Friday, July 22, 2011

Norway Bombings: Who's To Blame?

UPDATE: the gunman has been idientfied as Anders Behring Breivik. a 32 year old right wing nutbag. His motive is still unknown. It is clear he's pissed about something. Moron. If Norway is considered too oppresive what do the rest of us have to hope for. The only possible link I can think of is that he's pissed at the government for their left leaning ways toward the Palestinians. He's defintely anti-Muslim although why he wouldn't have targeted a mosque is beyond me.

Studying early news reports of events such as this often lead to many dead ends and false statements. What is known so far is that several bombs went off in Oslo and a few hours later a blond hair Norwegian dressed up as a police officer shot a whole bunch of kids on a nearby island. Apparently he gathered a bunch of them togther and then opened fire. Dick.

It is possible the two incidents are completely unrelated. It is also possible the blond guy may be some sort of Muslim convert, and if he is, thanks a lot douchebag. As blond hair/blue eyed myself I have enough trouble with security without getting the extra lovings by the TSA.

Could it be a false flag operation? Possibly as the buildings hit were near empty due to the holiday. If they were really wanting to kill bunches of people they sure picked a crappy day to do it. Plus it is odd that Norway has been siding with the Arab world in things like negotiations for a Palestinian state. But never underestimate the stupidity of any particular person likewise. Or what Israel might do in retaliation.

So it could be a nutbag, an extremist homegrown or otherwise, or just another conspiracy theory waiting to happen. It's too soon to tell and way to soon to be jumping to conclusions. Whether it's the truth or not is a whole other matter.

More posts as info flows.

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