Tuesday, March 13, 2012


When this idiotic war first started, many a person said it would be another Vietnam. The right pooh poohed such as idea and said that instead we would be welcomed in with open arms and thrown a parade with statues erected with our faces on them to show their gratitude. Didn't exactly work out that way did it? Not only is it exactly like Vietnam, it's actually run longer. This makes it the longest American conflict in our history. Make you proud doesn't it. Excuse me while I retch uncontrollably.


That's better. It is astonishing in this day and age that we still fight wars like we have since the Korean conflict. Throw some random bombs toward the enemy's way, both sides experience death and destruction, but not too much and then we leave and declare victory whether we have or have not achieved our objectives. There is a reason we haven't won a war since WW2 and that's because we don't fight wars. We slap fight when we should be stabbing the other individual to death.

War should never be taking lightly. If you do enter it, be prepared to kill every man, woman and child on the other side. Obviously I'm not talking genocide in a Hitler death camp kind of way, but major cities should be flattened to the ground if need be and civilian causalities be damned. But the idiotic Geneva Convention ties our hands and the worries of war crimes hamper any President who even thinks about doing such a thing. As a result, we will lose every war we continue down the path doing the exact same thing that hasn't worked for more than half a century.

Has anyone actually read the Geneva Convention Articles? They should be called "how to a lose a war in ten easy steps." Civilians should never be intentionally targeted. However, if you live in a city where war manufacturing is taking place, kiss it and you goodbye. That will never happen under the Geneva Accords. It's leveled the playing field so that small terrorist groups can win against a larger enemy and we keep following the same stupid script.

Fixing Afghanistan is easy. First, start moving everyone out. This backward nation is not ready for the twentieth century let alone the twenty first and it is idiotic to even think that it ever will. Once we start leaving, get Karzi in a room and explain to him that once we've left, we're not coming back. At least not with troops. The next time something happens and we have to come back, we will flatten the entire country until nothing is left standing. That's how you deal with people who do not fear death. Promise them all a quick death and see those negotiations start post haste.

Kubla Khan did just that back in the 12th century. Studying from various religious texts, Khan asked his tutor to explain one passage. In it said death to all infidels. The tutor explained that yes in their religion heretics were expected to die. Kubla took out his sword and cut off the man's head. He then went on to murder a great number of Muslims until they sent a decree saying that passage did not apply to him. He took that as okay and stopped his bloody rampage. I'm not saying we should do that either but we have to stop fighting wars as if no one should ever die.

We have a spectacular military which we don't seem to use. We have planes that don't fly, tanks that don't drive and the right keeps saying how dare we think of cutting the military budget. We could cut that number in half and still beat anyone on the planet, we'd just have fewer wastes of money like the F-35 which, despite being "ready" since 2006, has never flown a combat mission because of safety concerns. Then way are we still building these crappy planes at hundreds of millions of dollars apiece? Because out military industrial complex is wholly out of control, that's why.

We need to start fighting wars better, arming our military wiser and generally stop making the same mistakes of the last sixty years. Get out of Afghanistan, warn them what will happen if we have to go back and tell the rest of the world to F off. Russia got little slack for the brutal, yet effective, crackdown on the rouge state of Georgia. They wiped their ass with the Geneva Accords and won in three days, And the world said nothing. We should be doing the same in any future conflict.

If war with Iran does commence, I hope they take that to heart., because Iran could knock us into next week if we fight with kid gloves. They have a strong military, Russian and North Korean backing, and missile technology that even we don't posses, because god forbid we manufacture anything in this country that works. We've become the Taiwan of the world for product quality. I'm hoping that some sort of agreement can be reached but I also feel that it's quite the pipe dream. The next war will be bloody. Let's hope it's not anywhere near as long.

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