1)People who eat things they shouldn't- In CT this week, a Pakistani family was left seriously ill after eating wild mushrooms in their back yard. Shah Noor, 40, and should know better, prepared large white mushroom found in her backyard and served them to her family with predictable results. Her daughter, Wafa Guloona, 24, was the most seriously ill after her liver almost shut down. She is now in stable condition. As immigrants, Noor said she was unaware that mushrooms could be lethal as it was common practice to eat wild mushrooms in Pakistan. Dumb ass. Apparently the mushrooms she ate were part of the Amanita bisporigia species also known as the Destroying Angel mushroom and is very toxic. There is a reason why most people have internet access, a library card or at least an ounce of common sense.
2)Paul Ryan- Captain Numnuts got hosed this week in a photo op gone wrong. Ryan was photographed washing dishes at a local Ohio homeless shelter. It came out later that the place had closed for the night and no homeless people were actually there. Whether the dishes were dirty or clean when he got to them has been the subject of some debate but in the photos themselves, the pots Ryan is cleaning look pretty spotless already. Anybody voting to have this Ayn Rand wannabe a heart beat away from the Presidency needs to get their head out of their ass.
3)World Net Daily- I used to read this website a decade ago before it went batshit insane for the right. Now comes word the the editor, Joseph Farah, has hired Pam Gellar as a regular contributor. Her article "Defending the West," which was first published in 2011, is a regular staple on the site and promotes anti-Islamic biases. I have no problem with anyone who wishes to worship however they want. It's only when you cross that line into demanding I believe the same nonsense that I get pissed. Yes, Islam definitely does that and, in reality, I find most religions to be bunk, but demanding people stop believing in what they do is not better than they demanding to believe what others do.
4)Muslim fundamentalists- Speaking of which come two stories, one not verified, about Muslim religious nonsense that makes the West's blood boil. The unverified one comes from Morocco where Muslim douchebags have allegedly destroyed rock carvings 8000 years old. Morocco officials have denied the actions but have offered no proof one way or another while local groups say the opposite and are blaming radicals for the destruction. If it is true, there is no worse crime one can be convicted of. I would give Jerry Sandusky a lighter sentence than these assholes. This type of destruction, which is occurring in other places, needs to be halted even if nukes are necessary to accomplish it. This is the ultimate crime against humanity and has no places in the 21st century.
The other story is that Turkish books aimed at children are comparing Darwin and Einstein to horrific Jewish stereotypes. Charles Darwin is described as a Jew with a big nose who liked monkeys more than people and Einstein as a filthy pig who ate soap and then followed it with this quote: “The sad part is during that time the Gestapo was putting Jews into ovens and making them into soap." The government is being blamed for this in the name of "religious tolerance," and show a steady move away from the secular nature they used to be thanks to nutbag PM Erdogon. The attacks on Darwin were described by officials as because Darwin was atheististic, something we here in this country know all to well. Nice to see religious extremists rewriting established facts aren't just in the USA anymore.
5)Scott Brown- This guy had a REALLY bad week and the poll number reflect it. First, he was forced to backtrack on a statement he made that a campaign ad from his rival, Elizabeth Warren, had paid actors in it. When the people who were definitely NOT actors complained, he had to issue an apology. A day later a story broke that he was paying homeless people to attend his campaign stops to make it look like more people where showing up than really were. Then came word than one of the people appearing in his wife's ad was a staunch Warren supporter and never agreed to have her visage use in the ad. As if all that wasn't bad enough, just hours ago a new story broke that the bald guy at the end of Brown's latest ad is a racist whose Facebook page is littered with really offensive statements. On the site, he calls Warren a douchebag and the president a "faggot" and a "Muslim in the White House." Worse, he goes on to call his alma mater, Brandeis, "Jew U. Great school. the people, not so much. One thing I learned is that Jews have a persecution complex and they hate themselves. That is why I believe they vote for liberals." Way to vet the people in your ad douche. The most recent polls show Warren gaining ground and is leading an average of six points right now. Brown is obviously desperate after an awful week.
6)Mitt Romney and his supporters- Only someone totally brain dead should be voting for this ass now. This is from the Week. com. "A recent audio recording has surfaced in which he tells the conservative National Federation of Independent Business that they should "make it very clear" how they feel about him and about President Obama. Romney says they should do so regardless of whether they support him or Obama, although he argues that the president is "hostile to small business, and to business overall." Romney assures the listeners there is "nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business." The recording emerged as Romney is still contending with attacks over a leaked video in which he essentially says that the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal taxes are government moochers who refuse to take responsibility for their lives. Is this a fresh setback for Romney, or was he merely encouraging business owners to exercise their right to free speech."
Romney is still behind in key state polls and, at this point, has little chance of winning the electoral college. He may still win the popular vote and lose which may lead to a violent confrontation. Likewise, if Obama loses many have threatened to riot. The day after election day may look like a soccer riot at this rate.
7)CEO's- Following the Romney audio and David Segal telling their employees their future resides in an Romney win, now comes word other douchebags are doing the same. Not surprisingly the idiot Koch Brothers are telling their employees the same thing giving them a list of all GOP candidates to support. Arthur Allen, the CEO of ASG software has gone a step further and demanded his employees donate as much as they can to GOP candidates. This type of nonsense should be illegal and the fact that it isn't show how far towards fascism we have come.
8)Joe Walsh- No not the guy from the Eagles, but a GOP politician who has decided that Todd Akin can't be the only moron in Congress who doesn't understand how biology works. This week, the Representative from IL said that abortion in case of the life of the mother is unnecessary because women never die in childbirth anymore. That's odd because not only does it happen ALL the time but as of 2010, we ranked 50th in the world in prevention of such tragedies. Not surprisingly he is trailing his opponent by 14 points in the latest polls, Tammy Duckworth. As she is a war veteran with no legs, Walsh was earlier criticized for his attacks on Duckworth for using her veteran status "too much." But using 9/11 every other sentence was just fine in the past. Ass.
9)Lance Armstrong- Never has one man in sports fallen so far so fast since the days of the OJ Simpson trial. But even OJ wasn't vilified the way Armstrong has been lately now that he is being accused of the one thing no man can walk away from in sports: cheating. At first, the allegations seemed suspect. He never failed a drug test, his accusers were suspect witnesses themselves with a real reason to lie and the such. But the report from the US anti-doping organization spelled out a lethal range of charges that included 26 witnesses, proof he had failed two tests and may have intimidated others into cheating with him. This is from the USADA website:
The evidence of the US Postal Service Pro Cycling Team-run scheme is overwhelming and is in excess of 1000 pages, and includes sworn testimony from 26 people, including 15 riders with knowledge of the US Postal Service Team (USPS Team) and its participants’ doping activities. The evidence also includes direct documentary evidence including financial payments, emails, scientific data and laboratory test results that further prove the use, possession and distribution of performance enhancing drugs by Lance Armstrong and confirm the disappointing truth about the deceptive activities of the USPS Team, a team that received tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars in funding. Together these different categories of eyewitness, documentary, first-hand, scientific, direct and circumstantial evidence reveal conclusive and undeniable proof that brings to the light of day for the first time this systemic, sustained and highly professionalized team-run doping conspiracy.
This is bad. As a result, Armstrong has lost every major endorsement he ever had, rumored to be worth over $100 million. He has been forced to step down from his charity, LiveStrong which is also embroiled in a different controversy with Big Pharma. This is from Natural News.com
“On a different but still relevant note, the Lance Armstrong Foundation was recently exposed for funding a Big Pharma-backed study that promotes an increase in the prescription of opiates and other pain reliever drugs, despite their growing and widespread abuse. The so-called PAINS Initiative study was also backed by the group Rx Action Alliance and drug giant Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the latter of which was fined more than half a billion dollars for misleading the public about the addictive nature of OxyContin (oxycodone).”
Even among his former friends comes word that he was kind of a jerk as well. One such guy, Mike Anderson, said that Armstrong tried to ruin him after a he was stabbed in the back by him on a business deal. He was sued back to the stone age in what Anderson called a real injustice where the US justice system was used by someone with more money to destroy a lesser individual who couldn't even hope to compete. Welcome to the new America.
So after all of this what does Armstrong do? He denies everything and say it's a witch hunt. What Darryl Issa, who I just found out is worth over $700 million dollars from his time in Congress, is doing with the attack on the Benghazi and the Obama reposnse, that is a witch hunt. You got caught Lance. Now fess up and be done with it.
This is everything that is wrong with this country. Lie and who cares. Cheat to get ahead at any cost. Destroy anyone who gets in your way. Lance Armstrong is going to lose everything over this. Lawsuits are already being filed by his sponsors who feel betrayed. His Olympic medals and Tour de France wins will go the way of the dodo. His reputation is shattered forever. His only hope is to fall on his sword and beg forgiveness. But still he denies it, like Mitt Romney telling people lie after lie and the MSM not doing anything about it. This is the new USA. Wonderful. And for that, Lance Armstrong you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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