Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony; Why Juries Are Outdated

Only the most idiotic of minds could find in somehow, someway, that Casey Anthony was innocent. If this was an isolated incident I would feel a whole lot better about our jury system but sadly, it is not. It is the latest in a string of WTF moments that are happening more and more.

First off, Anthony was guilty, the evidence, albeit circumstantial, showed she was guilty and the jury should have found her guilty. So why didn't they? We may never know the whole truth as the jury has wisely decided to stay out of the public eye for fear of being lynched later. The ultimate truth though is one that points the finger squarely at the public at large: we as a people are too stupid to make important decisions anymore. Mind you, juries aren't immune to this as our politicians seem all too oblivious to the simplest truths as well. As I write this, Grover Norquest, douchbag extraordinaire (and will be seen in this week's douchebag column) has singlehandledly tied GOP hands by demanding no new taxes even on the rich. This is in the face of the facts that 80% want higher taxes on millionaires. Minnesota is still closed on the fourth day of a budget impasse that is the same scenario seen on a smaller scale. The GOP is determined to end America and I don't mean that facetiously but literally. Any vote for 99% of Republican candidates are voting to end their existence and that of their children. If the debt ceiling isn't raised it's the end. Period.

But I digress. The facts remain that due to our terrible school system which was once the envy of the world and now the equal of third world nations, we are becoming dumb, dumb, dumb. Our schools are literally falling apart (one military school on a German base is 73 years old and looks it), our infrastructure crumbling and no one can decide how to fix it.

At this stage of the game, people are simply unqualified to be juries. The people picked to be on these trials are usually those of the least intelligence and schooling, yet we expect them to behave as graduate level students of science, something we as a nation are woefully inadequate.

This case once again shows that trial by jury needs to go away. Few countries still do trial by jury for just this reason: the cases of today are too long and too scientific for the average Joe to handle.

End trial by jury or else watch our judicial system crumble to nothing.


  1. Quote: the evidence, albeit circumstantial, showed she was guilty

    This is an oxymoron.

    Case 1: The evidence is circumstantial. Then by definition, she is innocent, as circumstantial evidence is not evidence.

    Case 2: The evidence showed she is guilty. Then the evidence isn't circumstantial, because it showed she was guilty.

    I think that you should at least re-read what you write, so that you don't contradict yourself in the same EIGHT WORDS.

  2. Circumstantial evidence has been used in the past to convict many a person. Just because it's circumstantial doesn't mean innocence. Look at the case of Scott Peterson which was all circmstantial, yet he was convicted. There is no contadictiom here. As a matter of fact, you have proved the point of the article that poeople aren't smart enough to be on juries
