Sunday, November 19, 2017


This week is why I hate most people. Leave it to mankind to once again show that nobody has any semblance of common sense and that neither the right nor the left is capable anymore of rational thought. The people of Alabama, from the Governor down to it's hillbilly, cousin marrying doofuses, are mostly horrific human beings whose stupidity is going to have nationwide consequences soon. On the flip side, liberal assholes have turned a legitimate problem of sexual harassment in the workplace into a country wide witch hunt. Both of these are serious problems that will end us all. This is why we can't have nice things. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)Neal McCoy- I despise jingoistic bullshit. Samuel Johnson once wrote that "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Country music is way too often guilty of this. The latest crap is from some dork named McCoy who I have never heard of. His song "My Knee, My Ass," fits right into this narrative but sounds a lot more gay than I think he intended. In it, he slams Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee during the national anthem, because as we all know this is a time honored tradition that goes back to the old days, way back in 2009 when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and we had a shitty, yet competent president. Nevermind the fact that the song is garbage and the title sounds more like a gay anthem than a protest song, why do we care so much when someone takes a knee during game. Is your life affected one whit? No? Then shut the fuck up already and mind your own business. We have way too many people more concerned with other people's behavior than their own.

9)Robert Mugabe- The Zimbabwe dictator was overthrown this week when he did what is known as classic overreach. Throughout history, powerful men have been destroyed by thinking they were above the law until they went one step too far. Joseph McCarthy is a prime example as are the Salem Witch trials (more on that later as it applies directly to today). Mugabe tried to fire his VP, one who had very close ties to the military and appoint his wife the new leader. As his wife was as popular as being eaten by a crocodile, the military took over the country and deposed the dictator this weekend. His supporters, seeing which way the wind was blowing, all turned on him, and he was voted out of office today. He has until Monday to empty his desk. If he goes peacefully, he could live a good life in exile. But some, like Qaddafi for example, refused to leave until his own people rose up and killed him. Let's see how bright this man really is.
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8)GOP Tax Bill- Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is a total idiot. It will RAISE taxes on the poor and middle class, slash everything from town funds to Medicare all to give people who don't need it tax breaks. Have you ever noticed that regardless of the state of the union, tax cuts are all they talk about. Economy bad? Tax cuts. Economy good? Tax cuts. The problem is whenever these cuts are levied, they tank the economy 100% of the time. We have tried this several times (1986 and 2004) and each time we saw a massive recession/depression. Kansas got wiped out by them. But they are going to try again. They are even getting rid of the individual mandate which history shows when removed causes chaos with the insurance market. The chances of this passing the Senate right now appear slim. But they have all next year to keep trying so stay tuned.

7) The Plague- Madagascar is being inundated with Bubonic plague victims. Some papers have decided to market this as a world wide issue that could spread like wildfire. Bunk. Yes, Africa could be devastated by it only because their third world status may make it hard to stop. But literally any industrialized country need not worry because buried under all the hoopla, literally the last line in some articles, is the fact that this is NOT an antibiotic resistant strain. This means, that anyone taking tetracycline will be immune to said plague and those pills are numerous and could even be mailed to every single home with little problem. Yet another case of some disease being thrown at us like the boogeyman, for the sole purpose of selling newspapers of generating clickbait.
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6)Real sex crimes- There seem to be a lot of people out there who can't keep it in their pants. Jeremy Piven is the latest to be accused by multiple women and their stories seem reliable. When famous people start accusing you, especially ones with nothing to gain, it is all over. So Piven, whose new show is still on, but might be all she wrote after the thirteen episode run, appears screwed as new allegations against him are stacking up. Why are powerful men such pigs? Because they can be. I have been in charge of some businesses, including film and TV, and I have not only never sexually harassed any worker ever, I would have fired anyone who did that at work. These latest accusations make Hollywood look like a horrible place to work. It isn't. But these assholes certainly don't help.

5)Media and sex crimes- I have come to the conclusion that no one who works in the news department knows how to do their job anymore. All week, I have listened to people relitigate the Bill Clinton alleged rape cases and suddenly decide that all the accusations against him have to be true because no women ever should be not believed. WTF? What about evidence and doing your fucking job? These cases WERE looked at, found to be NOT credible and thrown into the dust bin of history. And why the FUCK are we NOT talking about Trump and his accusations? He is president right? Shouldn't that matter more than what some partisan crap that happened twenty years ago? And how come no one is discussing Julie Hiaat Steele? She was the woman that proved Kathleen Wiley a liar. She also got fucked for it by Kenn Starr who ruined her life. Or how about Susan McDougal? She went to jail because she refused to lie for Starr during his special council bullshit. Where are these women in stories? Left out because they don't fit the narrative they are trying to sell. Al Franken's USO escort said on Twitter he never saw anything like his accuser is saying. Why isn't he being interviewed? Mankind is getting dumber by the second.
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4)Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions and Don Don- Evidence has surfaced this week that at least one of these three may be facing serious jail time for their inability to tell the truth. Kushner is knee deep in scandal as he has had to change his federal reporting data so many times it is no longer legible. New emails have come forward that show he was in communication with the Russians. Don Don is in similar trouble for communications with Wikileaks that he had denied until now. Sessions has lied repeatedly to Congress about his dealing with Russia. All three could be facing charges as serious as treason. Good luck with that.

3)Trump- Another week, another round of stupidity. After idiotically tweeting about Al Franken's misconduct while ignoring the Roy Moore debacle, his own accusations came back to haunt him. Fat Bitch had the gall to say that this was acceptable because Franken has admitted guilt while Trump and Moore had not. Great explanation cunt. Drop dead already. Mueller is circling him hard and it appears that it is only a matter of time before this whole house of cards come down on our heads because we vote the worst people into office on both sides.
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2 and 1) Roy Moore and #MeToo witch hunt- Both of these have gone too far.  Roy Moore has has nine women come forward with sexual assault accusation and at least 40 others who have verified his behavior. The man is a pig. Yet the "good' people of Alabama have decided a pedophile is better than a Democrat. Oh HELL NO! Anyone voting for Roy Moore should be killed. PERIOD. These people are fucking dangerous. It is this kind of shit that leads to a Hitler. Don't think we won't remember this if he wins. When democrats get back into office, which looks likely in 2018 at this point, they should run them over in the deep south, the same way they do to the Northeast. Let those fuckers suffer for a while. Tax the shit of their churches, make abortion clinics as numerous as McDonald's, and mandate  every town has to be gay friendly or face huge fines. Their Governor, some old bitch too stupid to actually be in charge of anything, has decided to vote for Roy Moore, proving she is unfit for office. I feel bad for those living there that aren't retarded. Must be hell. Roy Moore is a rapist and the Evangelicals there have sold their soul to the devil. I cannot fathom how supporting a child raper is part of God's plan. It is this kind of blind loyalty that end nations.

On the flip side we have the #MeToo movement that started good and has now devolved into a Salem Witch Trial. Nothing is more apparent than the attacks on Al Franken, attacks I believe are politically motivated (like Clinton's) with some proof that our worthless media has completely ignored. While the story about the photographer in the infamous Franken photo has NOT come forward like some have suggested. his USO escort has and he says this never happened. There is also some evidence the photo in question has been tampered with. I would also like to say that unlike others, no one else has come forward and dozens have come to his defense, including Lorraine Newman and Jane Curtain, who said he fought for women on the show, and that was at a time when women's roles were greatly diminished. His accuser is a Fox News host and regular on Hannity. She was also responsible for getting Shirley Sherrod fired, calling her a racist on Sean Hannity, when Fox News and others took her words out of context and she was fired by a lynch mob before all the facts came to light. When they did and the truth was far different than what Leeanne Tweeden and the far right were saying, she had to be rehired or face a lawsuit. So a woman who has lied once already should believed? Please. Morons like Lena Dunham, Senator Kristen Gillebrand and Chelsea Handler have decided that ALL women should be believed regardless of context, somehow unaware that if this continues eventually, no ONE will be believed when some loser goes to far and accuses someone above reproach for sex crimes, like the Pope or something. When overreach happens, and it will because it always does, it will be even harder to prove sex crimes than it is now. Is that really what women want? I don't and neither do they. Right now, a single accusation, regardless of severity, is now an excuse to get out the executioner and end them. What Franken did was juvenile and moronic, but it is not the same as rape. Yet fuckwads like Alyssa Milano are screaming about zero tolerance and Franken should resign. FOR WHAT? For a kiss that may or may not have happened and a stupid photo where he is PRETENDING to grab her breasts? Please. By that logic you should have to quit acting for your shitty movie Embrace of the Vampire. No case should be ignored but likewise not every case is true. The Duke rape case, the Rolling Stone rape story debacle and the Tawana Brawley case are just three cases where if we believed the woman and nothing else, innocent people would have been sent to prison. Cases are being made by a single person and then that man gets his life ruined. We are also ignoring the epic amount of rape charges being levied against female teachers and underage students, some as young as 11. Almost everyday, someone else is being arrested. But the news seems to ignore all that because men and women are held to different standards. Rape is bad and should be investigated. But the lynch mob needs to stop because the alternate effect is for us to make workplaces even less safe for women when rape cases are no longer believed because too many cried wolf and got caught. So congratulations Alabama for being worthless hicks and for women for propagating a movement that may make rape cases harder to prove, you are all douchebags of the week.

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