1)The Bronx Police Department- Last Spring, Tamon Robinson was spotted allegedly stealing bricks from a construction site. According to his mother, Tamon ran a business collecting unwanted scrap from construction sites to sell and had permission from the owner. Unfortunately after years of being harassed by cops, he ran when the cops showed up and then ran his ass over, even though he was unarmed at the time. This is happening more and more by the way, with the recent case of a cop who shot a naked man dead even though he was 130 pounds at best. Nice training dicks.
Now all this would be bad enough but wait there's more. Even though Tamon was brain dead they kept him shackled at the hospital, let the mother only visit for a few minutes and then, the day of the funeral, busted into her apartment in one of those no knock entries that I fucking hate, and then apologized for being at the wrong address. After all this, she then gets a bill for $710 for the dent her son's body left in the car when they struck him. That's some balls there. Needless to say, she is suing the department for mental anguish for which I hope she gets a boatload of money. If I were on that jury I'd bankrupt the bastards that did this.
2)TSA- How many times are the police and TSA going to show up here? In what can only be described as the worst idea ever, comes this gem from the TSA. In 2008, DHS was ready to purchase devices that would have the capacity to deliver a taser shock through the bracelets they would make you wear to get on a flight in the US. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Anybody who thinks this is good idea can just strap the swastika on right now because this is without a doubt the single worst idea ever on flight safety. The report went on to state that the bracelets could also be used as a torture device and restraints against protesters. Many organizations also expressed interest in the shock bands like the FBI, Border Patrol and the Forestry Service. When word leaked out about these weapons, public outcry killed the project. Imagine the power of someone who can not only touch you all over but the ability to punish you as well for non compliance. They will strap that to my hand only after I am long dead.
3)Corporations- If we need any further proof that we no longer live in a free society, now comes word that many major companies are pushing for European style austerity measures rather than tax hikes for the rich and compliance of corporate tax returns. The CEOs of JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, GE and 97 other firms are sponsoring the "Fix the Debt" campaign. The have organized a lobby group and have already raised $30 million to sponsor their agenda. The purpose of this group will be to raise awareness, aka brainwash, in people the notion that Medicare and Social Security are unsustainable so we should really be hacking away at entitlements to "save the economy." As I have shown in previous posts, fixing Medicare and Social Security is a relatively easy fix but would require rich people to pay more or opt out completely, which of course they hate the idea of. The main ideas of this group are to eliminate popular tax deductions like the mortgage home deduction which Ryan specifically did not rule out during the debate, the reason being that is one if the deductions they plan on getting rid of. So remember that come election day people. More on that later. They also plan on raising the age for Medicare, voucherizing it, changes to SS and tax hiked on the middle class. This is out future and some of you out there seem to want it. I hate you people
4)David Siegal-Speaking of douchebag CEO's, this waste of space recently threatened his employees with firing them if they didn't vote for Romney. Head of Westgate Resorts, here is part of his email to his staff:
If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.
So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.
Siegel is currently the subject of a documentary titled "The Queen of Versailles," which follows his mad quest in building the largest house in the United States. This man represents everything wrong with this country and we as a people have given them card blanche to run rampshod over us.
5)Barack Obama- I had to put him in this column because some of his most bone headed decisions are biting him in the ass hard. As I read the message boards, many are puzzled over why he continues to go after medical marijuana and, in the case of Washington State, legalization which will be on the ballot this November and may actually pass. Obama has threatened legal action if it does, further hampering support for him the area and may kill his chances to be President again. The polls are not moving in his direction and asinine crap like this is costing him millions of votes. Stop attacking weed dumbass. We all know you did it in college and are now President of the Untied States so saying that smoking it will kill any ambition one might have is obviously false. Keep this up and we will all be unhappy with President Mitt who will crack down even harder.
6)Iran- These assholes are begging to get hit after info leaked that they may be attempting cyberattacks. They were previously thought reasonable for sophisticated attacks against Saudi Arabia computers and managed to steal info and disable 30,000 computers there. Banks were attempted to be hacked as well as the power grid and the Pentagon. If this is true, it's another step toward war.
7)The Taliban- This week Taliban extremists shot and nearly killed a fourteen year old girl who was the spokesperson for why girls should be educated. These Neanderthals were appalled that a women should have the same right as a man and tried to kill her as a result. The good news in all of this is these douchebags really overreached this time and the Pakistanis are quite pissed. Hopefully this will lead to some public condemnation for this worthless religion, one of two I find reprehensible with the other being Baptists. This is not some racist or anti-religious sentiment but a deep understanding of why both are basically evil. Neither take any personal responsibility for the most heinous of actions and actually allow such atrocities to take place according to whatever idiotic book they are misinterpreting. Both believe that no matter how evil they are or what they do, they are still going to heaven. This allows zero morality as a sum goal and are alone in all world religions in this thought. Religious craptrap needs to go away. Anybody can believe whatever they want. Just don't force it on the rest of us.
8)Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee- This Teatard extraordinaire, a pro-life, pro family douchebag, got caught on tape demanding his mistress get an abortion. The call from 2000 was made by the politicians for reasons unknown and released details about it when the call went public. This is the same ass who, while divorcing his wife, was discovered to have held a gun in his mouth for hours at a time and once dry fired it at his wife. Class act. In his 2010 race, he called the charges false but when his mistress went public and knew about the recording, he was forced to make it public as well. The call paints him as a man whore who slept with lots of women that were not his wife and apparently believes abortion is fine if you are a politician. Worse, he is still ahead in the polls.
9)Republicans and the Tea Party Faithful- How stupid a people are we? Take the above example. DesJarlais is a man who has serious mental issues, untrustworthy and a hypocrite. Yet Teatards and the GOP and lining up to put him back into office along with fellow retards Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Many on the right are still gloating about the VP debate Ryan handily won. Wait a minute, that's not what happened at all as Ryan got his ass beat. But Republicans didn't see it that way, meaning we no longer share even an accepted reality when seen with one's own eyes. A debate is winning over people to your side and Ryan did none of that. Biden did exactly that as the CBS poll among undecided voters showed a clear shift toward Obama. Hopefully the polls on Monday will show some strength in the rapidly deflating Obama campaign, mostly from a dismal debate performance. I for one think he will do much better on Tuesday. God I hope so. People are voting Republican just to vote Republican and are selling us all down the river because of it. When these monsters get into office, we are all going to pay as wages will plummet, jobs will disappear, poverty will be everywhere and the fucking Tea Party will be to blame for all of it. So congratulation Tea Party faithful you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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