets out richer than when he got out. Still, him locked up for a few years is better than nothing.

14)Climate Change Deniers- There is NO doubt the world is getting warmer. Even if Captain Tangerine Kurtz tweets differently, showing he has no idea what the difference is between weather and climate, it is still happening. Worse, chances are it is too late to do much about it. The Earth will most likely kill most of it's inhabitants by 2100 at current levels. Now as I will most likley be long dead by then, barring some life extending miracle, this won't affect me. But to those born today, they will as will their children. What we leave them will be burnt toast. We can slow down, maybe even fix the problem if the world wants. But we won't so kiss the planet goodbye.

13)Russia- These assholes are still inferring with our society. I have seen hard evidence that even beyond the election they have stuck their dirty little paws in everything from the #MeToo movement to the election of Roy Moore to stories about the Nazis in Charlottesville. And because we have a Manchurian President, we are doing noting to stop it. Oh and Putin may be the world's richest man, worth at least 200 Billion and probably a lot more than that. We need to start treating the Russians for the enemy they are.
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12)The Media/Fox News- All media sucked this year but none fell as hard as Fox News did. With the ouster and death of Roger Ailes and with him most of their major talent for one reason or another, Fox looked like they might rebrand and go more mainstream. Instead they took a hard right and became basically State TV. The channel, other than a few people like Chris Wallace or Shep Smith, have become unwatchable North Korean type drek. Hannity is bordering in traitorous behavior and Fox and Friends have become both a propaganda wing and an echo chamber for the president who loves this show. Down with Fox News and their advertisers. Boycott anything on that channel. CNN may suck but their aren't trying to kill me. Add to that the Sinclair Group who are now taking over local news and making them just like Fox. Our democracy is in trouble people. Wake up about that.

11)Police- Another year, another round of shootings and planted evidence. A special fuck you to the police of Baltimore who have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one there is fit to wear the uniform after a series of questionable shootings and actual hard evidence of them planting drugs after they were caught multiple times on their own cameras. Police just shot an innocent man after a Swating incident went wrong and some gung ho cop shot an unarmed man, thinking it was a hostage situation which it wasn't. Here is an easy solution to this: If you are a cop and see a gun or something that could be misconstrued as a gun with a potential bad guy, you can fire. If he has nothing in his hand and shoot, at the very least you get fired, and at worst, go to jail. The end. I have watched at least seven shootings this year where no gun was found and the person shot wasn't even a bad guy. There has to be better protections from the public being shot because at this point, more cops are going to die when people decide it is better to shoot first to prevent their own execution.

10)Mass Shooters/terrorists- We saw some real winners this year. We got the start early January 6th at Ft Lauderdale Airport when an Iraqi war veteran opened fire killing five and wounding six. Then we had a mass shooting at an Orlando, FL warehouse that no one remembers, killing five. June 14th was the mass shooting at a Republican baseball game that killed no one but sure made Steve Scalise unhappy as he was shot multiple times but lived. October 1st saw the concert massacre in Vegas. Then just to round out the year on November 5th, a guy who should have never been able to even look at a gun, walked into a church in Texas and killed 26 including women and children. Muslim terrorists on the other hand only managed to run some people down in NYC right before Halloween killing eight and a failed attempt at a suicide bomb in the subway that only hurt the attacker. White men were the problem this year.
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9)Nazis- WTF? How are there STILL Nazis around. Watching these assholes march on Charlottesville screaming about Jews replacing them (how is that still a thing?) while holding tiki torches was surreal. Because the police there are apparently inept morons who have no ability to see anything beyond five minutes from now, violence erupted and one person was killed when a psycho ran a woman over with his car. Others identified at the rally lost their jobs, their wives and any chance of a normal life. Future rallies, like one in Boston went badly as they were outnumbered ten to one. Richard Spencer, the leader of the alt-right movement, got punched at one point leading to the best meme ever. Nazis have to be stopped by any means possible. Beating the crap out of these people is just fine in my book. Free Speech is a little too free lately. This garbage has to be stamped out and quick. History shows what happens when you don't.

8)#MeToo- Believing all women is quite literally how the Salem Witch Trial starts. While many, many men are sick perverts (see below for more about that), some are getting railroaded out for less then pure reasons. Corey Lewendowski, a guy I find repulsive, is being accused of slapping the ass of Joy Villa who famously wore a Trump dress. The problem is there is photos of her doing the EXACT SAME THING! Why is it okay if a woman does it but if a man does it, it is a capitol offense? There has been an epidemic of female teachers sleeping with their underage students, some as young as 11. Where is the outrage over that? This past year we were captivated by a fifteen year old who ran off with her much older teacher. This is going on every day but by the opposite sex and as a result the media can't be bothered. Then we have the attacks against some that are highly questionable like Sly Stallone, George Takei and worst of all, Al Franken. I am sure he did nothing he was accused of but was unable to defend himself because that would mean attacking their credibility which can't be done anymore as ALL women have to be believed now. He got run out of the Senate for a lie. Watch this get used more and more against any politician now that it has a track record. Great.

7)Sexual Predators- Leave your penis in your pants guys. Harvey Weinstein got the ball rolling and led to everyone from Kevin Spacey, to Louis CK to Max Landis run out on a rail. I wondered why Dirk Gently got cancelled as the ratings were good and critics loved it. Then came the wave of accusations against Max Landis who was white hot with many a project lined up. All of that is up in the air now. Mark Halperin got outed before his latest book came out, a fact I am truly sad about as Game Change and Double Down were two of my favorite books ever. Jeffrey Tambor and Jememy Piven, two people I am unsure about the charges about, both lost their TV shows over accusations. Matt Lauer saw his empire crumble as well as many lesser names that saw their jobs evaporate too. Expect more on the chopping block next year as Trump accusers see new life.
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6)Roy Moore- What a dick. He is still refusing to concede even though his opponent has already been certified and we will added to the Senate next week. His race gave the ruby red state a Democrat, the same level of stunned satisfaction that happened in 2010 here in MA when Brown won. He was a child molester who preyed on young women and that was not in doubt. The state of Alabama should be thrilled he lost as he would have been an embarrassment. Expect him to run for governor next though. Goody.

5)Evangelicals- These assholes backed Moore, even though he was a pedophile. They love Trump even though he has broken at least half of the Ten Commandments. What is wrong with them? Apparently they can't read as the Bible is chock full of reasons to not support either. What this means is this class of people have decided that being a Republicans is more important to them than morality or intelligence. These idiots are now heretics so they should assemble at the town square so we can stone them to death as the Bible preaches.
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4)Ajit Pai-No person on Earth do I want to smack the smile off than this dick. I HATE this guy worse than Trump and that is saying something. The head of the FCC may have fucked up the internet and has attracted a lot of death threats for his actions. Things like free porn disappearing or when people's internet businesses start failing, he better fuck off back to India because there will be a line thirty deep waiting to take a chance to shoot this fucker. People get really mad when you screw with what they like. Mess with the internet at your peril fool.

3)North Korea- This fucker is going to get us all killed. There is no way the US tolerates a nuclear armed NK. It will never happen. Yet, we have this insane midget going full tilt, somehow unaware that he is rocketing toward Armageddon. Yes, we have done nothing for decades that we should have, but that can has no more road to go down and we face war in the next twelve weeks. There is a solid chance if war does happen, our constitution gets thrown out and we have a dictator in chief under Trump. Millions will die if we don't figure out a way out of this mess. Had fucking Bush not screwed up the best chance for peace to make rocket manufactures happy, we wouldn't be where we are now. But Kim Jung Il died and his son is crazy. So is our guy. Guess how this is going to turn out?

2)Republicans- You guys suck hard. Not one is worth a handful of runny shit. And you assholes who keep voting for these morons are a special kind of stupid. The tax plan these idiots passed are going to fuck the middle class and some of you are cheering it on. You are not going to be so happy when that pittance of a tax refund you get is wiped out by a huge rise in local taxes and insurance premiums. That money is going to have come from somewhere, or else, see Kansas for how that turned out with school closings, bad roads and hiring freezes. Special fuck yous to John McCain for helping the tax bill get passed and to Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins who all sold their souls for nothing in return other than voter scorn. Dean Heller can kiss his Senate seat goodbye for his treachery as he is up next year, unlike the other two. Flake is leaving but the other three will have a tough reelection when they seek it down the road. All of Trump's cabinet is awful from Betsy Devos to Ryan Zinke, whose connection created a whole problem in Puerto Rico when they hired a firm from his home state and were woefully unprepared for the job after being fired. Many have been fired from Sean Spicer to the Mooch to Flynn. There is a real chance the GOP loses both houses next year because recent elections show people showing up in droves to vote against these assholes. If this continues, and there is no reason it shouldn't, expect massive loses in 2018. Good.
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1)Trump- What an asshole. This guy has done everything he can do to make most of America and the world hate him. Even worse, it really looks like this guy has close ties to Russia. If Mueller makes that stick, it will make Watergate look like a snowball fight. It could even take down most of the Republican party as Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have both been implicated in accepting money from the Russians through Super Pacs. Next year will be telling as one of two things will happen: either he gets indicted and impeached when evidence comes out about his involvement with the Russians or he invents a way to declare martial law and become the dictator he wants to be. Either way, turmoil lies ahead. Worse, there are signs he may be suffering from early onset dementia as seen in his latest NYT interview where he comes across as someone not all there. His aides were dismayed over this unapproved article which you have to read to see how insane it is. And he's PRESIDENT! He has poor motor skills as seen by his inability to hold any size glass in his tiny two handed grip which states his coordination is diminishing. Experts have said he is showing clear signs of early mental problems. The Republicans are using him like they did with Reagan before and we all know how all that turned out. Chances are good Democrats seize the House and possible the Senate next year. At that point expect A LOT of investigations and a certain impeachment should the Mueller probe unearth the kind of dirt I expect him to find. Trump is either on borrowed time or poised to kill us all. Let us hope Mueller finishes his case sooner than later because past March it may not matter if Tangerine Mussolini decides to attack North Korea. Let us pray that is not the end result because Trump's attack plans that have been revealed are beyond stupid to such an extent that experts in their field have literally laughed out loud over them and said they couldn't possibly be real as no one is that stupid. They have a higher opinion of Trump and our generals than I do. 2018 is going to be awful or great. Let us hope it is the latter. So congratulations Trump you are indeed douchebag of the year. If you end the world next year, know that you will have that title in hell for all of existence after you end humankind.

The democrats may suck but they are also our only hope. Vote blue or die. That is not a threat but a statement of fact as voting Republican will kill us all.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


TV got better but mostly on cable. A common theme for both lists show that non network programs made up almost all of my best of list and the vice versa here. Why does network TV suck so bad? Nine of ten below are all on free TV, with only the top slot lost to a streaming site in what can only be described as one of the worst shows I have EVER watched. Let's see what else crashed and burned this year.

10)Valor- This CW show is a jingoistic nightmare best suited for some unknown cable channel you accidentally find rather than a major network. The one episode I suffered through had interchangeable characters, no plot to speak of and I think I actually dozed off near the end I was so bored. This will not make it till next season even being on CW.

9)Emerald City- Scraping the bottom of the fantasy barrel after Once Upon a Time and Grimm, both of which are either long gone or barely hanging on, this modern take on the Wizard of Oz didn't register at all with audiences and was cancelled quick. It was not missed by anyone.

8)Young Sheldon- I will be perfectly honest: I don't get this show at all. It is NOT funny, the main character is really annoying and it is nothing like the show it is spun off of. Going from a multi camera, stage version to a single camera, film version is jarring. It is a far cry from Big Bang Theory, one of my favorite sitcoms of all times. I actually stopped watching The Big Bang after the first episode and had to play catch up later because I thought it was way too smart for Idiot America, I was wrong. This show sounded awful from the get go and it was. But much like I couldn't believe it's parent show was a hit, I am doubly surprised that this unfunny mess is too.

7)24:Legacy- Here's a bad idea: Let's redo 24 without Jack Bauer. Audiences will love that. They didn't and the series was cancelled after it's thankfully limited run. Maybe the lead can go back to being Heath on the Walking Dead now so we can find out what happened to him.

6)Wisdom of the Crowd- This was a bad idea even before Jeremy Piven was accused of sexual misconduct by five women. A guy uses social media to solve crimes. Yawn. Audiences gave it a shot in the beginning but week to week the ratings tumbled and then flatlined when the star was suddenly toxic. To be fair, I have heard lots of horror stories about Piven for years but nothing of a sexual mature. He was just a dick. I do wonder if some of these stories against powerful people are because they were an asshole. Jeffrey Tambor may be guilty of the same. God help us if that is true.

5)Kevin Probably Saves the World- I've liked Jason Ritter ever since the failed TV show The Class which gave us such stars as Jon Bernthal, Lizzie Caplain and Jessie Tyler Ferguson. That show was way funnier than it should have been but never caught on. While the other three have all gone to great success, Ritter has struggled with some piss poor shows and others that just didn't do as well as one would hope. This was not going to be his salvation with a down on his luck guy picked by God to save the world. This will not be renewed for next season if ratings are any indication.

4)Megyn Kelly- This was a 12 million dollar mistake as NBC tried to transplant a Fox News host whose reporting was terrible at best and achieved the exact results we all knew would happen: failure. Her ratings on her nightly show were terrible from minute one and that carried on to her morning show. It was so bad her presence was dragging down subsequent hours as people turned to Good Morning America instead. Just like Jimmy Fallon's non political attitude dropped the Tonight Show to second for the first time ever. Kelly's politcal baggage sunk her as well. They should seriously think about buying out her contract and getting her the hell of their network.

3)Me, Myself and I- No comedy I watched this year was this unfunny. I struggled to get through one episode even though Bobby Moynihan and John Laroquette, two of favorite funny actors ever, were in it and NOT good at all. Playing three versions of yourself is hard, but is impossible to ignore the fact that none of the three looked like each other. Hell Laroquette is like a foot taller than Moynihan. What he do grow bigger in middle age? This was the first to get cancelled outright and for good cause. It was terrible.

2)Powerless- I stand corrected. This was the worst comedy of the year. Again, this had comic gold with people like Ron Funches, Alan Tudyk and Abed from Community in it and about people who clean up after a super hero battles goes wrong. What they forgot to do was make anyone interesting or even memorable with no backstory to anyone or even anything resembling development. Everyone who worked at the office setting was so interchangeable that I couldn't even tell you who was who. This was mercifully cancelled quick.

1)Star Trek: Discovery- This is what I discovered about the one episode I got to watch: I would rather watch all episodes of Enterprise on an endless loop than sit through one more minute of this super crappy TV show. THIS IS NOT STAR TREK! Star Trek is about hope and redemption and this latest series seems more Star Wars than not. It has to do with betrayal and dystopias and is so dark and gloomy it looks like it was lit by the same ass that worked on Nemesis, the worst Star Trek movie ever. The Klingons looks stupid, the were so many lens flares I thought my cataracts had returned and the acting was sub par. The dumbest and biggest mistake was making everything look so much more technologically advanced than they should as it takes place before the time of Kirk. This is why prequels never work in sci-fi as the special effects are getting better and better while in this time continuity they shouldn't be and it is jarring. I am not paying to watch a show I hated. I have no idea why anyone else would.

Runner ups- ABP, SWAT, Ten Days in the Valley, Fox News, You the Jury, American Idol: the return, Man With a Plan, Brave, Candy Crush, Scream Queens, Designated Survivor, Training Day.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


TV is rapidly becoming far superior to the failing film business. If you keep putting out crap like Justice League, The Dark Tower and a million other awful flicks, people stop going to the theater. Meanwhile, TV is attracting A-List talent due to the fact it is far more lucrative than films are now (residuals baby), and as a result, there are more TV shows than any one person could possible watch. And while there were a lot of fantastic programming this year, that didn't prevent them for also putting out some unwatchable crap. But that is for tomorrow. Here is the list of the ten best programs of the year. Take notice that most of the best shows are not on regular TV anymore.


10)GLOW- I used to watch this show all the time when I was a teen. It was terrible, trashy and stupid. I loved it. Now comes this fictionalized version of that same show and somehow managed to make a throw away program into a revolutionary tale about female empowerment. Alison Brie is luminous as a not so nice person forced to work with her former best friend (Betty Gilpin) whose husband she cheated on with twice. Their interaction is real and authentic and powers the show. The rest of the cast is awesome, especially the incredible Ellen Wong, Marc Maron and Sunita Mani all of whom people will recognize from other famous works. If you haven't seen this yet, make it a point to.

9)Game of Thrones- Wrapping up for it's final season, this year was short on nudity and plot, and heavy on action and rocketing toward a major finish. We saw the birth of the Ice Dragon, a big and slightly disgusting reveal about two major characters, and lots of lots of death. The end may not be until 2019 and I can hardly wait.

8)Walking Dead- This has been a great year for the show. Negan is a force to be reckoned with from last season to the mid-season finale. The betrayal of one of Rick's men was stunning and absolutely believable, Carol returned to bad ass mode after being stuck in neutral for way too long ( I hated that story line so much) and a major role, one who does not die in the comic, is going bye byes soon. I can't wait to see what happens next.

7)Preacher- This show is messed up and I don't care. A preacher with the ability to make people do whatever he wants, his psychotic girlfriend and a vampire take a road trip in search of God. I told you it was weird. It is also one of the best shows on TV.

6)Zumbo's Just Deserts- This Netflix show is an Australian import that is a cooking competition that is truly hard. Each week the contestants have to first make a spectacular sweet treat that conforms to the theme of the day. Then the two losers have a pressure test where that have to recreate an impossible task that usually leaves the final result nothing like what they should be. It is a lot of fun for the whole family.

5)The Good Place- One of favorite shows from last year, this season did not disappoint. Now knowing where they are, SPOILERS, hell, the three damned souls team up with Ted Danson's demon lord to hopefully escape as he is on the outs as well after failing so spectacularly. When dumb as a post Jason figures out where they were after thousands of previous failures, Ted Danson's mea cupla is hysterical. "JASON figured it out. That one hurt." I can't wait to see what happens next.

4)Lucifer- Man this show is funny and has a whole lot of pretty in it as well from both sexes. But besides the eye candy, the show is really put together well with interesting characters and well thought plot lines. This year with an adversary weirdly called the Sinnerman and the addition of Lucifer's step mom becoming a regular, this season has been a blast.

3)Supernatural- This show has been on forever and it still is good. My fiance forced me to watch this years back and I am happy she did. Sam and Dean rule. My favorite episodes are anything with the Trickster or Lucifer (different guy from above but both shows have poked fun at the other).

2)The Orville- Funny Star Trek. Who would have guessed that would work? A far cry better than the actual new Star Trek show that appeared briefly on CBS before being exiled to CBS All Access. This was the Star Trek we wanted and thankfully has been renewed for another season. Other than maybe the Cleveland Show, everything Seth McFarlane touches rules.

1)Twin Peaks- No show was more frustrating, scary, sexy funny and just plain strange as this. Kyle McLaughlin is fantastic as three versions of Agent Cooper, the real one, BOB and Dougie Jones. New characters and old ones arrive, including the last performances from the Log Lady and Migual Ferrier, both of whom died shortly after filming. David Lynch as Gordon was front and center here and great. The scene where a french lady is getting ready to leave, and taking FOREVER to do so, was everything this show was. It started funny, then got annoying, then a little boring, then funny again. Some scenes did stretch on for too long, like a guy sweeping up dirt for what felt like a month. But others, like an entire episode devoted to the birth of BOB and very Eraserhead, was my favorite hour of TV this year. The whole show was off the charts odd and riveting.The final scene of Laura Palmer screaming will haunt me. Catch it if you like weird stuff that doesn't fit into an easy box.

Runner ups- Will and Grace, The Defenders, The Punisher, Jessica Jones, Family Guy, Ghosted, Big Bang Theory, Kevin Can Wait (way improved from last year), The Amazing Race, Superior Donuts, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow. Masterchef, Fresh off the Boat, Brooklyn 99, Ellen's Game of Games, The Wall, Joker's Wild, Jeopardy, The X Files, Gotham, Superstore, Will and Grace, Agents of Shield, Hawaii 5-0.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


This is the last for the year and once again Republicans are at the top of the heap. They are about to suffer an epic fall come 2018 as the public has woken up to how bad they really are. If you are still voting Republican you are truly a traitor to this country. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)Amtrak- These guys are not totally at fault for all of their problems, as Congress' greedy little hands on both sides of the aisle have delayed the positive control system that would have saved dozens of lives by now had it been in effect. The latest accident killed six and was on a train that had never been used before. It was new and shiny and apparently not safe. It was doing eighty around a curve with a limit of thirty and as result the train came off the tracks and onto the road below. The usual brand of idiots claimed ANTIFA had done it, but evidence supports driver error. Again. Can we please get this updated so more don't die already?

9)North Korea- These assholes are going to get us all killed. Their nuke program shows no signs of stopping and war appears to be inevitable. Talk of everything from a "bloody nose," which would be the worst attack idea possible, to an embargo (better), or even all out war (a surprise attack is our only hope). North Korea won't stop now and we cannot let them develop a workable nuclear missile. Sometime next year, we will be going into war. God help us all as out president is retarded and the generals are all morons.

8)Fox News- Everyone needs to shut off Fox News now. They have gone full propaganda mode and can be described best as state TV, the kind of crap found in places like Russia and North Korea. They have crossed the Rubicon to now actively protecting the president from all criticism and have resorted to denigrating the rule of law in the process. I do not like the FBI and even I think they have gone too far here. Hannity is Goebells. Ingram is no better. Stop putting eyeballs on these assholes.
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7)Corey Lewandowski- A Trump supporter, one that wore a Trump dress on inauguration night, claims the former Trump official slapped her on the butt hard at a party. Whether it happened or not it is nice to see some on the right get the Al Franken treatment. This is why the Republicans suck so hard. They are constantly using tactics that inevitable get used against them as well. Did this happen? Don't know. But because of the idiotic idea that all women should not only be heard, but believed as well, this guy is fucked. Any job he has had is going to go away after this. And what he did, while awful, isn't rape which all women now equate with gropping. Welcome to the new Witch Trials.

6)#MeToo- I have so had it with this movement. This week Matt Damon correctly said we shouldn't equate rape with molestation or trying to kiss someone. For that bit of reasoning, idiot women like Alyssa Milano and former girlfriend Minnie Driver jumped all over him. The fever pitch got so heated, a petition was started to remove his bit part from the upcoming Ocean's Eight. Can we get a grip people? He made his opinion heard, which wasn't that far out there, and the Twitter mob jumped all over him. Whatever happened to free speech people? And can we stop saying that people like Woody Allen is part of this. He had ONE allegation against him and neither the police nor myself found the allegations believable. Can we all stop convicting him in the court of public opinion by people NOT familiar with this case? It is bad enough to listen to black people immortalize Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin, I don't need the same from women doing the opposite to people whose accusation were less than believable. Look what happened to Micheal Jackson who got the same attacks to his rep. Everyone calls him a child molester even though there is no truth to that to be found. The two cases against him were bunk. Get a grip America.
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5)Dean Heller- What an utter moron. Talk about not reading the room. The soon to be former Senator from Nevada just signed his pink slip by backing the terrible tax bill passed this week. He was hanging by a thread for re-election in a a state going blue, but this was his political death sentence. No way does he win against anyone in 2018, giving democrats their first all but certain win for the future. Keep it up and the Senate will be bluer than Grover.

4)Paul Ryan- Another asshole who is now vulnerable in his own district come 2018. His numbers are not great and the passing of the tax scam bill is not going to win over any friends. The right calls him rat Ryan and the left hates him. Add to the fact he wants to go after Social Security and Medicare next, a non starter for Mitch McConnell who has said he has flatly denied doing anything with that next year, wanting to keep his position as Senate leader and knowing that tactic destroyed the GOP in 2005 when they last tried it, and he is screwed. Ask Eric Cantor how his last election went?

3)Flake, Collins and Corker- These three sell out screwed the country and for what? Corker and Flake are leaving so they have no reason to toe the party line and Collins is still in office. But Corker got a kickback that will make him richer, while Flake is just a moron I guess. Both he and Collins got assurance form leadership that projects to stabilize the insurance industry or protecting DACA people would appear in bills before the end of the year. Neither happened. Shocker. Collins was the dumbest here, going from national hero to goat in just a few months. I can tell you if I see her at an airport I won;t be showering her praise but vicious vitriol calling her every bad name I can think of. Other are going to follow suit when their taxes start to rise. She is so done come 2020.

2)Donald Trump- Another week another round of idiocy. He signed a tax bill that will eventually break the economy. He went after the FBI because they are circling the wagons around him. Word is, there is substantial evidence that not only did he obstruct justice, he is working actively for the Russians. Yikes. They can put you to death for that is he is working as a foreign agent. The hammer is set to come down one way or another next year.
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1)Republicans- What a fucking waste. These douchebags passed a tax bill so fast they didn't fix some major problems with it. Obamacare was rushed and that took over a year and it had major problems still. This piece of shit was rammed through in a matter of weeks. Trust me when I say loopholes will be found to exploit us and these dicks are responsible. Fe are going to happy with this if past is present. People will be slightly happy with the extra money but others are going to see their bills rise a lot. Stats show the House will lose at least sixty seats and possibly more. That is a wave election. The Senate could go down too, as two open seats in Arizona and Mississippi may give the Democrats even more options for gaining power down the road. Anger drives the polls and people right now are PISSED! This election will look more like a presidential one than an off year, if Alabama, Virginia and NJ are any indication. Republicans are going get run out of a lot of blue states as anger toward them is at fever pitch. This tax bill won't help, especially when it kills the economy which it has a 100% chance of. The last hundreds times this has been tried has failed. When this goes belly up we have to a new rule. Anyone who even mentions trickle down economics gets punched in the mouth. This failed philosophy has been around for over a hundred years with a 100% failure rate. It does not work. Stop fostering it on us. So congratulations Republicans youyare indeed douchebag of the week.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


To Rudolph obviously.

You know McConnell, and Ryan, and Nunes and Price

Rubio, and McCain, and Collins and Rice

But do you recall,

the biggest douchebag of all?

Donald the the orange skinned douchebag

Was a real giant dick

All of the people knew it

And it was making them sick

Most of the sane electorate

Was calling on him to quit

But he ignored them all

Sucking face with Hannity's spit

All of the other Democrats

Used to laugh and call him names

They never let this asshole

Try to play his fucked up games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,

Mueller came to say

Donald with your Russian plight

Won't you come to prison with me tonight

Then all of America loved this

And they shouted out with glee

"Donald you Orange Nightmare,

 you are finally history!"

Fuck you Susan Collins. It is going to be an ugly few years for you. And by the way, you did get played because all of those promises you got from leadership are DOA in the House. You sold your soul for nothing. I would be a lot more worried that people are protesting outside your house. This goes south and there is a 100% chance of that, your life may be in danger as will many other Republicans when the economy tanks and they make it worse, which they will. They always do. Look it up. 1929, 1987, 2007. The pattern remains. The only good news is that Democrats are near certain to take the House now as most Republicans in states in CA and NY have no chance of re-election and they know it. 10 seats just went poof. At least 60 more are likely to follow.

Monday, December 18, 2017


There were rumors that Trump was planning to fire Muller as soon as Friday. But word is that within the White House, our idiot president is sure he is innocent and expects to be cleared any minute. I am fairly positive that is not going to be the outcome here, now knowing what we already know. Flynn is talking, Manafort is screwed, and there is ample evidence that the entire GOP may be going down with the ship depending on how far down the rabbit hole Mueller goes.
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Before Trump even won, Paul Ryan and others were caught on camera talking about how connected people like Trump and Dana Rohrabacher were to the Russians. They claim it was a joke but even then it wasn't funny. And with what has come out, it seems they may have been right. The Dallas Morning News made a serious claim that hasn't been all the reported by anyone else, which is odd, because if this story is true, the entire GOP apparatus is a Russian tool. Worse, this column originally came out in August. In it, they claim, people like Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and John McCain all took money from a Ukrainian oligarch with close ties to Putin. How is this fucking possible? Why isn't this everywhere?

But as the media is bought and paid for by big interests we only get the news they decide we can get. Stories like this get buried. I would know because when I worked for the MSM I watched them bury stories they didn't like, mainly because they story would implicate someone the newspaper or network had close personal ties to. It's why CBS gave us Benghazi, trying to sell a book, helped destroy evidence in the shootdown of TWA 800 and sent a whistleblower to the wolves after it was discovered their story about Big Tobacco would hurt their bottom dollar. CBS news is terrible. Fox lately is even worse.

Fox News is now officially State TV. They have become so unwatchable, I find CNN more likable lately. Fox and Friends might as well be called the Goebells Hitler Hour for all the crap they peddle. The three morons on there whose combined IQ wouldn't reach double digits, actually debated what Trump was possible going to be impeached for, a stunning lack of self awareness in this case. There is ample evidence at this point that he colluded with the Russians, along with major members of the GOP, to overthrow the government and install a fascist state, which is where we are headed and the long term goal for factions of the GOP since the 30's, when they actually tried it and failed. If you can't see that Trump is almost certainly guilty of major crimes against the country and even the world, you are a special kind of stupid.
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The good news is that a majority of this country sees that now and even his supporters are starting to come around to that fact. Recent polls show that almost 60% think the president is guilty of some sort of crime and his poll numbers are falling just like I predicted. I said the GOP had six months to a year to show they were acting in good faith and have so far failed miserably. Their tax bill is set to pass this week and with it the anger of most Americans is going to rise. As many as three quarters of the country hate this plan. It's negatives are twice what Obamacare was and we all remember what happened in 2010. This is going to be like that, except on steroids.

Republicans are terrified after seeing the same numbers I am. Democrats taking over all of Congress has risen to as high 15 points higher than the GOP. This means the chances for them taking the House are really high, as history says the GOP is about to get walloped. The democrats are beyond energized at this point while rank and file Republicans aren't. They stayed home in Alabama or voted third party, giving them their first liberal senator in 25 years. Considering that the GOP is repeating the same exact mistakes from previous elections, where if they had run better candidates, they would have a 57 seat majority. But because of people like Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin and Sharon Angle, they lose seats they should have taken, just like Roy Moore. Now, they are doing the same thing running Roy Moore-like candidates in places like Virginia, Arizona and Nevada. Good luck with that. Word is because the Democrats have decides to run EVERYWHERE, the GOP is going to have to pick and choose which races to go with. States like here in MA are a solid loss for the Republicans. I am going to have a hard time not beating the shit of someone with an anti-Warren sign or shirt which should tell you how ugly thus next race is going to get in blue states. GOP idiots are going to be run out on a rail in many places.

The race hasn't even begun in Virginia and the GOP is already showing signs of surrender. The two running in that primary have NO chance of winning and they know it. Both are anti-gay, anti-Muslim right wing loons that face Tim Kaine, a guy I don't like at all and even I would vote for him if I lived there. Politics do not matter in this next election. If the person has a D next to their name, they get my vote. Everyone else, including most likley Gov. Baker who I like but is a Republican, the heave ho. The amount of bodies that could be left in that wake could be catastrophic for the GOP.
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For the first time in decades, EVERY representative in Texas will face a challenger so maybe we can get people like Louis Golmert out of there. Ted Cruz and Thad Cochran are both vulnerable in deep south states, with Cochran lasting all of next year, let alone running again down the road, seemingly slim. His health is piss poor and that could even lead to a special election. As the other seat is open this year which means, if we add in the fact that John McCain is likley to also not be in Congress much longer, the democrats face the possibility of two open seats in both Arizona and Mississippi. If they run awful candidates, and are already in Arizona, with front runner Kelli Ward, basically Roy Moore in a dress, a good chance of picking all four seat up. The Senate wasn't in play until Roy Moore lost. Once he did, all bets were off. The Democrats have a better than average chances of capturing the Senate and a near certainty of getting the House. When that tax plan blows up in their face, which it will, everybody who voted for that is going down, just like what happened with Obamacare, and that was twice as popular as this bill. People are going to be pissed that their health care is going to get more expensive, no jobs are going to be created (the opposite actually as new money will lead to automation and stock buybacks not salaries), and some will see their taxes go UP. Yeah good luck with that.

I was worried that Trump might fire Mueller but word is he thinks he is innocent and it is only a matter of time before he is exonerated. Talk about delusional. He must think that Fox and Friends is right about everything. That is funny. The opposite is most likely where the investigation is going to trap a lot of people into criminal charges or end of career situations. Either way, the GOP is going down next year, by the ballot box or by Mueller, most likely both. 2018 is going to be a very interesting year. Buckle up America, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


It was a VERY bad week for the Republicans. They lost a seat in a place they never should have, Trump's facing impeachment, Blake Farenthold and Paul Ryan are leaving Congress next year, and there are clear signs that a blue wave is set to take out the GOP in a massive landslide in 2018. Go sanity. A clear kudos to black people who showed in droves to vote, eclipsing even Obama's vote totals. We will need that same energy come next year where we could have a real impact on the survival of this country. What is that weird feeling I am having? Oh that's right. It's called hope. Almost forgot what that felt like. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)Mario Batali/Russel Simmons and more- Two more went splat on the windshield of sexual assault charges, taking down Batali and Simmons, both of which are in serious trouble. Batali was a serial groper while Simmons has been accused of rape by four women, and this is not even the first time these kind of allegations have come up. Both appear to be guilty, with Batali not even denying the case against him. Sports stars like Marshall Faulk and Donovan McNab, along with several other ex-sports stars, have also either lost their jobs or been accused of sexual harrasment as well. Now to be fair, some of these are a far cry from what Batali and Simmons have been accused of, with several apparently over comments made that border sexual harassment but I don't know if they fall into that reality. What is true is that we have way too many men groping women. I just fear that this is getting dangerously close to false accusations to get media coverage territory. See more about that below.

9)Travis Smiley?- Here is a great example of a story I am not sure is true or not. Longtime PBS host Smiley has been accused of sexual misconduct, a fact he strenuously denies. He was suspended from his job after an investigation found that he probably did it. But the way the station conducted the investigation seems seriously flawed. They won't tell him who is alleging what he did and appears to have been started by an unknown individual (the station's investigator I would guess) who called random people to ask them if Smiley ever molested them and got the ball rolling here. Only after a staffer told him about these calls, did he realize he was under investigation for a crime he says he says he has no knowledge of. This is the same fucking plot line to Frank Kafka's book The Trial. I have no problem with people accusing someone of harassment. But hiding behind anonymity is bullshit and is almost certainly leading to false claims being made. I don't know if Smiley is guilty or not, but it sure seems suspect to convict someone of a crime without giving him any of the evidence or a chance to defend himself. I am genuinely worried that the #MeToo Movement has spiraled out of control. If it has, God help every man out there.

8)Omarosa- I loathe this woman. She is everything wrong with this world. So when I heard she got her black ass fired from the White House I laughed for ten straight minutes. When I heard how it went down, I needed oxygen to catch my breath. Turns out she was fired by General Kelly for whatever idiotic position she had, which is odd as firing this bitch is the one thing Trump is actually qualified to do. She did not go quietly into that good night. Word is she pitched a queen sized fit and had to be dragged from the property kicking and screaming. That was a great story.

7)NYC Terrorist attack- Another story that made me laugh. This terrorist wannabe thought it would be a great idea to strap some homemade pipe bombs to his body and go for a stroll through the NYC subway system during rush hour. Unfortunately for him, and a common occurrence for these kind of losers, the bomb didn't explode right, so all he did was slightly injure four people while burning the shit out of his body. Thinking of him jumping around trying to put himself out while real humans point and laugh at his incompetence is an image I will treasure. Enjoy prison moron because either the Supermax or Rikers is your home forever.
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6)Ajit Pai- This fuckwad just killed the Internet today. Thankfully there should be a bunch of lawsuits that may delay this until we get Trump out of office. He's the rub: if this does go through and the internet changes as badly as it might, this ass is going to shot when people's free porn disappears. There are going to be a lot of horny, frustrated gun owners that are going to be really pissed at a guy who is not the right skin color to downplay their hatred. Good luck with the rest of your life idiot. There are some real dangerous people coming your way and I am glad I am not you or your family. You are facing some serious shit when this plays out.

5)Don Trump- This ass faced an eight hour grilling by Congress where he used the client-attorney privilege excuse to say why he couldn't talk about conversations he had with his father. That's not how that works moron. Just because there was an lawyer in the room doesn't make it privileged. Then, dumbass went off and demanded an investigation into how that leak got out, somehow unaware that these kinds of leaks have been happening since forever. Just because the meeting happened behind closed doors doesn't mean some of what happened might not leak out. If it's classified that is a problem. If it's because you are a moron, that isn't.
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4)Evangelicals- Way too many of you voted for an alleged pedo because a Democrat was worse? You really don't read the Bible at all do you? Stop pretending you give two shits about God or Christ or whatever because your actions sure don't fathom said belief structure. I hate heretics and these guys are the worst. How many commandments are you allowed to break before you go to hell? I am pretty sure there are at least three that don't apply to you anymore so there is that. Either follow the words of Christ or get bent. There is no third option. And if you vote Republican AND are an alleged Christian, you might want to peruse that holy book of your to see all the things that party does not stand for that Jesus does, like just about everything. And unless you can show me in the Bible where abortion is even mentioned, shut the fuck about it.

3)Steve Bannon- Well that race blew up in his face didn't it? The shows there is a baseline some Republicans won't cross giving hope for us all. His candidate flamed out hard in one of the reddest states there is. This shows that EVERY race is competitive come 2018. Thanks Steve for showing us that. The fact he looks like a drunk after a six week bender doesn't help. If he continues to put up people of this caliber to take on the Republican establishment, the entire Congress will go blue. Keep up the good work.

2)Trump and the Republicans- They really ate it this week. Their senate seat went up in flames. Their tax plan is still not a done deal with several ways this could still die in committee. Depending when McCain returns to the Senate, along with votes by Corker, Flake and Collins, this still may not pass the Senate. And with Jones looming large next year, if they don't pass it now, they might never. Even if they do get it through, this massively unpopular bill, along with fucking up the internet and the whole Russians scandal, they may be facing historic loses come 2018. The generic ballot is as high as 15 points which would give the democrats 60-80 seats in the House. Ouch guys. Way to keep "winning."
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1)Roy Moore- What a loser. Dumbass tried riding to the voting booth on his horse and even he didn't want anything to do with it, bucking the whole way. I talked to some people who ride horse professionally and they said it looked like he didn't know what he was doing. No surprise there. But then he lost by at least 1.5% and decided to pull a Trump and refuse to admit defeat, holding onto some dim hope that military ballots, provisional ones and write ins?, would push him over the edge. Never going to happen with a 22000 vote difference. Military ballots at best would be in the thousands and there is no guarantee that all of them would even be for him. 90% of the provisional ballots will go to Jones as almost all of them will be from poor black neighborhoods, subjected to awful ID laws. Write ins are just stupid as why would someone write in the name of someone already on the ballot? No matter how you look at it, Moore lost and even if he pays for the recount as an automatic one, triggered by a .5% difference which is impossible, the end results will be the same, as echoed by the Alabama Secretary of State. Yet, Moore even today is refusing to concede. If he thinks God is going to intervene, he already did and gave us a miracle of Jones winning in Alabama. I don't how much clearer a sign you need that God abandoned you and is now wearing "I am with her" T-shirt. It's over. Go home. So fuck you Roy Moore because you are indeed douchebag of the week.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Alabama just told Roy Moore to fuck him and the horse he rode in on. The significance of this election can not be lost on us who have a real chance for the first time in decades to reshape the political landscape against the far right everywhere. This loss says that EVERY candidate is vulnerable come 2018 and as the GOP show no signs of altering course, history says a reckoning is coming.
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Does no one on this country have the ability to remember what happened as little as a few years back? It seems as if mankind has the memory ability of Dory, Mr. Short Term Memory and a mentally challenged rhesus monkey. Back in 2008, Democrats way overreached and paid for it. But insanely not going after the bankers that ruined this country, they showered them with money creating both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, both of which went wildly off the rails. There was real anger that our moron president and democratic leadership found it not worth their time to go after the idiots who crashed the economy. As a result, a lot of them lost their jobs and the democratic party was hollowed out because of an inattentive president and a pissed off public. That is exactly what is happening right now times ten.

The Republicans are in the midst of ramming their very unpopular tax bill through, breaking every norm and rule they can in the mad rush to finish before Jones gets seated. In comparison, the democrats pledged to wait for their vote on health care back in 2009, when Scott Brown won. Mitch McConnell has shown no such desire and is instead doing the exact opposite. Obamacare was polling much higher than the tax plan, something that is destined to grow even less popular with time when health care premiums rise and they get the blame. This is an albatross. They pass this, added with Trump's crimes and a populace increasingly pissed at him, 2018 will be a bloodbath. They will lose seats in places they never thought possible like Texas. The blue wave will make it look as if this country fucked a smurf.
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The breakdown on who voted for who in Alabama says the Republicans may be beyond fucked going down the road. Black people showed up in droves to vote, even higher than they did for OBAMA in 2012. Jones got 96% of the black vote and made up 29% of the vote total, an incredible number. I had a good feeling early that day when exit polls showed a record number of first time voters that meant that Jones had a chance. Other factors included white women with kids under 18 broke for Jones 2 to 1, and younger voters also made up a whopping 80% of those going for Jones. These numbers spell disaster down the road. When almost all your voters were white people over 60, that is not a long term strategy. As your voters die off, so do your election chances.

What this means is that the Republican party is facing a reckoning, one they might not survive. Even among Republicans, support is way down. Exit polls show that Trump was underwater in his approval rating 49% to 48% for. IN ALABAMA. Now a smart group would see those numbers and think, maybe we should change course. The Democrats didn't in 2008 and neither are the Republicans today. This makes them extraordinarily vulnerable.
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Mueller is coming. If Trump fires him, it will be chaos and even the most hard core Republican is going to have to face a tough choice. If they stick with the President, a revolution is almost certain to happen. If they betray him, they still might go down with the ship. Chances are high that there are going to be serious charges leveled against the President perhaps as early as next year. If a peace can be reached with North Korea, a long shot but possible, and Trump removed, 2018 could be the start of something fantastic. Or we could all die in a fiery hell. But hey, some hope right?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


God, I hate being right all the time. I would like to point out that this is the ONLY column on the planet that saw this coming, the fact that the Palestinians at this point are cannon fodder. New evidence has come out proving what I have been saying for months now: the Palestinians as a bargaining chip has come to an end. The main reason we all gave lip service to a two state solution is that ALL Muslims saw this as a fight that could engulf the world. But that has radically changed over the last year and because if it, the Middle East will be dramatically changed with it. Why has been under reported by our inept media and bloggers abroad? Because it requires the ability to think ahead and do actual reporting, not parroting which is all our media does. Both the MSM and alt-media outlets show no sign of intelligence lately. I thought the Internet would bring us together and help eliminate stereotypes. Instead, everyone backed into their respected corners and refused to accept that their world view was wrong. It is this unyielding stubbornness to facts that will kill us all.
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Many months back, I wrote that because of a new Sheriff in town in Saudi Arabia, the son of the current leader, he has decided to both modernize the country, like allowing women to drive and letting movies back into the country for the first time in decades, and rethink past alliances. As Hamas and the PLO are more connected with Iran than the Saudis, the crown prince has decided to throw them to the wolves. Trump moving the embassy wasn't just because the far religious right demanded it, but because the Saudis had told us they just want the whole thing over and they don't care who wins. I mentioned last week that their complaints against Trump for moving the embassy was weak at best from many allies like Jordan and the Saudis, as allies like Turkey were far more upset about it. Turns out, I was right.

Last month, the leader of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas went to Saudi Arabia for a meeting. It did not go well. He was told to accept the new peace plan they had drawn up under the threat that he would removed from office if he didn't. I don't know if the Saudis have that kind of power, but they probably have enough influence to get him ousted if they desire. The terms of the news deal suck really hard for them. I knew when the turned down the peace deal in 1999, they were forever screwed. They would never get a deal like that again, and I was right. The new deal is a far fall from even the last one that was offered them in 2009.
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The deal as presented would give the Palestinians their own state, but one with severe limitations. Their state would be unconnected blocks in suburbs of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, although all of the Israeli settlements would remain. They would lose the right to return (which was never going to happen in a million years anyway and why the last few deals broke down) and any rights to Jerusalem as a capital. Even worse, they would have limited sovereignty over any of this, with Israelis watching over them like a hawk. Wow, talk about a reaming with NO lube.

This is why turning down a peace deal that gave you 90% of what you wanted back in 1999 ended any chance for peace. There was never going to be a better deal and, true to form, each deal has been far worse. This latest one is downright awful. The funny part, is they may have no choice but to take it. If they turn this one down, and launch a new intifada instead, the retribution may be biblical. But the odd part is that due to infighting between the PLO, Hamas and Fatah, along with the knowledge that another attack on Israeli is unlikely to do much, wide spread riots are not forming. The wall they put up to keep put attacks is also a factor now.

So because of varying factors, the Palestinians may finally see peace. But it will come at a hefty price tag that may not improve their lives much if this deal is signed. They still will face significant hurdles but chances are much better that they also won't starve to death or be killed by a terrorist bomb. They should take the deal as bad as it is. The next one will come with a spray of bullets.
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On a side note, anyone voting for Roy Moore tomorrow should be shot. If he wins, this country is going to burn. It will prove the democrats can't win in the South with their current strategy. It will prove the Republicans really are the pro-Nazi, pro-pedophile party. If we don't right this ship here, we may not be better off than the Palestinians. Our deal will be even worse than theirs with a civil war a real possibility. Their are whispers of armed insurrection already. If the GOP keeps doing what they are doing, especially if they start going after Medicare and Social Security, someone is going to get killed over it. Bet on it. Vote Doug Jones and prove you a real American. Moore wins and we all perish.

Monday, December 11, 2017


Mario Batali can be thankful his fall from grace came on the same day as a failed terror attack of NYC and a bevy of Trump accusers holding a press conference detailing their groper in chief's actions. Batali was accused of groping some women over the years, a fact he does not deny. What happens to his extensive empire is anyone's guess. Why can men not keep their hands to themselves? I have NEVER touched a woman inappropriately at work, let alone whipped out my junk like a party favor. No one wants to see your penis guys. Not even your wife. Trust me. Keep it in your pants and everyone's happy.
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But in today's world of catastrophic daily news, that one barely was a blip on the radar. Trump got an ear full this morning when three of his accusers showed up on Megyn Kelly and then held a press conference right after. Now while I am not the biggest Kelly fan, I have to give it up to her and her producers for having the brains to see a ratings opportunity here and exploiting it. The fact that no one else did shows how stupid the news business had become. I cannot argue with Trump that there has been a lot of bad news being pushed around, most likley due to sloppy news reporting and not a deep state conspiracy as he attests, but still terrible. They have to do better.

Trump is in uncharted territory now. The old "they all lied" excuse no longer works as well as it did. It's hurting Moore and that is now moving into Trumpland. Recent polls show he is losing ground among every group possible. White women are leaving the Republican party in droves, a factor that spells disaster in 2018 if it continues. Even worse, his support from his rock solid base, white evangelicals, has dropped seventeen points since January. That is a lot of space to fall through.

Today's press conference with Sanders went off the rails as she was peppered with questions about the accusers and got flustered fast. It is hard to defend someone who has been caught on tape multiple times admitting sexual assault and then try to spin it as lies. YOU SAID IT! It is on tape. It is not Fake News. And it is getting harder and harder to deny these actions. Four Democratic Senators have come forward to demand he resign. There is no chance that happens but it should be said.
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This movement has a momentum of it's own now. Even if Roger Stone is guilty of weaponizing the #MeToo movement, it has taken on a life of it's own and could eventually topple the president. While there is almost no chance she is reading this, let me make a personal plea to the woman who said Trump raped her when she was 13. Now is the time to come out and tell your story. Trust me, we will believe you. And if you do, you could topple a presidency and even save a lot of lives. Please come forward. This country needs you to be brave and do the right thing. We are all there for you, minus the deplorables who will hate your guts, but there is no saving them at this point. If you come forward, things will change for all of us and for the better.

Roy Moore is having his own problems as there are signs right now that he could lose. A recent Fox News poll showed Jones ahead by ten. Even worse for the Republicans, it was a really good poll. They asked a good cross section of people using both a huge sample size and both landlines and cell phones. They even broke down who is voting by party, including independents, a factor way too many polls ignore lately. They show a real enthusiasm from Millennials and black people to vote for Jones and a lot of Republicans uneasy with Moore. The fact that independents are voting for Jones 2-1 is telling. There is little chance of a Moore blowout at this point so if he wins, it will be close. Depending on turn out, and trickery, will make all the difference. The fact that the current sitting Senator voted for someone else other than Moore may be the same thing that many a voter in Alabama are feeling too. If Jones wins, it will be an earthquake and could spell the beginning of the end of Trump. However, if Moore wins, especially if somehow wins big, Trumpism will become a nationwide thing, and with it, the rise of fascism. Luckily, at this point, I feel that to be a longshot.
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If Jones does win, their tax plan is on life support as is their hold on the Senate next year. The Democrats have real chances of picking up states like Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee and Montana. That is enough to flip it. If they do that with the expected pick up of the House, Donald Trump is going to be awfully lonely and facing a certain impeachment. Let us hope we live to get to that wonderful day.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


It has been a banner week for stupidity. Our president is a moron hell bent on ending the planet as rubes here at home cheer him on. Alabama will decide if we are a nation of good decent people, or Nazi pedophile approving scum. Either way, the GOP is going to lose, either physically or morally. Meanwhile, our news media is doing its absolute best to convince everyone that they are really fake news, considering how many stories they got wrong this week. And rumor is, next week the media is going to releases a who's who of politicians who have been accused of sexual harassment. That could lead to a blood bath. The end is coming. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)Blake Farenthold- This fat fuck from Texas is the latest politician to get called out for sexual harassment. It couldn't happen to a better guy as this ass is a true douchebag. After allegedly telling a staffer he was having wet dreams about her and she could wear shirts that show off her nipples, she quit and sued the representative. She got $84,000 for her troubles and the knowledge she would never work in Washington again. In fact, she is having a hard time finding any employment because of this. Some have asked for this dick to resign. More in the GOP should be.

9)Paul Manafort- Is this guy just stupid or is he insane? I can't decide. While on bail, and forbidden from commenting publicly on his case, or interacting with the Russians, dumbass did both. He got caught writing an op-ed piece, defending himself in an article that would have been given a pen name to cover his ass, along side a known Russian operative. This may jeopardize his bail. Ha Ha. This guy is so going to jail.

8)Philadelphia- Some Democratic losers decided that keeping people safe in inner city areas was too hard and is now trying to pass a law that will literally kill people. Some idiots there think that if they get rid of bullet proof glass on windows and between customers, their mind set will change. The only thing that will change is the amount of body bags needed. They do know the reason the glass is there right? It is not a decorative choice. Needless to say store owners are pissed, rightfully saying their employees will die if this happens. Why is nobody smart anymore?
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7)Alabama voters- This state is retarded. The white people are voting for a child molester who likes slavery and small children. Black people may not show up because Jones is white. Madness. If black people do show up, Moore loses. They sit home, Moore wins. If he does win, I don't want to hear about white privilege anymore. If you really want to vote, you can. It may be a giant pain in the ass due to voter repression laws, but it can be done if you persevere. If Moore wins, the GOP loses either way, but Alabama is going to be the face of Moore for the next 25 years as George Wallace was until just recently. Hope you like nobody coming to your state for any reason if this race goes south.

6)MSM- Wow do you guys suck this week. I have lost track as to how many stories the media got wrong this week. From the Wikileaks story about Don Jr, to Trump's crowd size, to getting a quote wrong, attributing it to the wrong person. And that was just this week. If you wanted people to scream FAKE NEWS and be right, you have succeeded. This is what happens when you rush to get information out without verifying it first. Allegedly, in the Don Don story, "multiple" people confirmed it. If true, there is a concentrated effort to spread fake news, embarrassing the MSM, but that would never happen would it? Oh that's right it happens every day lately. What it did do was kill any of these rumor spreaders from being taken seriously again. I wouldn't believe them ever again. Let us see how the media responds to this.

5)#MeToo- This has officially jumped the shark this week. The amount of deception on both sides is disgusting. The Democrats threw Al Franken to the wolves for politcal gain, not realizing they just helped weaponize this movement. The latest Franken accuser said he grabbed her around the waist and squeezed. TWICE! Well, that settles it. Al Franken should die for what he did because any monster who dared to touch a woman's midsection is guilty of molestation and should be put to death right? Had Franken come out and said that these stories were bullshit from day one, he would still be in office and help expose a right wing push to get rid of people they don't like. Franken was a test run. Let us see what 2018 brings. Then we have Moore's accuser who turns out did lie, giving the GOP a much needed boost in Alabama. I was concerned with the two types of ink seen in the yearbook and it turns out there was problem as the accuser forged part of it. Had she come out in the beginning and said this, there would be less of a problem. Now the whole story has to be thrown out. This has turned into a witch hunt for both sides. It also shows no signs of stopping. Trent Franks found that out hard when he got ousted for offering five millions dollars for one of his interns to be a surrogate for a baby. The horror. He never asked to sleep with her, just carry his child, which his wife can't, and pay for it. He left because he knew what a shit storm this was, even though it was over nothing. That is where out politics is headed. A lot of people are going to get drummed out who shouldn't.
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4)Roy Moore- What kind of asshole is voting for this lunatic? In the last few weeks he has come out as pro-slavery, pro-child molestation, pro-Nazi, pro-Putin and cheats money from a charity. What a great Christian role model huh? Yet, he is still ahead in some polls. WTF Alabama? If Moore wins, I hope you like being tied to the hip with this loser, just like Wallace was for decades later. Black people show up to vote, he loses, They stay home, he wins. It is that simple. Either way, the GOP is in for a rough ride post Tuesday.

3)Democrats- God you guys suck. You drove Al Franken from the Senate with NO due process. This is especially troubling as there was ample evidence the stories were ALL made up. But democratic women, a group I am rapidly beginning to hate, said he had to go and that was it. Nevermind the fact the stories all sounded fake, out he went. Then take Alabama. Was there NO black person to run down there? If you had run a black man or woman down there, he would win handedly. But as black people are super racist lately, voting for any white person, even one as good as Jones has been to them, is not going to happen. And if they don't, they will suffer even worse. The Democrats have also shot themselves in the foot by not bringing high level black people like Deval Patrick or Cory Booker until this past weekend, way after voter registration has ended. These guys are going to continue to lose until they get a clue that the political landscape had changed a lot since the 90's.

2)Republicans- How is it being the pro-Nazi party guys? Not well? Good. Their tax plan is hitting a rough patch that could kill it. Depending on the election next week will depend if this thing passes. Moore loses and Collins or Flake change their mind and this bill dies again. Thus the reason the GOP is pushing hard for Moore now, 2018 be damned. Short term gains can equally huge losses down the road which is right where they are headed. The only reason they have any approval rating at all is the economy is humming but that is coming to an end and soon. Red light are flashing suggesting strongly a massive correction is coming. We are way overdue for one and the bare minimum will be a 30% drop, probably by March. Worse, history shows that when Republicans are in office during a downturn, they always make it worse. Pain is coming people. These assholes are going to amplify it.
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1)Trump- I told everyone who would listen that electing Trump would end the world. This week, he set that ball rolling. Dumb fuck decided to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with no quid pro quo from the Israelis. Needless to say, people world wide were pissed. Protests have evolved everywhere and this is going to to get way worse before it gets better. This was done to please Trump's super religious base that wants this bad so Jesus can return and Israel who have wanted this since the 90's. It also was because the Palestinians as a bargaining chip has been diminished over the years. As Hamas has gotten closer to Iran, countries like Saudi Arabia have become less and less concerned with their well being. That was seen front and center this week with their tepid response to moving the embassy. Make no mistake about what this was: another affront to Iran that we don't like them, don't trust them and would like to nuke them back to Mars. Only an idiot would fight a war on two fronts but Orange Hitler is following that classic mistake to a T. We will lose if this continues. Trump continues to stump for Moore, held a Nazi rally in Florida that WW2 experts said reminded them specifically of Hitler speeches at places like Nuremberg, which coincidentally saw speeches after the combat ended from war criminals that were not nearly as energetic or powerful. Trump must also see the walls closing in as the Flynn testimony will be damning and chances are good, he will be impeached sometime next year. Unless he fires Mueller or does some equally stupid world ending thing that is. 2018 will be the end of us all unless we get real lucky. Not voting for Moore is a good start. So congratulations Trump you are again douchebag of the week.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I don't know which is worse at this point: the fact we have a moron in office or that the Democrats look barely smarter. Trump set into motion moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He did this to appease the religious right and Sheldon Adelson. He also did it because both Israel and Saudi Arabia share a common foe in Iran and as the Palestinians have aligned themselves with that country, them as a bargaining chip lost a lot of luster.
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Meanwhile, Al Franken has been accused AGAIN by yet another person whose story I do not believe. Yet, the Democrats have decided this ISN'T a hit job but true and Franken must go. Realistically, it matters little if he does step down tomorrow, which I expect him to do, because the governor of Minnesota is a Democrat, meaning no switch here. Something tells me if Franken hailed from a GOP run state, their attitude would almost certainly be different.

Both of these stories have long reaching potential beyond just today and both could literally end everything we know. Let's start with the far more serious one and if you think it is the Palestinians, think again. If Franken resigns, there is a clear cut way to remove ANY politician from now on, especially if they are Democrat. As Republicans have wisely adopted the "it didn't happen" excuse, Democrats are falling over each other trying to accuse everyone of rape. Why they can't see this is an attempt to take down a sitting senator, in a dry run for a more important target, that could upend every future election from here on.

If Joe Biden decides to run, there will be an avalanche of people coming forward saying he groped them or tried to kiss them of whatever, true or not. Because Democrats have adopted the stupid policy of believing everyone regardless of facts, this will be used against anyone they wish. Republicans won't have the same problem because they will suggest it is all fake news and their supporters will buy it. Way to go Democrats in finding a new inventive way to lose because they lack anything resembling a spine.

The same tricks are being used right now in the Mueller investigation. Because one guy sent anti-Trump tweets to his mistress the whole case is ruined and should be stopped, according to the GOP that is. How that matter is beyond me? I don't understand how someone like Davin Nunes can be partisan as hell and that is fine in an investigation but a single FBI guy says he doesn't like Trump and the whole thing is a sham? If everyone who ever said a bad word about Trump or Clinton was kicked out of the FBI, there wouldn't be anyone left. Unless they can show he influenced the investigation of did something else untoward, this is a whole lot of nothing.
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But again, this rational could be used to end the whole thing. If Trump was looking for a way to fire Mueller, this is a good start. And considering the average Republican is dumber than dirt, they will buy into it. The rest of us however have pledged to burn this country to the ground should this occur. Firing Mueller will be the equivalent of moving the embassy to Jerusalem: violence and lots of it.

Expect violent protest throughout the Middle East today. The problem for anyone living on the West Bank or Gaza hear this: you are cannon fodder now. I predicted to a T way back in 1999 that when this peace deal was turned down, a deal that was the best they were ever going to get, the Palestinians signed their own death warrant. True enough, the other two deals offered later were far less generous than the one they should have taken. And because of not taking any of those deals, the only thing left on the table is their extinction. There will now never be a Palestinian state and it is only a matter of time before Israel takes them out completely. Now that Saudi Arabia is only going to give lip service to their protection, plus giving them another reason to go after their mortal enemy Iran, that group is no longer worth the trouble. If war breaks out, the Palestinians will be the first casualties.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, word is war with North Korea is on the horizon. March appears to be the go date and there is evidence that this is true. Families are being asked to leave the area and envoys are being sent to our allies telling them if a deal isn't reached with North Korea by then, an invasion is set to occur. Said invasion will be utilizing ground troops, a terrible idea that could result in the death of millions. There are however, two new developments that suggest North Korea may not be a fierce as they think they are. A recent defector, a solider, was found to be in extremely bad health. An army, even a million strong, is no match for superior weaponry, and even worse if they are all sickly. Add to that, a new weapon the Air Force showed off, which was an experimental missile armed with an EMP beam. The weapon can fly over any area and basically shut off the power. If we have enough of these to use in a first strike capacity, there is every reason to believe we could affect most of the country before they could launch everything they have. If this does work, and the fact the military is showing it on TV that it does work, the death toll from an attack may mean that there will be lots more North Korean deaths than anyone else. We might lose a few cities on our side, like Seoul or Tokyo, but most would survive and Kim Jun Un would be toast. Much like the Palestinians, these guys should have tried for peace harder. Now it looks like the only thing they are going to get is death and lots of it.
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The world is going to burn. Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 4, 2017


Trump spent the day trying to convince us that presidents are immune to obstruction of justice charges which must be news to Nixon historians or Clinton himself, both of which were impeached for just that. This all stems from an ill advised tweet that directly implicated Trump for said charge and, as a result, all hell broke loose.
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This weekend, Orange Hitler tweeted that "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the VP and FBI. He had pled (sic) guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his action during the transition were lawful. There was noting to hide!" The problem with this tweet is he just admitted to obstruction of justice AGAIN. Remember when a confession was all you needed to convict someone? After his lawyers had a fit over this, they arrived at a novel explanation over it: he didn't write it, his lawyer John Dowd did. There is ample evidence that is NOT true.

First and foremost, the tweet came late at night, on the weekend, between two other tweets he does not deny writing. So to believe this, his lawyer, who has NEVER written any tweet before or since, wrote a tweet that incriminated his client and coincidentally came at the same exact moment the president himself was tweeting. Right. What kind of crap attorney writes that nonsense that could put his client behind bars? Not John Dowd from what I have heard from associates. If he did, Trump should fire him today for incompetence and be disbarred from any further cases. However, there is even more evidence that Dowd did not write said tweet.

The language is a dead give away. Everyone writes in a specific method of grammar and syntax. That Tweet sounded just like Trump. The other big giveaway is the fact that there is a massive error in the statement that no lawyer would make. It's pleaded guilty not pled. Only someone not a lawyer or with half a brain would make that mistake.Who does that sound like?

The Roy Moore race is coming down to the wire and it could go either way. The president and Mitch McConnell have both backtracked and now seem to support Moore. If he wins, every Republican candidate nationwide will be running mates with Trump and Moore. His win is still not pre-ordained. Word is there are a lot of Doug Jones signs up, the polls are a dead heat, and if enough people either do not vote for Moore or vote for someone else, Jones could realistically win. For the country and people of Alabama, this would be preferable. If Moore wins, their state is going to be seen as the worst state in the country and business and tourism are going to die off. Amazon will NEVER build their headquarters there if he wins. Neither will any other business who wants to stay afloat. Moore wins and this state burns.
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Then there is the Middle East where Trump has strongly suggested that he will move the Embassy to Jerusalem this week. As little as two years ago, this would have filled my heart with dread and would have expected WW3 over it. But much has changed and, just as I predicted way back in 1999, when the Palestinians told Israel to pound sand with their extraordinary peace deal, that this was the last chance they would ever get for such a deal and the longer they waited the less they would get. Two other peace deals, with much lower gains were also ignored. And now here we are with the US to align with Israel against a Palestinian state and there is far less pushback than expected. Why? Saudi Arabia.

There is a new sheriff in town there and he is igniting a war with Iran, their mortal enemies. As the Palestinian fight is now closer aligned to Iran than the Saudis, they are no longer useful as a bargaining chip. They have literally not said one word over this move publicly or privately. If this is true, and they no longer care about what happens in the West Bank or Gaza, this conflict has changed for the worse as that means that these areas have NO protection anymore and Israel will do what they want with little repercussions. Nobody cares if Syria, Lebanon and Iran bitches. That means if the Palestinians get wiped out tomorrow, few are going to care. Not the US, not Israel and not Saudi Arabia. The UN could put up a token fight but the US will veto it for certain. One thing is definitely going to happen and that is hundreds of thousands of people in these regions are going to die. It didn't need to be like this. But as the adage goes, opportunity only knocks once. Yassir Arafat is dead. Because of his idiocy, millions may follow him.
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The Palestinian state is never going to happen.That time has come and gone. Survival will be your goal now. Good luck with that when food, medicine and clean water end. No one is going to care and no war will start because of it. You will be forgotten by Western media, and eventually, Israel is going to occupy the entire region. I see no way of stopping it. Russia may complain as will Iran but it is unlikely that anyone will end the planet over a bunch of people few care about anymore. I feel for these people but they did it to themselves the same way Alabama is. Choice have consequences, sometimes lethal ones. We picked Trump and look how that is turning out. I have yet to meet anyone who is happy with their vote for Trump. They exist, especially in the brain dead south. History shows that if these assholes continue to vote against their own self interests, they will be the first to suffer.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


I am a little bitter if you can't tell. The worthless Republicans just passed their Senate version of a tax bill which still has a way to go but will probably get through in some way, shape or form. When it does, this country ends, perhaps forever. The success rate for trickle down economics is 0%. That is not a misprint. It really is that low. It has NEVER worked anywhere on Earth. Yet here we are again. And the next time the economy crashes, which is likely to happen sometime next year, they are going to go after everything we like. Kiss Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid goodbye. And with that, there is every chance this country devolves into riots and chaos. This is what you are voting for America. If Roy Moore wins, it is the beginning of the end because it will prove Republicans will never change, and if that is true, voting and legal avenues will be closed to us. Violence is all we will have left. Let's see those runner ups in what is probably our last Christmas season.
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10)Anthony "The Mooch: Scaramucci- For a guy who lasted all of ten days at the White House, he certainly is going down hard outside in the public avenues. After an opt-ed appeared in Tuft's college newspaper demanding that Mooch be let go from his position as an advisory board member, the Mooch had a fit about it. It got so bad he threatened to sue the paper for slander. Nevermind the fact that there is no way this lawsuit would ever see the light of day, it ticked off the school so much they demanded he leave. I guess the paper got its wish didn't it?

9)Cy Vance- It's not just Republicans fucking up the country. The Manhattan DA, already under fire for sugar coating and dismissing cases against the rich and powerful is back at it again. Many are accusing the DA of dragging his feet in the Paz De La Huerta lawsuit against Fat Bastard, Harvey Weinstein. How does this ass still have a job? Can we get no nice things in this country anymore?

8)NYT- Our media sure does suck lately. These assholes, the same fuckers responsible for getting us into the Second Gulf War, this week published a glowing account of a Nazi sympathizer. Are you kidding me? Mainstreaming the alt-right is NOT okay anymore? Here is how you deal with Nazis. You kill them. No freedom of speech bullshit. I have come to the conclusion that too much free speech is just as dangerous as too little. It's time to put the brakes on hate speech once and for all. And ending Fox News as dangerous propaganda wouldn't be a bad idea either.

7)Matt Lauer- While some cases lately seem made up (Garrison Keeler's accusations seems suspect), this one appears to be true. What kind of dick has a button that locks the door that he can use from his desk? EEEWWWW! I NEVER liked Lauer, especially after his interview with Trump and Clinton during a Town Hall showed he was WAY out of his league and I have heard stories for years that he was kind of a dick. I am not sad to see him go.
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6)John Conyers- Another guy who can't keep it in his pants. He is denying the charges,which is the right way to handle this. Al Franken has gotten his ass handed to him with his non-denial denials and apology tour. And those are not true from everything we have seen. Conyers has a bigger problem in that these charges seem credible. Should he quit? Not until Roy Moore and Trump do. Until then, he should stand fast.

5)Broaddrick and Wiley- I HATE these two fuckers. They were NEVER raped and this week proves it. These two liars went to Franken and Conyers office to demand their resignation. Notice they decided that Trump and Moore, who have been accused of far worse crimes against women, were going to be ignored. How partisan do you have to be to see these two are not truthful, a fact that has been well established for decades before being brought up? Stop with the nonsense.

4)Media- The media is incapable of doing anything anymore other than parroting what they heard form other sources. They have stopped investigating cases and just repeat, repeat, repeat. Even a rudimentary look at Franken's accusers would show they have serious problems. The first two have been thoroughly discredited. Tweeden lied that about just about everything she said and there is proof of that. She saw Franken at least twice afterward, with photographic proof. She didn't look unhappy in any photo. Neither does any other photo. The latest story about Franken grabbing a woman's boob was so obviously not true I am stunned she didn't say Santa Claus also molested her. The media has to do their job which they are incapable of lately. This is why the country is dying because no one knows who or what to believe anymore and the press is making it worse. Over at ABC, Brian Ross got suspended for four weeks for publishing an untrue story about Mike Flynn. He said the Trump gave him direct orders to contact the Russians, but that proved to be wrong. Oops. The first rule of journalism is to NOT publish anything without verification. This is what happens when that rule is not followed. Morons.
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3)Blake Farenthold- This fat fuck Republican from Texas (of course he is) got caught using $84,000 of taxpayer money to pay off a sexual harassment charge. At least Joe Barton from the same state had the courage to say he would not be seeking reelection after being caught up in a sex scandal with a woman who was not his wife. This is the same asshole who went after Susan Collins for her killing the health care bill. Time to go doofus. There's the door. Squeeze your enormous girth through it.

2)James O'Keefe- Another Republican loser who had his antics blow up in his face. He tried to get the Washington Post to run a fake story about Roy Moore and a younger girl who got an abortion, which then they would use to slam the newspaper as willing to publish anything anti Roy Moore. Right now, the Post is one of the only newspapers in the country printing actual news. If I had the money, I would subscribe to this over rags like the NYT or WSJ, both of which are not worth the paper they are printed on. This story proved it as they did diligent research, uncovering the utter ineptitude that this ass was trying to do. Her story did not check out and within minutes discovered her actual motivation which they then caught all on tape themselves. O'Keefe is a loser. His stories are garbage. Stop watching him destroy democracy. If anyone sees him, explain to him as forcefully as possible he is not wanted here anymore. This kind of crap has to end or our society is not going to last much longer.
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1)Republicans- If you still a Republican after this past week I have this to say you to: FUCK OFF! If you are still voting for establishing a fascist dictatorship, I have lost all patience with you. Here is my promise, the next person who utters the words trickle down economics gets a punch in the mouth. This theory has been tried three times already in 1929, 1987 and 2007. What happened shortly afterward? Oh that is right, the economy collapsed. This is coming next year as our stocks are way over inflated and Captain Dumbass and the Republican party are all but guaranteeing the whole house of cards is coming down.This is my promise for what I think will happen afterward: Republicans are going to die en masse. If these assholes continue to refuse to listen to reason, then violence is all we have left. Better to die on our feet than live on our knees. This tax bill will end this country once and for all. Their economic plan has a 0% success rate yet here we are again. We cannot keep going round and round like this. If society ends next year, the Republicans have to go down with it, along with the religious right. Trump is a menace whose days appeared numbered. How that plays out next year is anyone guess but again violence may be either sides recourse depending if Trump and the Republicans refuse to do anything with overwhelming evidence against him. Mitch McConnell flipped on Moore today, saying the people of Alabama could decide. This says lots. This means if Moore wins, he may stay on. What if they find Trump conspired with the Russians and the Republican congress does nothing? The revolution begins two seconds later. If the government is no longer following the rule of law, it is out duty as Americans to overthrow it. We have 300 million guns for a reason. I am hopeful that smarter heads will prevail here but considering that every single Republican not named Bob Corker, signed a bill that would kill poor people and devastate the middle class. Their motivations are clear. Too many of you are fine with this, but that may change next year when we are at war with Iran and North Korea, our economy is in tatters and martial law rules the day. You voted for this you idiots and continue to do so. Stop it or else. Congratulations Republicans you are indeed douchebag of the week.