Sunday, July 10, 2011


With the GOP acting like spoiled children and holding their breath until they turn blue, debt talks have broken down once again. Between the idiot Tea Party, who regardless of facts have decided the only way to fix the country is to destroy it by not raising the debt level for any reason, and the GOP determined to save tax breaks for the uber-rich, things look bleak. How bleak? If you're in the military, don't expect a pay check past August 2nd. Food stamps and Social Security will almost certainly be paid for August but beyond that nothing is certain, and even that is still up in the air. Federal employees will be sent home and parks shuttered. Also, the stock market will crater and the world economy will be thrust head first into a severe Depression. Hope any of you out there aren't too attached to your jobs because millions will be laid off with no hope of unemployment checks because those stop too as of August 2nd.

Yet here we are, weeks away from catastrophe and the Republicans are acting like it's no big deal. Sure, sink the world economy and see what we think of you crap party at that point. I personally will f#$k up any republican I come across dumb enough to actually show support for this failed policy of no tax breaks for the rich. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Pay your fair share you parasites and stop talking about job creation like it means anything? There are no jobs and haven't been for some time because they've all been outsourced to India and Mexico. Check out what companies are doing the most hiring at given moment and you'll see that they are all ones that pay nothing; service jobs and low wage, low skill garbage.

Anybody supporting the GOP is a traitor to this country. If you know any, make them know it to. Our very existence is at stake and it is because of people like Michelle Bachmann AND HER SUPPORTERS that need to be gotten rid of (scorn works wonders by the way) to save the US. If you like your life, miserable at might be, remember what will happen after August 2nd is going to be far worse. End the Tea Party and the GOP. Brand them as the new Redcoats. Your survival and that of your children are at risk. A new Depression looms and these idiots are going to get us all there. The only saving grace is that if this does come to be the Armageddon I fully believe it to be, the GOP will have no chance in any election anywhere ever. And that might be worth them screwing the planet for everyone.

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