Monday, September 17, 2012


Carl Jung wrote about archetypes which he defined as "ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious," or a part of the unconscious mind that is expressed in all of humanity everywhere. There is another idea that global consciousness is also possible, especially after a specific threshold is breached. Take ants for example. Apart they are a single entity, but keep adding ants and eventually you will have a hive. That moment that one ant is added that turns the group from individuals to hive is the same that could be said for higher beings as well. While we don't have a hive mind per say, there is strong evidence that an empathic, perhaps even psychic, bond may be created. If so, maybe that explains the sudden violent turn we are seeing everywhere, not just in the Middle East and North Africa.

Tell me you don't see this in whatever country you live in: a loss in civility that is shocking in it's intensity. Road rage, random acts of violence and riots encompass a good portion on mankind now and growing. Should a group mind exist, it may explain the level of anger we are experiencing and one we should be very concerned with. But assholes like the Koch brothers may be making things worse.

As discussed in yesterday's Douchebag column, there is some evidence that the Koch brothers and the GOP were responsible for the release of an anti-Muslim video four years ago to the week, “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West.” The video, which didn't get the same treatment as "Innocence of Muslims," was sent out with dozens of magazines and newspapers, a fact that did not sit well with many regular readers of such stalwarts as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Miami Herald. 28 million were also sent out by direct mail to swing state voters.

The film shows all Muslims as dangerous militants bent on world domination. Images of Hitler and Nazis are combined with Muslim children chanting "Death to America." While I don't completely disagree with this analogy, this was not the forum to do such a comparison. Muslim fundamentalists are the most dangerous people on the planet with a philosophy that does not co-exist with Western principles, as seen through a lens of free speech which these nutters have no respect for. They are every bit as dangerous as the Nazi's but without the military, intelligence or even ability to wage war like the fascists did. This means that different strategies need to be used to defeat a such an enemy and getting rid of poverty and illiteracy are the first step there. However, as we have not been able to make much out of those problems right here at home, there is no chance of succeeding abroad.

What evidence do we have the GOP is behind this latest atrocity of film? We know that the group that made this movie got a sudden influx of money in 2010 and 2011. This is from the Media for Christ tax return. (this website is down and should not be confused with which is not affiliated with them)

2005 - Shows no income, only 8,719 in money contributed personally to to set up the organization and 15,543 in expenses leaving a shortage of -6,824 for the year
2006 - income 64,164 - salaries 0 - other expenses 63,811 - loss of -6,471 for the year
2007 - income 65,861 - salaries 0 - other expenses 61,963 - loss of -2,573 for the year
2008 - income 46,248 - salaries 0 - other expenses 47,127 - loss of -879 for the year
2009 - 195,396 income - 24,263 salaries - other expenses 170,186 - loss of -22,485 for the year
2010 - $633,516 income - 138,638 salaries - 499,649 other expenses - loss of -11,863 for the year
2011 - $1,016,000 income - $165,785 in salaries - 826,451 other expenses - ahead +23,551 for the year

Somebody with a lot of money gave these morons a ton of cash to make a very similar film as the one that came out four years ago to the week. If one party was responsible for the last one, the chances seem good that the same people, the Koch brothers, are behind this one as well.

If they were, the tactic does not seem to be working for their man, Mitt Romney. Romney, Ryan, the entire GOP, Fox News and pundits like Sarah Palin and Charles Krauthammer have all drank from the kool-aid and are hammering Obama on an imagined foreign policy bungle which never existed except in their own minds. What exactly did the president do that was so wrong? I keep hearing "he's leading from behind," and "why are we giving money to Egypt and Libya if their governments are trying to kill us." When asked what exactly they would do different, their mouths slam shut as if they were doing the cinnamon challenge and forgot to bring a glass of water. They have no freaking idea what to do either but challenging the president every chance they get is their only hope they have for a rapidly disappearing chance at victory anywhere.

Pundits in Sunday behaved as if they were giving a eulogy for Romney dying campaign. They all    acknowledge that because Romney failed to define himself with any specifics, such as during his bland RNC speech, Obama and the democrats are doing it for him. His numbers are dropping faster than Honey Boo Boo's mom going into diabetic shock and they see it. They are all hoping this Middle East/North Africa nonsense will see some gains but as the American public puts foreign policy dead last on concerns, this is going to go nowhere.

But as all this happens, we are facing some truly terrible actions. Japan and China are reviving old hostilities over a few islands that may or may not have hidden wealth on them. China is pissed that Japan bought these islands from their private Japanese owners and then not given them over to China for some reason or another. Violent protests have broken out and car plants at Honda and Toyota were damaged over the weekend. While war between these two nations is highly unlikely, it is one more example of a hostile public on a global scale. People are screaming for war everywhere as we haven't really fought one since the forties and no one remembers how bad war really is. Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it and we certainly seem to be heading that war in many places.

War with Iran is looming. Israel will attack, on their own if necessary, but with Iran certain to strike back at every target they can, the US will get involved almost immediately whether we like it or not. Chances are good, this won't happen until next year. But come January of 2013, expect financial and world turmoil which may become deadly fast. If the collective unconscious has anything to say about it, expect more and more hostility to grow until it's reaches a breaking point. And much like WW1 which started when Gavic Princip killed Archduke Ferdinand, one idiot could seal the fate for everyone on the planet. Stop the hate or else. Voting Republican is certainly not the way to start.

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