Friday, March 30, 2012


Strange how "activist" judges are so looked down upon by the Teatards and American Taliban except when those same ideals are used to propel their idiotic agendas. This week the Supreme Court took up Obamacare and signs show that, as expected, ideological lines are being drawn, even though some of the judges should have recused themselves from the hearings for conflict of interests. The endgame of this won't be whether or not Obamacare stands or falls but whether or not millions of us who rely on things like a public option and non denial for pre-existing conditions will be left out in the cold. And if that happens, all bets are off as to what will happen to this country when desperate sick people are told too bad

First, let's clear up a common, Fox News driven piece of nonsense: Romneycare works. As a matter of fact it works really well. Yes, in the short term, costs rose as sick people who didn't have insurance finally got some. But then, shocker, costs fell as prices stabilized and now we have the lowest cost increases in the country, 98% of our population has health care, and waits are no longer here for doctor visits than anywhere else in the country. I made a doctor appointment yesterday and got my choices of appointments for any day I wanted next week. Where's that months waiting time Republicans keep screaming about? Oh that's right, it doesn't exist.

Fox news viewers have been described as the least knowledgeable people in the country because they believe everything the idiot box tell them. And now that knowledge is killing people. Hallie Jean Maynes Knauss Culpepper (what a name) was a die hard Republican, avid Fox News watcher and now, corpse. Why you ask? Because Fox News made her fearful of Obama, of Muslims, of death panels, and of health care. On February 16th, 2012, Ms. Culpepper died at 85 because she refused to go the hospital because she was afraid of Obamacare.

After falling ill ten days previous to her death, she refused to go see her doctor because she said, “I don’t want Obamacare to get all of my information!” She ranted about not doing business with the Muslim Brotherhood or Obama death panels, none of which is actually true, but stuff Fox News reports constantly. She was dead soon after and Fox News helped kill her.

The good news in all this is that viewership for MSM outlets like Fox, CNN and MSNBC are all way down with CNN leading the charge with a 50% drop in ratings recently. As much as I loathe Fox, I admit to being a regular news watcher (not their idiot prime time claptrap but I really like Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace who do an acceptable job). The reason for this is that channels like CNN and MSNBC want me throw my television through the window because they come across as totally incompetent rather than the evil that is Fox, and I'd rather watch that anyday. I have no idea what agenda CNN has but I think it has something to do with giving comas patients something to listen to. Wolf Blitzer's recent interview with Mitt Romney was so bad I though I was watching a SNL sketch. And don't get me started on John King who constantly was the worst debate moderator in the history of debates. Yes Fox is evil and I hate their agenda reporting. But CNN is flailing wildly with NO agenda and somehow that seems even worse. When they were restructuring their channel last year, some smart people actually suggested reporting the truth for once but that idea went belly up and instead wasted their time on snazzier graphics and other shiny things that meant nothing. You'll get more truth on this site than all three channels combined.

If Obamacare gets repealed what then and will Romneycare fall as a result? If it does, I'm dead. I am not being facetious in this in that I will literally die without Romneycare. I can't afford insurance on my own without government subsidies, I have several pre-existing conditions that wouldn't allow me to get insurance regardless, and without doctor care and medication, I won't last five years.

If the High court voids the individual mandate, which was once promoted by the Hertitage Foundation and the GOP, people like me are going to die. The Tea Party shows their disdain for people like me when they screamed out "Let them die," during a debate on health care. It's also one of the many reasons I hate the Tea Party with the passion of million suns. If the law is struck down, anyone not living in MA will have that same old heath plan that wasn't working before. Millions will be thrown off their plan, people with pre-existing conditions will be denied coverage forever and emergency rooms will fill up again with their costs being passed on to taxpayers and raising their premiums. This is what the Tea Party wants.

Everyone seems to be an "expert" on this subject, including some of the dumber members of Congress and the Supreme Court (Scalia, Thomas, McConnel, Ryan) while having no idea how a mandate works. I have a license to sell health insurance in the state of MA, have been in the health care system for many years due to serious health problems and whose father was an executive VP for many different health care insurance companies. I am an expert on the subject and none of what the right wing Supreme Court Justices have shown in court has any merit. The Republicans in Congress seem intent on making us a slave nation, if their latest budget is any indicator, and the Tea Party/Fascists are leading the charge.

If this ends Obamacare, and ultimately Romneycare, a lot of people are going to die, myself included. At that point some of us won't have anything left to lose and peaceful protests won't matter. If I'm dead anyway, who cares. Let the Supreme Court take that into account when deciding the fate of me and millions like me, especially if you belong to the Tea Party.

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