Thursday, July 28, 2011

the Tea Party: Caught Between A Rock And A Stupid Place

With Tea party leaders like Jim Demint and Michelle Bachmann it's not a difficult stretch to call the Tea Party supporters a bunch of mindless drones who seem incapable of making even the simplest steps in logic. But now comes the ultimate in absolute stupidity: the fact that compromise is a now a dirty word.

With the Teatards sticking their collective heads in the sand over the debt crisis, the questions arises when will ordinary Americans say "Enough?" Apparently, finally, it seems to have occurred. GOP leaders are getting an earful from their constituents about how much they are NOT going to go along with this new austerity packages that put all the weight on the poor and middle class while our rich overlords get to to continue their rape of mankind.

And how have the Republicans and the Tea Party responded? By turning a deaf ear and continuing to waste everyone's time by trying to get enough votes for Boehner's DOA debt plan. While it still may or may not pass the House, it is almost certainly never going to pass "as is" in the Senate with the debt ceiling limit only extended for six months. No one, except the GOP, wants this to occur all over again near Christmas during what is certain to be a bitter election cycle. Oddly, the GOP seems to be taking the most heat from all of this so why they would want MORE bad publicity before an election is almost shocking in it's ineptitude.

Worse is the Tea Party, who like a child having a temper tantrum, refuse to compromise at all until they get their way. For them it's a balanced budget amendment or nothing, regardless of whether the country sunks or swims. Nevermind the fact that this is exactly the same debacle law that is slowly killing California. But as Tea Party platforms appear written by drunken, mentally challenged morons, this should be par for the course.

At no point since the Civil War are we this divided a nation and we all remember how this ended, unless of course you are a Teatard who's view of history is somewhere between a three year old and a rock. Listen to Palin, Bachmann or Demint on their view of the past and cringe as our public school system gets royally embarrassed. Palin butchered Paul Revere's history, Bachmann said that the founding fathers fought against slavery and Jim Demint called George W. Bush the greatest President ever. Astonishing. But what is worse are the idiots out their supporting these fools. What moron has put Bachmann into office time and time again? Are lead chips standard issue in Minnesota?

The debt ceiling is a real problem that as of this writing is crashing the stock market, interest rates are already going up and people are losing their jobs. Imagine what will happen next week when the stock market nose dives 800 points as many an economist is saying will happen. This is not some theoretical issue but one that has real consequences. And our leaders and Tea Party supporters are are all saying let the debt ceiling stay where it is. Will they be saying the same next week when their 401k gets wiped out, millions of jobs lost and higher interest rates rise for everybody? Even then, I'm not sure the Teatards will notice.

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