Sunday, November 12, 2017


What a fucked up week this has been. The Republicans got walloped on Tuesday and if they are not scared by what happened, they should be. Democrats outperformed Republicans in even the most ruby red areas nationwide and, as a result, gained control of some state legislature offices and a couple of governorships. As that happened, the GOP unveiled their new tax plan to less than enthusiastic applause, Trump put both feet in his mouth during his Asian trip and Roy Moore imploded as sexual assault charges were levied against him. Good times. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)Akima LLC- These fuckwads fired an employee after she was caught flipping off the president. Somehow, I don't think that is a fireable offense. Word is, she is filing a lawsuit for that exact reason, which she should win. You can fire people for a lot of reasons. This is not one of them. This company should be driven into the ground. No ONE should be doing business with these assholes. They want to love Trump so much, go marry him. The rest of us want a divorce.

9)Papa John's- The owner of this shitfest pizza place, John Shnatter, complained this week that the NFL protests were hurting his pizza sales. Certainly it had nothing to do with his daily Trump blowjobs or the fact his pizza tastes worse than the box it comes in. Fresh ingredients my ass. The book I am trying to sell has a character directly based on this dick. His food is every bit as bad. As for his sales, Pizza Hut and DiGiorno's both said they also advertise with the NFL and their profits are just fine. Even if this fuckwad wasn't a douchebag Trump lover, his pizza still sucks.

8)LiAngelo Ball- This idiot, along with two others, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, were arrested in China this week for shoplifting while attending a basketball tournament. Ball's older brother plays for the Lakers and their father is a colorful sort with a Facebook show. This won't help anything but eyeballs and likes. First off, only a true moron steals from a foreign country, especially one like China. The fact they are all black certainly doesn't help the image that anyone of color is a thief. Nice bit of self stereotyping dudes. While chances are good they won't actually serve time (unless Chinese/US relations nose dive over the next few weeks), they will be sent packing and get a life time ban from the country as well. It might also hurt their chances of landing a NBA team in their future as well. Talk about fucking up your life for no good reason.
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7)TSA- After another round of tests, the TSA say their 90% failure rate of identifying dangerous objects getting on a plane by undercover agents is way better. Now they only fail 75% of the time. Yeah progress? That is still WAY too high. It stems for the fact that if you treat all threats equally, the haystack gets so big no one can find the needles anymore. We need to be profiling people. PERIOD. I am sick and tired of hearing about racism. That is cold comfort when I am in pieces over the Pacific. Israel has not had a hijacking in decades because they do actual security and not theater like we have. They have achieved this by racial profiling. So we do not do something that works with a 100% success rate because we worry about hurting Muslims feelings? Too fucking bad. If Irish Catholics were blowing up planes and people again, I would be the first to condemn them and accept the fact that my brethren were douchebags and I have to suffer as a result. I am so over hearing people bitch.

6)Paul LaPage- Maine's governor cannot go away soon enough. This ass of epic proportions vetoed Medicaid expansion five times. This week the people of Maine voted overwhelmingly to do just that. So this asshole just said he isn't going to honor that and it will sit on his desk until hell freezes over. The solution for that is simple. If you are one of these people who will die because this fucker is a true Republicans through and through, ask yourself if you would be better being alive in jail than dead on the street? Either way, the people of Maine should be doing whatever they have to do to get rid of this existential threat.

5)Fox News- I never thought I would say this but Fox News is now WORSE than CNN. They are not even attempting to report the news anymore. Accusations against Roy Moore are treated like hearsay, while simultaneously covering every single statement made against a Hollywood star no matter how ridiculous it is. You cannot have it both ways. It also doesn't help that the President of the US should have been disqualified for doing the exact same things people like Harvey Weinstein is accused of. Hannity has become such a joke he might as well change his name to Goebells. Anyone still watching this shell of a network is being lied to on a second by second basis. Take whatever you hear from them with a minuscule grain of salt.
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4)Sex accusations- We are getting into witch hunt territory now. Every day, somebody else comes forward with a sob story and not all of them are believable. Some seem almost harmless. Yes, there are a lot of people right now with terrible pasts. Louis CK is the latest to fall from rumors I have heard for years, as is Steven Seagal, accused by three famous actresses of sexual misconduct. However, accusations against people like George Takei and Richard Dryfuss for example, seen to be less believable. Some of them, like Dustin Hoffman's, don't even seem like they should be lumped in with others. And Woody Allen may have married his step daughter which is all kinds of ick, but the accusations of child molestation levied at him are not true and this shows why these kinds of accusations can ruin a person's career. No evidence has been uncovered that he did anything other than the word of Mia Farrow and one of her daughters, all of which came out right after he left her for his step daughter. Yeah, nothing suspicious there. Police looked into it and found no proof either and lots of evidence it didn't happen at all from eyewitnesses at the time, ones who had no reason to lie, who refute the accusations as impossible. But just the same way that everyone still think Michael Jackson was a child molester (there is no proof at all he was), pointing the figure at some one can have lasting effects even after you die. There has to be some burden of proof before we start pointing figures at just about anyone.

3)The GOP- Wow did they have a shit week. Tuesday went tits up after they lost just about every race they could and in hilarious fashion too. The guy who wrote the anti-transgender bathroom bill got ousted by an transgender woman. Guess that bathroom he didn't want her to use is now in his office.That is funny. I have no problem with transgender and they can use whatever bathroom they like. I and most others don't care. Another guy who wrote anti-woman scrawl everywhere was beaten by a woman. Democrats may even gain control of the Virginia House, a prospect not even seriously considered as they were down by almost 30 seats. Now they are within six close count seats. Ouch. After that beating, the Senate released their tax plan which even Republicans didn't like. With the elimination of SALT taxes and a host of other popular deductions, all to give more money to rich people, this plan may be DOA. It is going to have a rough ride in the Senate, especially if they lose in Alabama, a prospect that seemed as likely as gaining control of the Virginia Senate. Most have distanced themselves from Roy Moore, the insane Alabama Senate hopeful, but the ones that haven't may be facing a backlash of epic proportions from their own party. The GOP is in trouble and they know it. Good.

2)Trump- The fact that this ass isn't at the top spot tells you how bad Roy Moore's week was. Trump went to Asia, as Mueller started putting the screws to his people. It came out his week that Papadopoulos was in regular contact with spawn of Satan, Stephen Miller. It was also revealed he was Trump's top envoy to the UK. So much for him being a mere coffee boy. Even better, there is a solid chance that there are secret recordings made of them talking together, as Papa was almost certainly wired for the past few months. As if that wasn't bad enough, Trump really pissed people off at home when he said he talked to Putin again and believed him when he said he didn't hack our election. 17 different US intelligence and government offices say otherwise. The reactions was harsh, even from his own party that rightfully asked why he was siding with Russia over America. So much for America first. Then Putin threw him under the bus saying the issue never came up. This will hurt him as will the GOP tax plan and whatever Mueller has up his sleeve the coming weeks.
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1)Roy Moore and Alabama Republicans- I thought people from Texas were stupid. I have listened to some of the dumbest arguments ever made about why this story is Fake News. Roy Moore tried to rape a 14 years old, dated girls decades younger than him and may have even illegally given them alcohol. These same assholes that have been spitting venom at Hollywood, suddenly turned around and fucking DEFENDED this guy. NO FUCKING WAY! He is every bit as guilty as Louis CK who at least had the decency to say the allegations against him were true. This douche is acting like it is all a hoax. First off, this is a very good story with 30 witnesses and confirmed by people who have worked with Moore in the past. There is NO way this story is some democratic hit job any more than the accusations against Kevin Spacey are. Why is it liberals are demonized but one of their own is protected? Worse have been the defenders like State Rep. Ed Henry. This moron wants to prosecute his accusers somehow unaware of the first amendment. Then there is Jim Ziegler who said nothing immoral or illegal happened here, which is odd because sexual assault of a minor is a crime in every state in the US. He went on to use Joseph and Mary as an example of teenage/older man relationships, blissfully unaware somehow that the principle idea of Christianity is the virgin birth, meaning their age difference meant nothing. Some voters are living in denial and are still voting for him. To all who are I tell you this: I sincerely hope you die a painful death and take your fucked up family with you. Anyone voting for this man is a traitor to this country and should be dealt with accordingly. I tell you this, if I ever meet someone who voted for assholes like this or Debbie Wasserman Schultz, I'll give you a thirty second head start and then I am getting my gun. People like this don't deserve to live. They certainly are too stupid to vote. If you live in the state of Alabama it is your AMERICAN duty to vote for the democrat here. No one wants him but you. The GOP is trying to figure how to stop him because it is bad enough your party is tied to Nazis but now you want pedophiles as well. So congratulations to Roy Moore and the fuckwads who are still voting for him you are all indeed douchebags of the week

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