1)NYC Police- Happily, this isn't the usual police brutality mess that we are so used to see in this column. Instead, it involves a $500,000 terror response submarine, a veteran police officer, a clueless civilian supervisor and a whole lot of stupid. When something lodged in the rudder outside the sub, the cop asked the civilian in charge of safety (how did this guy get this job?) whether they could open the hatch to look outside and fix the problem WHILE THEY WERE UNDERWATER. He said yes, they opened the hatch, and, surprise, the sub filled with water and the crew was forced to abandon ship. They sub was a total loss. The unnamed cop (why pray tell) faces losing vacation time. OHH, that'll teach him.
2)Robbers of the Nottuln-Darup Sparkasse Bank in Germany- There was a direct to DVD movie called Flypaper about two groups of bank robbers robbing the same bank at the same time. It was hilarious. But one group was comprised of two hicks who used way too much C-4 to blow up the ATM machine and blew up much of the bank, and all of the money in the process. Art imitates life because that is exactly what happened in Germany this week. The bank was leveled as the idiot would be robbers used way too much explosives and destroyed it along with any any money they had hoped from the heist. Funny.
3)Allen West- One of the most despicable, worthless individuals in all of Congress put out a new ad that is also one the dumbest in recent history. In the new ad, West attacks his opponent Patrick Murphy for being arrested for drunk and disorderly way back in 2003 while West, he claims, was busy preparing his troops for deployment into war zones. What the ad fails to mention, and Murphy brings up in his counter-ad, is that he was a teen at the time and has spoken about it as a life altering moment. Meanwhile, West was facing a court martial for firing a gun at an unarmed Iraqi citizen. Which was worse and why would you bring up something that reminds people what a fuckwad you are? Anyone voting for West needs to be sterilized.
4)Sysco- These assholes represent the worst of corporate America. A man, Martin Cupid, worked for the company for ten years. His health faltered and was having kidney problems/ When told his bosses he was getting a kidney transplant his boss said no problem. Then they fired him and yanked his insurance away as well. That is a dick move and is the reason why we see so many shootings at work places nowadays. Sysco said it was unrelated to his health (yeah right) but memos show only four others released and those had occurred in January of 2011. He has filed complaints with the Americans with Disabilities Act as he would have missed no work during the procedure but companies fire people routinely now with health problems so their insurance premiums don't go up. Not only did this happen to me personally, but I know someone else who worked for Sysco who had the exact same thing happen. This company sucks so if you don't have to do business with them, don't. They treat their employees like cattle. By the way, this is why we need a national union because corporations have way to much power to fire whoever they want for the flimsiest of reasons.
5)Muslim Extremists- Will somebody tell this fucking morons that we have had just about enough of them. In just the last 24 hours, these wastes of space killed two more soldiers in Afghanistan in another "friendly" attack, burned Buddhist temples to the ground in Bangladesh, injured 30 in a grenade attack in Thailand, attacked a church in Kenya, and exploded a bomb outside a church in Nigeria. When is enough enough? Try that in this country numnuts and watch how much blood gets spilled when innocent people get caught in the crossfire. This country is filled with panicky idiots who will shoot first and ask questions later. You have been warned.
6)Republicans- It was been another bad week for the group that is doing their best to receive a historic drubbing come November. The numbers are all going south fast and rumor is, Ryan is doing his best to distance himself from the Titanic level Romney campaign that is floundering. As his numbers have plummeted for his House race from a 25 point lead to eight, things look bad. As for those poll numbers, just remember that anything Dick Morris says is a lie and not based in reality as even Rasmussen says his numbers don't add up. And as for that Jimmy Carter level collapse in the one debate he had with Reagan, that hasn't happened since and Carter was much less popular than Obama is now. Both sides are underplaying their hand with some saying Romney will decisively win as a hedge against looking too overconfident. Don't bet on it as Obama will dust the floor with him as Romney sticks to unpopular talking points like contraception, anti-gay rights and no specifics on his economic plan. This debate on Wednesday is going to be ugly and could cement this as another Dukakis like moment. Plus, it has come out that Bobby Jindal just said that if gay marriage is legalized, the second amendment will go away. How is that even possible? The level of crazy in the GOP is stunning.
7)BET Awards- I have long suggested that Black culture is terrible. Please don't interpret that as racist or a testimony to black inferiority. What I am suggesting is that the fact their youth is influenced heavily by people both within their community and on a celebrity scale of thug worship. When all the rappers are former felons who still carry guns something is amiss. When Tyler Perry speaks for all black people, something is wrong. This wasn't always the way and some sense of reality has to creep back into. This week, gunfire broke out at the BET awards AGAIN as two rappers shot at each other in the parking lot. Please make this stop by NOT listening to this crap which, for the record, white culture is going down the same path. Few male singers of any race are worth listening to anymore and now we have shows like "Bayou Billionaires" and "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," spotlighting white trash with money and stupidity in general. All of this is pure, unadulterated crap.
8)Annie Dookhan- This bitch has not only destroyed her life, but thousands of possibly innocent people, not to mention any trust in the police or the legal system in general. Dookhan was arrested this week after tens of thousands of cases she worked on for the MA state crime lab came into question. Turns out, not only did she not have a Masters like she had claimed, but routinely gave false positives for drug tests resulting in convictions for people who were not guilty. As a result, thousands of cases will be nullified and many will sue for wrongful convictions which will cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars. Plus, anyone convicted of any drug charge from now on, will use this case as a reason for reasonable doubt. This horrible person has done untold damage and now faces at least 20 years in prison. I hope she gets life for all the lives she has ruined. So congratulations Annie you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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