Tuesday, July 26, 2011

House GOP Nixes Boehner Plan. Nice.

Proving that even among his party, Speaker John Boehner is losing friends fast. It was revealed today that House Republicans do not have enough support to pass their debt-ceiling increase plan on their own. “There are not 218 Republicans in support of this plan,” Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican who heads the powerful conservative caucus in the House, told reporters Tuesday morning. Duh. This is exactly what I and other pundits have said from day one as the GOP wasts precious time. Th only good news is that our chances of a default by August 2nd have been lessened by the revelation that the US government took in 14 billion more than expected which will guarantee we won't default right away and SS checks should go out on time. Whether the military will get paid or not is still up in the air.

For this Republican bill to pass, Speaker John A. Boehner will have to rely on Democrats to help with the $1.2 trillion spending cuts plan — support he is unlikely to get. Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer said “very few” Democrats will vote for the Boehner plan, though he acknowledged there could be some.

Good luck on that for anyone who wants their job next election cycle.

The Tea Party is demanding their idiotic Balanced Budget Amendment that has as much chance of passing as establishing an "I Love Hitler" day for a national holiday. These morons are sinking this country with their "I don't compromise," stance that works as well as a porn actress stating she won't get naked. IT'S YOUR F%^KING JOB NUMNUTS! The Tea Party will kill us all. Call your senator today and demand they raise the ceiling without crushing the middle class. They keep saying it's class warfare. It is. And we're losing. Unless we start fighting back, we're going to get crushed underneath the jackbooted feet of the stormtroopers coming for you.

Obama's speech last night was quite good for a guy I feel has done a really crappy job so far. Maybe he can right the ship before it takes on too much water. His best chance right now is the idiot Teatards nominating someone unelectable, a strong possibility. But first, we must raise the debt ceiling. Our way of life is at stake and GOP wants to make you slaves. Anybody voting for any of these morons is a traitor to our country. Make them know it.

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