Sunday, October 21, 2012


The Drudge Report and Cannonfire both have stories hinting that Gloria Allred will hold a press conference in the coming days that may sink the Romney candidacy. Rumor is a lawsuit will be filed for psychological intimidation from a former Mormon, Carrel Hilton Sheldon against Romney. This is from the Daily Kos:

Carrel was given an overdose of heparin which damaged her kidneys, and caused significant internal bleeding. Doctors warned that her 8 week old fetus was probably significantly damaged, as well, and they recommended an abortion saying "her life was in peril." As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, she sought and received the blessing of then Massachusetts Stake President Dr. Gordon Williams, who agreed she should terminate the pregnancy to save her life, and enable her to care for her four other children. ... "Of course you should have the abortion," she recalled him saying.
But, then she experienced an uninvited visit from her local ward Bishop Mitt Romney who adamantly opposed the abortion."
"He regaled me with stories of his sister and her retarded child and what a blessing the child had been to the family," Sheldon wrote of the incident. "He told me that 'as your bishop, my concern is with the child.'" ...
There was no empathy forthcoming from Romney, according to Sheldon, no warmth or sympathy. Moreover, Sheldon contends, Romney cast doubt on her story about the stake president's approval. He simply didn't believe her. He threatened to call him and track him down. "At a time when I would have appreciated nurturing and support from spiritual leaders and friends," Sheldon wrote, "I got judgment, criticism, prejudicial advice, and rejection."
Romney persisted to the point of pressuring her parents, as confirmed by her father Phil Hilton who says "I have never been so upset about anything in my life," he told Scott. "[Romney] is an authoritative type fellow who thinks he is in charge of the world."

If this true, it could sink Romney's numbers as his anti-abortion stance will not resonate with women who are already on the fence with his views. More as this comes available.

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