If the worthlessness of MSM couldn't be more apparent, a major story has erupted and other than a few news outlets and, oddly enough Fox News, this story has been missing in action. The Republican party fired last week a major voter registration consultant, Nathan Sproul of Strategic Allied Consulting, over allegation of voter fraud. Worse, Sproul is a major contributor to Mitt Romney. A criminal election fraud complaint has been filed with the state of Florida, of which the company also works in at least five other battleground states.
Millions of dollars have been spent trying to perpetrate this fraud in an attempt to only sign up Romney supporters only. As of Friday in Florida, election supervisors had found dozens of forms that had wrong birthdays, misspellings of names or even fake signatures. At least one who was on the list was dead and another apparently lived at a Land Rover dealership, much like Ann Coulter who committed voter fraud by listing her address as her realtor. She only wasn't charged due to her celebrity whose well connected friends conspired to help her wait out the statute of limitations.
There is bigger evidence that since SAC is a shell company, the fraud may be even bigger than just what is being reported, and badly at that. The five states that used SAC were FL, NC, Virginia, NV, and Colorado. However, there is evidence that other Sproul owned companies are being run in states like Oregon and California and may be doing the same type of fraud, supported by the RNC and Mitt Romney. If this is true, this is a major scandal and the press is treating it like a puff piece.
The RNC may be engaged in doing the exact same thing they claimed the now defunct organization ACORN was doing in 2008, only they weren't. Turns out the whole case against them was a fraud brought on by royal douchebag James O'Keefe, a conservative asshole posing a serious journalist. Charges against him are pending in NH for voter fraud which he is being investigated for when he had several associates pose as dead people to vote in the NH primaries to prove voter ID laws are necessary. Where was this ass when all the GOP stuff was going on? Oh his head was planted firmly up Romney's ass, that's why.
And where is Fox News when they blasted us nonstop about ACORN which was a lie while the real voter fraud is almost singlehandedly being done by Republicans only? Other than a report by Sheppard Smith, and one of the best reporters in the country right now, and a few pieces in newspapers like the LA Times, this story has fallen on deaf ears. WTF? Worse, most of these stories appear to buy into the whole "lone gunman" story while neglecting the fact that there is no way a single person was involved but many and possibly across the country.
This is not the first time Nathan Sproul has been accused of wrongdoing by the way. Other Sproul companies such as Sproul & Associates, the Lincoln Strategy Group and now SAC have been accused of fraud in the past several elections as well going back at least ten years. In 2004, senators Patrick Leahy and Ted Kennedy asked the US Attorney General to launch an investigation into voter fraud against Sproul which, of course, was ignored. Instead, the Bush's invited Sproul to the White House for a Christmas party in 2006. Similar attempts at charges in states like Arizona, Oregon and Nevada also went unheeded.
This is the press release from SAC:
Strategic has a zero tolerance policy for breaking the law. Accordingly, once we learned of the irregularities in Palm Beach County, we were able to trace all questionable cards to one individual and immediately terminated our working relationship with the individual in question. Strategic is committed to following the letter of the law and will continue to cooperate with the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections to ensure that this issue is resolved."
That must be one busy guy to cause all this trouble across 11 counties. The "lone gunman theory" is about as reliable as Oswald as the only shooter. When pressed about the large number of cases, SAC responded that in each case it was a single person. Right. And no one noticed anywhere. Either you guys are incompetent or in on it and neither looks good. It also doesn't help that the reason they keep changing the name of this company is at the request of the RNC because they didn't want to be publicly linked to a company engaged in past fraud allegations, so instead of finding a new company that didn't cheat, they just asked them to change their name. That's evil.
Unlike ACORN, Sproul was directly hired by the RNC and any fraud by ACORN was committed by just a few individuals which ACORN immediately fired, none of which were involved in the O'Keefe film which used selective editing to frame people it was later discovered by four independent investigators. This is a quote from former Republican Rep. Chris Cannon of Utah, during a 2009 voter suppression hearing:
"The difference between ACORN and Sproul is that ACORN doesn't throw away or change registration documents after they have been."
What should be troubling for the Romney campaign is how many GOP voters are now off the voter list now that fraud is being leveled at SAC. Not all of the names on SAC lists were fake and a lot of people may think they are registered to vote but are going to be turned away election day. 37,000 names have to be relooked at and some may slip through the cracks before election day. As the company obviously worked on signing Romney supporters only, all of those are going to be lost votes for the GOP nominee.
Sproul has managed to work for years with the RNC despite constant allegations of voter fraud and has raked in millions in the process. He worked for Cheney/Bush in 2004 which might explain part of the reason Ohio has 250,000 fake names in one county alone, all of who voted for Bush and resulted in jail time for several individuals, not that the MSM reported any of that. That number alone may have cheated Kerry out of a close race in 2004 by giving Ohio to Bush. Sproul also worked for McCain and Palin in 2008. Romney gave Sproul $80,000 last year as a political consultant. Romney has since downplayed his relationship with Sproul saying he hadn't used him since late 2011. The truth however is he was listed as an Arizona political consultant in February 2012 according to an AP story. Maybe somebody in the press, or better yet the debate on Wednesday, will ask why the apparent discrepancy.
This is a major story involving possible criminal activity and no one but me and a few other bloggers are talking about it. Let everyone you know about this as the RNC is attempting to steal this election. Don't let them.
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