Saturday, July 9, 2011


The GOP seems hellbent on destroying this country. Let's see those runner ups.

1)TSA- Some airports have stopped photography at checkpoints as a way of eliminating those awful videos coming out about them raping small children and stealing our items. One agent was caught with 50,000 dollars worth of merchandise that he had stolen from unsuspecting travelers. We also see word that the TSA and VIPER teams are talking about popping up unexpected at sporting events, malls, even pulling over drivers at check points. Nazi Germany returns. This cannot stand.

2)Police- The police have been on fire later with arresting people filming them doing their jobs, albeit badly. One woman was arrested for having a vegetable garden in her front yard and was jailed for 93 days. The police are becoming the new Gestapo. Any place where Sheriffs are elected, get rid of any that don't support citizen's rights. Unless being dragged out into the street in the middle of the night is your idea of a good time.

3)Rupert Murdock- The Teflon Media Mogul is melting. After his News of the World tabloid was caught redhanded hacking the phones of celebrities and the royal family, people were kind of pissed. When it came out this week that they were also doing it to to any Tom, Dick or Harry they pleased, people went ballistic and rightfully so. Murder victims and fallen soldiers phones were hacked and messages deleted by the Newscorp. Investigations into his other venues are also underway. The UK government went into hyperdrive to fix the scandal, as current PM David Cameron has close ties to Murdock, employing several people who once worked for News of the World. One of his former cabinet members was even arrested yesterday. The US is also pursuing charges as it is illegal for the press to pay off police for stories. Worse, Murdock's son and deputy chief operating officer of News Corp may face charges in both the UK and US. Either way, his career is most likely over, son of Murdock or not.

4)Eric Holder- After his disastrous reign of terror, this joker needs to go. It's bad enough, he's been incompetent at his job (a prerequisite if you look at past people who held this post like Janet Reno, John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalas). First, he's instructed the DOJ to go after medical marijuana dispensaries as being out of whack with Federal laws, in direct contrast to Obama's failed promise to the do the opposite. That'll get the young people to vote for you. NOT! Then, he somehow "lost" 300,000 guns in Mexico and attempted to cover up the whole thing. He may be guilty of perjury at the very least. Either way, he's got to hit the bricks and soon.

5)Republicans- All of this is moot if the GOP gets it's way of killing off half the population of this country. Don't believe me? Read their plan to fix the budget which eliminates Medicare and Medicade and will cut SS benefits by half. Plus rich people get lots more money which is what we all really want right? Hell no. The democrats have actually put out a budget today that at first glance seems somewhat reasonable with returning rich people to Clinton era tax rates, a 3% hike, and eliminating tax breaks for jet owners and oil companies. What's not to like? Ron Paul has another great idea of writing off the 1.7 trillion dollars in debt we owe to ourselves. Tell the Fed you're not getting it, tough titty, and deal. The world will still spin quite fine without the Fed f#$cking it up. But if Minnesota is anything to study, the GOP has dug in it's heels and the government there has been shut down for two weeks. Where are the protests people? You're not going to get anywhere sitting on your fat asses watching Oprah. That's why I wrote this column. I'm too old and crippled to do much more. So this is how I protest. But more of you out there should be organizing and standing outside of our leaders houses and places of work. Our country will end in a few weeks and nobody seems to care, least of all the GOP. If it does fail, and I see every reason to believe it will, will the picthforks and torches arrive then, or are we so demoralized a people that when the tanks come we will lie down in front just to die quicker? Way to go GOP. You are douchebag of the week.

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