Wednesday, November 15, 2017


The Republican party no longer can be deemed anything other than a terrorist group at this point. Between Alabamians wholly unsuited for being part of this country anymore and a tax bill that will destroy this economy, there is little doubt things are going to go belly up sooner than later. Add in the AHA pandering to Big Pharma like they have with Big Sugar for decades, a coming economic collapse accelerated by provably bad Republican plans, and whatever bullshit Trump has concocted for the week and we are headed for our own extinction. Worse, we voted for this, on both sides. Republicans have destroyed this nation and Democrats helped. Obama was a shitty president whose laziness may have done every bit the damage that Bush did to us as well. With Trump and the insane right at the helm, we are headed directly for an iceberg the size of the Moon.
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Let us start with one positive bit of news. Roy Moore is finished. Regardless of whether he wins or not, the GOP is screwed. How bad has it gotten? Even the most rabid pundit or congressperson has come out against him. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan both said he should step down. Worse, he losing the support of his two biggest champions: Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon. Ouchtown population you bro. It is no longer possible to deny the accusations against him. Believing it is some left wing conspiracy would require a massive apparatus that we know doesn't exist. Even the most firebrand Republican can see that. Unless you are from Alabama and an evangelical who STILL support him, this demonstrates that these people are dangerous and need to be treated like Muslim extremists. In other words, they need to be wiped from the face of the Earth. I said yesterday mass protests should be taking place outside these houses of worship and they should be treated as if they all raped a three year old. This form if religion is no longer acceptable and we know it. Now all we have to do is act.

Roy Moore is still ahead in the polls. How is that fucking possible? If Moore wins, he dooms the GOP in 2018 regardless of what happens next. So way to go Alabama, you may turn two thirds of the country blue next year. Chances are high he won't even get seated as Congress is almost certain to expel him, the first man to be expelled in the last 150 years. But come 2018, Roy Moore and Trump will be the running mate of every single candidate running nationwide. Even worse if their odious tax bill passes, I see a rout of epic proportions in even the reddest state. This will because most people are going to pay more either in taxes or health care and the GOP will own all of it.

The Tax Bill is hanging by a thread since they decided to idiotically add in the repeal of the Obamacare mandate. While this may be unpopular, it is also the only thing that keeps insurance affordable. Removing that is a disaster waiting to happen with 13 million losing their insurance, a majority of whom are middle class who receive no subsidies and will be unable to afford rising costs. At an estimated 10% minimum increase per year for all, within five years, most of these people will be priced out of the market. Even those who get their insurance through corporations are going to to see huge increases in their prices as well. No one will be spared.
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Here's the funny part: it's already been tried with disastrous results. In 1995, Washington State Republicans did this exact thing. The end result was skyrocketing premiums, insurers fleeing the state, and left the whole process in shambles. It took five years to fix it. What do you think will happen when the entire country gets this? I hope the Republicans have invested in bullet proof jackets, fireproof homes and even possibly an underground bunker because people are going to be PISSED when this all falls apart. To say there will be a revolution at that point would be an understatement. They may have to flee the country to survive, Papa Doc style.

Yet here they are trying to do something again which has been a proven failure. It is also another warning sign that their control of the House and even the Senate are in play. If the GOP doesn't pass this tax bill, their donors will riot because they get all the perks. If it does pass, millions are going to lose their health insurance or pay way more in taxes. There will be NO Republicans left in the House in any blue state, which is why some like Darryl Issa are already coming out against this bill, knowing full well if it passes, he loses his seat 100% of the time. He barely won the last election. This would be the end for his career as it would also for any right winger in any blue state whose taxes just doubled for their constituents. This would mean a loss in the House of at least 60 seats and control would go to the Democrats for sure. The GOP is doing everything they can to destroy any chance they would have in 2018.

While all this is going the American Heart Association released new info who I have told in previous posts should not be believed about anything due to their inaction on real science and heart disease. They have been nothing more than a propaganda arm for Big Sugar which, as a result, have tricked people into ignoring fat, which is good for you, and eating sugar, which isn't. This science has been known since the 50's but hidden due to greed. Now these assholes are apparently in bed with Big Pharma as they just conspired to lower the blood pressure results so more people qualify as "at risk." What this means is that Big Pharma will now sell more high blood pressure meds most likley to people who don't need it. But hey, profits right?
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This country is headed for a fall. We keep hearing how the country is doing great economically. It isn't. Subprime auto loans are coming due as are higher foreclosures and rising credit card debt. Add to that a ten trillion dollar tuition loan issue (half of which is in deferment) and there is reckoning coming. We never fixed any of the underlying problems of the last crash thanks to Obama being an ass and the Republicans not giving a shit. Credit card 90 day delinquency rate has risen exponentially and we now are at the same level we were right before the last crash.

With the Republicans tinkering with an economy that is only held together with spit and promises, there is a solid chance that sometime early next year, the stock market is going to tank. And with it, any goodwill people have left for Trump beyond the evangelicals and die hards. 2018 could be a bloodbath for the Republicans, even a literal one if they fuck things up bad enough.

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