Stephen Colbert
The MSM is still pounding Obama for his less than stellar performance in last week's debate, hanging him out to dry for the whole Libya debacle now being witch hunted by Congress, and rolled up wet for another failed green energy project. The worthless media has accomplished zero research into any of this past the salacious details so we all get is surface material that any moron with a computer and half an IQ point could have figured out themselves. But because of this we have seen a major shift toward Romney in some states, albeit still not enough to overtake the President. This is still impressive given that Romney told more half truths and outright lies during the last debate than a cheating husband caught with lipstick on his collar. And the media has just shrugged and said "Do facts matter?" Yes they do when our lives are on the line and those sycophants to the corporate teat do nothing to stop the rampant greed abound everywhere.
All of this makes tonight debate crucial for both Romney and Obama. If Ryan does well, which many are betting on (not me), Romney will have serious momentum going into the next debate. If Biden crushes Ryan on facts, which past debates with this guy show he is a pitbull, then the movement will shift back to Obama. While it is true that past VP debates don't matter, this one does and heavily.
The last one that had as much impact was the Dick Cheney/John Edwards VP debate of 2004. I hated Bush at the time, and still do, and was already to cast my vote happily for John Kerry. Edwards always struck me as smarmy bastard but I had never really seen him on a debate floor before. Cheney came across as the grumpy old man next door who, like Romney, told not one truthful thing the entire debate. Unfortunately for Kerry, Edwards came across as backyard hick whose grasp of the most basic facts were well beyond him. The fact that he was a lawyer did not spell good things for anybody who had the misfortune of having this guy as your mouthpiece. Cheney killed him in the debate and destroyed the momentum Kerry had going into the next debate and helped kill his chances to be president. Mind you the fact the Bush cheated in Ohio by rigging the votes, and for which several people went to jail, went unnoticed by our MSM as well.
While everyone seems sure that "gaffe" prone Biden is a sure fire loser tonight, I am highly skeptical of that idea. First, his so called gaffes are more media projections than actual screw ups. Ohhh, he said the F-word. Awww, he compared all of us to slaves for the banks. He also says things that are quite clever and funny like "Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive," or when he slammed Rudy Giuliani for only speaking in sentences consisting of “a noun and a verb and 9/11.”
A few moments like that and Ryan is going to go down for the count.
Ryan will lie, lie and lie some more and let's hope either the moderator or Biden slam him hard everytime some nonsense comes up rather than sit there like a punching bag the way Obama did. Knowing what I know about Biden, he won't and this debate could be really interesting.
Last night Brown and Warren debated for a third time and Warren kept Brown on the ropes all night. I expect the same from Biden. Everytime Brown tried to stand up for his record, Warren shot him down with hardcore facts. Biden is going to come at Ryan like a bulldozer and I am not sure Ryan is ready for this kind of assault.
Mind you, the GOP lives in a world of the own making. Currently, Darryl Issa is holding hearings to find out why the State Department didn't have better security in Libya. That shouldn't have been that hard as Issa and his fellow Republicans shot down over $300 million in aid to places like security for Libya which is why there were no extra security there. This witch hunt was obvious in it's attempts to smear the president while ignoring basic facts about what really happened. While it is true the State Department kept giving out erroneous information, the ultimate scapegoats have to be House Republicans who denied money for such projects, $128 million in 2011 ans $311 million in 2012. Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security," which Republicans then rejected. So who is to blame Issa, the State Department for failing to spend money they don't have while you bitch about the deficit, or you guys for not forking over the money in the first place instead of complaining about how it is going to be paid for? While you guys cry about it, people are dying. The deficit won't matter if there is no country left douchebags.
True to form, while talking about this, the Republicans outed ANOTHER CIA asset. Like Valerie Plume, for which no was arrested for outing even though the crime carries the punishment of the death penalty, the GOP's questions accidentally revealed the location of CIA base. Issa attempted damage control but the cat was already out the bag for all the world to see. Here's what happened from the Washington Post:
Through their outbursts, cryptic language and boneheaded questioning of State Department officials, the committee members left little doubt that one of the two compounds at which the Americans were killed, described by the administration as a “consulate” and a nearby “annex,” was a CIA base. They did this, helpfully, in a televised public hearing.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was the first to unmask the spooks. “Point of order! Point of order!” he called out as a State Department security official, seated in front of an aerial photo of the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, described the chaotic night of the attack. “We’re getting into classified issues that deal with sources and methods that would be totally inappropriate in an open forum such as this."
A State Department official assured him that the material was “entirely unclassified” and that the photo was from a commercial satellite. “I totally object to the use of that photo,” Chaffetz continued. He went on to say that “I was told specifically while I was in Libya I could not and should not ever talk about what you’re showing here today.”
Now that Chaffetz had alerted potential bad guys that something valuable was in the photo, the chairman, Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), attempted to lock the barn door through which the horse had just bolted. “I would direct that that chart be taken down,” he said, although it already had been on C-SPAN. “In this hearing room, we’re not going to point out details of what may still in fact be a facility of the United States government or more facilities.
May still be a facility? The plot thickened — and Chaffetz gave more hints. “I believe that the markings on that map were terribly inappropriate,” he said, adding that “the activities there could cost lives.”
In their questioning and in the public testimony they invited, the lawmakers managed to disclose, without ever mentioning Langley directly, that there was a seven-member “rapid response force” in the compound the State Department was calling an annex. One of the State Department security officials was forced to acknowledge that “not necessarily all of the security people” at the Benghazi compounds “fell under my direct operational control.
And whose control might they have fallen under? Well, presumably it’s the “other government agency” or “other government entity” the lawmakers and witnesses referred to; Issa informed the public that this agency was not the FBI.
“Other government agency,” or “OGA,” is a common euphemism in Washington for the CIA. This “other government agency,” the lawmakers’ questioning further revealed, was in possession of a video of the attack but wasn’t releasing it because it was undergoing “an investigative process.”
The Republican lawmakers, in their outbursts, alternated between scolding the State Department officials for hiding behind classified material and blaming them for disclosing information that should have been classified. But the lawmakers created the situation by ordering a public hearing on a matter that belonged behind closed doors.
Republicans were aiming to embarrass the Obama administration over State Department security lapses. But they inadvertently caused a different picture to emerge than the one that has been publicly known: that the victims may have been let down not by the State Department but by the CIA. If the CIA was playing such a major role in these events, which was the unmistakable impression left by Wednesday’s hearing, having a televised probe of the matter was absurd.
Way to go guys. In your idiotic attempt to embarrass the president you revealed that not only was the CIA to blame, but you told the whole world about it. Awesome. It is this level of stupidity that makes up a majority of the GOP. Issa is on Bill Maher tomorrow night with Ben Affleck which should make for electrifying TV, especially if tonight's debate goes belly up for Ryan. Next up for Issa is a proposed hearing about the president's job numbers and whether they were fixed or not. Unless they plan on exposing the same lie they have been championing for the past thirty years this will be another witch hunt with no real chance of exposing anything except their hatred for Obama.
It also turns out that another green job company has gone out of business. Abound Solar has filed for bankruptcy noting China as the main culprit for offering panels at a much lower cost than we can, mainly due to the fact that they pay their employees a few dollars a day, a notion the CEO's of the world would like to emulate. Our rapidly dwindling salaries should be a wake up call for most. What the Republicans fail to mention is that Abound was first given money under George W. Bush, and that only a small few green companies have gone under and not the fifty percent they keep touting with no factual basis. How come Obama's few failed companies are Armageddon but the many failed companies of people like Bush or Romney don't matter?
The GOP says that any poll that isn't going their way is "fixed" but then tout the same polls when they swing back. Unemployment are number are sacrosanct when Bush is in office, and highly suspicious when Obama is there. We have politicians like John Kyle who said 90% of Planned Parenthood was abortion related, which it wasn't. When asked to clarify his erroneous statements he said that his statement was not meant to be factual. So you lie and when caught say it doesn't matter? It does, you giant douche and is the main reason people don't trust anyone anymore. Not the government, not cops, not even their doctors. And all of this is sending this country right off the cliff as normal discussions cannot happen anymore when two people can't agree that two plus two is four. Reality is not a liberal concept. It is facts that we must accept and I for one am tired of having the same idiotic debates on established facts like evolution, gravity, the moon landing and Obama not being a radical, lefty socialist Kenyan. If Ryan tried to fudge the facts tonight like Romney did against Obama, I hope he slams him to the ground and stomps on his pretty face. This debate matters. Let's hope reality does too.
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