Monday, September 4, 2017


While I was sure Trump would be the one to end the world, now I am not so sure. Kim Jung Un may be the most dangerous man since Hitler and I don't say that lightly. I keep hearing from so called experts that the man is not crazy and we shouldn't be worried about insane decisions therefore. There is no part of the historical record anywhere that this a position we should be taking as there are numerous and clear examples of powerful men making really stupid decisions. Kim Jung Un and Trump both may not be crazy in the terms of rubber room, straight jacket archetypes but they are both fucking nuts in other, much more dangerous ways.
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Let's start with the that premise that because these two are not talking to invisible elephants while screaming at the walls to stop yelling at them, they are not crazy. Both have serious mental issues that even the most dime store psychiatrist could diagnose from space. Trump is a malignant narcissist with delusions of grandeur. He also may be suffering from early onset Alzheimer's like his father. Kim is a paranoid psychopath with a god complex. Both have access to nuclear weapons. Yikes. Either of these two yahoos could nuke the other at any moment and all the reason on Earth won't stop them if they decide to go that route.

The historical record is equally problematic. Take Hitler, who the more I read about is becoming frighteningly more and more like Trump. Both were kind of idiots who lucked their way into power by being able to give speeches that were short on facts but long on establishing a narrative of hate and anger. The two had a lot in common, more than I ever would have thought. Hitler thought it would be a great idea to attack Russia, somehow not realizing that Napoleon had done the exact same thing with the exact same results. The history of the attack was already on paper for anyone to see and yet, Hitler said fuck that, this time it will be different. And it wasn't. This attack on Russia ended any hope for the Nazi's to win, and it was Hitler who made that fateful decision that sealed their fate.

The same can be said for George W. Bush, a president that will be remembered throughout history (assuming we have one) as having done the most damage to this country with his idiot policies. His ignoring of the North Korea problem, at the time it could have been stopped before they became a nuclear power, was lost because we were too busy invading countries we had no business doing. Had we NOT invaded Iraq and attacked North Korea instead, the world would most likley be a far better place right now. Chances are good that the Middle East would be far more stable and North Korea wouldn't be a problem any more. Instead, both areas are in flames and there is no end in sight. This ass also invaded Afghanistan, a country with a solid record of being a quagmire. Hell, the invasion  of the USSR was one of the reasons the country collapsed because they couldn't keep funding this war. I am sure it sounded good at the time, but here we are seventeen years later and we a putting MORE troops in, which is always a bad idea.
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There are many other examples of wars that started because they sounded smart at the time. Vietnam was a mess that could have been won without a single shot fired. The Korean War never ended, not a smart idea we will discover decades later. The Berlin Wall came down because people HATED it and eventually won out. People make bad decisions all the time and can lead to devastating consequences.

Here is why I think war right now is out only hope: if we wait the chances of hundreds of millions, even billions goes way up. Are we really willing to risk billions, perhaps the planet, over tens of millions dead instead? I see that as a no brainer. The longer we wait, the worse things are going to get. How bad? Read on.

Let's go five years into the future. North Korea is now a nuclear power with the ability to hit most of the USA. Do they stand down with their new power or flex their muscle toward a planet that has never stood up to them in decades? History says flex they will. Chances are high they will invade South Korea, knowing that any attack will be met with nuclear weapons from their side. The likelihood we roll over here is nil and hello WW3 all due to a miscalculation on nuclear weapons. He could also play nice for a while until coming up with a diabolical plan such as planting nukes world wide or planting them in space. Then he could blackmail the planet even into giving him supreme power. Don't laugh as there are war games that play out that exact scenario with horrible conclusions.
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Kim Jun Un is a threat the likes of which we haven't seen in a long while. For the religious, the Antichrist was always thought to come from the East. Many thought China or Japan but North Korea seems to fit the bill right now. He could end the world.

We have run out of can to kick. Our only play is to attack with overwhelming force, which even I admit is unlikely. Whatever happens next, it will affect all of us. Pray they don't softball this because this ends badly that way. War is coming. I hope it is the one were the fewest of us die.

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