First is out of control debt situation. We are spending WAY more than we are bringing in, and instead of cutting crap we don't need, the government wants austerity measures that have proven to be an abject failure every time they are implemented. Look at Greece and Spain for God's sake. Third world nations have huge debt that is being to used to control all infrastructure and banking rules. In Bolivia, private corporations have control of the water supply, something being looked at here as well. States likes Colorado have passed laws that make it illegal to collect rainwater. How soon before all of us have to pay to drink clean water?
Income inequality is rampant in third world nations were an elite few control all the money while the masses starve in the streets. Sounds like Detroit to me. Our income inequality is the greatest ever seen in human history, especially if my hypothesis of trillions being hoarded by the greedy few is true. That difference between rich and poor has tripled over the last few decades with more and more forced onto government programs because jobs no longer pay a livable wage in most places. If you ae not making at least $50,000 a year, you are going to have a hard time saving any money, especially if you have children. As two thirds of this country makes far less than that, collapse is inevitable.
Slavery is alive and well. We now have debtors prisons again and private corporations that are using the inhabitants as literal slaves for jobs that would pay much, much higher in the real world. Customer service jobs are being insourced into prisons where they have access to credit card numbers and personal info. How safe does that make you feel?
Our health care system is one of the most expensive and the least useful. In all honesty, some third world nations, like Cuba, have a better health care system then we do, with a far lower infant mortality rate, more doctors per person, and it's freakin' Cuba. The right is way off base when the claim out health care system is the best in the world. It's not even in the top forty. As someone who has seen the health care system closely these last few years, let me tell you, it is ungodly expensive and kinda crappy. In this country don't get sick. And if you do, die quick.
Our personal freedoms are being chipped away more and more in the name of "safety." Our TSA needlessly molests people to get on a plane and they are still talking about moving it out into the streets. DHS is stockpiling huge sums of ammo, arms and other things that could easily be used against us. Our Constitution is in shreds and all anyone wants to talk about is the 2nd one. They all matter, even if I agree some of it needs to be updated like an end to trial by a jury of your peers and perhaps even changing the amount of senators per state. There are few freedoms in third world nations and we are rapidly joining them
Our media is pure propaganda now where Goebbels would have been proud of. Fox news is the right wing shill channel, MSNBC the leftie revolution and CNN is for the retarded. I watched Anthony Bourdain's new show recently and was struck by how awful it was. I loved him on Travel Channel. When he went to eat at a Sizzler in LA I nearly threw up. CNN sucks. We get no news lately other than fantasy and government statements. No one digs deeper on any level, except places like here, and I find it sad that I have to be the voice of reason for millions. Third world nations have strict control over their media and so do we.
So there you have it. America is becoming a third world nation as businesses outsource all manufacturing overseas which is depressing wages and literally killing our economy. Our income equality is growing, out infrastructure is being sold out to foreign groups and slavery is only a heart beat away. And all anyone cares about lately is who got voted off the Voice last night. Shameful.