Tuesday, November 14, 2017


We have to have a serious talk about the Evangelicals in this country. To say they suck moose balls would be an understatement. Roy Moore is OBVIOUSLY guilty. There is ample proof at this point to suggest he is a rapist pig. Yet for some inane reason, the super religious of this state (and to an extent this country) are standing by him and, as a result, betraying everything they allegedly stand for. This cannot continue at this rate or there isn't going to be a country left. If basic facts are always in doubt, nothing is ever going to get solved for the better and this country will end badly.
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Roy Moore has now been accused of child molestation, attempted rape and just being icky with woman way too young for him. Why is it when a liberal gets caught it's proof they are a demon but when it's a conservative there is always an excuse? Anyone voting for this ass should be thrown out of the country as a traitor at this point and regardless of how this turns out, ire towards these churches have to be made or else face a country ruled by religious assholes. I heard that over 50 Baptist churches all still support Roy Moore. I have made statements in the past describing why I hate Baptists. Their religion offers no path to redemption other than feral belief in Jesus without any of those pesky rules to follow. If you kill someone and believe in Jesus, you are still going to heaven they think. Right. Good luck with that. This religion allows deviance and stupidity to thrive and should be banished from the face of the Earth as heretical.

If you live in Alabama it is your DUTY as an American to not only vote for Doug Jones regardless of party but to make sure those that are voting for know what assholes douchebags they are. Here is a prime place for groups like Black Lives Matter and other liberal organizations to stage loud disruptive protests outside these Baptist churches and treat the parishioners like they are walking into an abortion clinic.  And do this rain or shine FOREVER. Make these assholes pay for their vote. The left needs to get MAD, not violent, but MAD! This candidate is unacceptable and only the worst kind of human being would support him. Let them know it.
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The funny part over all of this is that in doesn't really matter if he wins or loses because either way, the GOP is fucked. To be honest, the best case scenario would be for them to lose. I say this because losing one seat now might be far better than losing fifteen in 2018. I know that sounds implausible but there is a real reason top Republican leaders do not want Moore in and it is because they are scared to death about the next election if he wins.

If Moore wins, the GOP will now be tied with both Nazis AND child molesters/attempted rapists of underage girls. If they use Moore and Trump like the Republicans use Clinton and Pelosi, they stand to lose, to quote Trump, bigly. There is a near 100% chance they lose the House if this occurs (also not helped by an idiotic tax plan they are trying to ram through) as well as most likley losing the Senate by a large margin. And if even they evict him, as is the most likley thing to happen, that taint will still be on them. Roy Moore may singlehandedly hand the next election to the Democrats, the same way Todd Akin did.

Moore supporters are trying to poke holes in the story but none of which hold water. Meanwhile, bullshit articles appeared in three major publications TODAY, using whataboutism to accuse Bill Clinton is sexual misconduct. The problem with that is the three main accusers are all proven liars. Look it up for yourself as I am tired of writing about it. Broaddrick claimed a physical assault with zero proof, Wiley's story is less believable than the kids from the McMartin school, and Paula Jones story is littered with inaccuracies. These have all been well documented. Yet the NYT and the Atlantic found two idiot women who are obviously NOT qualified to be reporters as they couldn't do even the slightest bit of research on the subject. Worse, they have technically opened themselves for slander charges which Bill Clinton should pursue. It is the only way these stories are ever going to end. Not ALL woman should be believed about assault. There are plenty of cases where the story was false. It ruined the careers of a NC DA in the fake Duke rape case or Rolling Stone's fake rape story in which they failed to do even rudimentary journalistic options. Roy Moore accuses are believable because there is a) more than one all with similar stories and who do not know one another, b) confirmed by 30 witnesses and c)handwritten evidence the accusers story is true. Who has better facts here yet if you ask an evangelists who is worse, they will tell you Bill Clinton is the anti-Christ and Roy Moore is the second coming of Christ.
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I am sick and tired of willful stupidity. We have the world at out fingertips, yet some mouthbreathers think the Earth is 6000 years old and Jesus played with dinosaurs. When can we start looking at people whose childish ideas are hurting us and tell them that? We have to because pretending like religion isn't killing us is not better than when we attack moderate Muslims for not standing up to terrorists. How are we better for not standing up to this Christian form of idiocy?

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