Sunday, July 24, 2011


I know a lot of you out there are thinking how could that right wind nut bag who shot a bunch of children in Norway this week not be the douchebag of the week? Yes he will be on the list but his actions don't threaten the whole world's economy. Let's see those runner ups.

1)Amy Winehouse- When you mix alcohol, coke, heroin, ecstasy and horse tranqs, death is soon to follow. This is a person with a death wish ala Beluishi and Farley who died under similar circumstances. Regardless of what you thought of her personally, she was talented even if she did often look like a drunken horse. She will be missed.

2)Connecticut- If there was reason why people are fleeing the state, myself included, the new taxes Governor Malloy (D) are a good reason. One of the most corrupt states in the nation, it doesn't matter which party is in office to get screwed. Adrian's Landing has been on the books for nearly twenty years and all they have to show for it is an empty convention center and an expensive science museum. Under Rowland, and probably still continuing to this day, any developer has to fork over millions to the government in "licensing fees." How do I know? Because when I and a group of investors tried to get a movie studio built, we got blackmailed for four million dollars. Word is Dee Snider, who was trying to build a heavy metal museum got the same deal as did Aetna in some other venture I have long forgotten. Snider walked but Aetna ponied up the money. Then after they get their pound of flesh, they reward the developer with millions back out of taxpayer money. Then the developer walks away and everybody happy, except the residents of CT. In order to keep this money train growing, they keep raising taxes on the poor and middle class as seen by the huge tax hikes Malloy just did. On top of having the highest gas taxes in the country, even beating Hawaii, they just raised the income taxes as well. I left years ago and will move to Siberia before I go back to CT. F#$K em.

3)The police- Out of control is an understatement with this insane blue line. This week, a police officer in Florida shot a dog and unarmed man while his partner watched the whole thing go down. Called to a domestic dispute, things went badly fast. Worse, the police union was backing the lunatic who held a gun to a guys face and said "I don't need no mother#$$%^^& warrant." He then proceeded to shoot the dog and the man. Only call the police if absolutely necessary. These people did and got killed as a result. The police are NOT here to help but to subjugate you. Too many are dangerous lately with god complexes. Avoid at all costs.

4)The TSA- Responding to complaints, it was revealed this week that they will get rid of naked screens in their cancer machines and replace them with generic stick figures. Now if they could only eliminate that pesky radiation too.

5)Norway's Right Wing Nutbag-At least 92 people were killed in the twin attacks that police are blaming on the same suspect, 32-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik.
Mad of the government for left leaning ideals, this idiot blew up two bombs outside government buildings and the prime minister's residence and then proceeded to shoot a bunch of innocent children at a summer retreat. responding police deserve a special award for their incredible incompetence are spending ninety minutes to get to the island due to a lack of any kind of response planing. Their idiocy caused many many more deaths. Not to be outdone, the US nutbag association said we need to show the world were idiots too and spree shooting erupted at a roller rink in Texas and a car show in Seattle. Insanity is spreading world wide as we reach the brink of our own existence. Why do I sound so bleak? See below.

6)Republicans- These fools are going to kill us all. Walking away from talks, Republicans have said they will solve the problem themselves without any help from democrats or the President. Maybe they seem to have forgotten they are not in power any more. This option is doomed to failure because while any legislation is sure to pass the house it will almost certainly fail in the Senate or vetoed by the President. Their plan is sure to be very similar to other plans which had no sacrifices for rich people, just an end to things like social security and medicare. These idiots want to privatize SS and eliminate Medicare, a very unpopular plan among most in the US. So doomed to fail Republicans have taken up another issue dead on arrival and the country is sure to follow. Asian markets may be beat up today and expect ours to follow. That which government fails to fix, the markets will. We are headed for a very sharp cliff. Be prepared. So way to go GOP. You are indeed douchebag of the week.

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