Mark Twain
There are a lot of numbers coming out lately and a plethora of statistics. Jack Welsh, former CEO of GE and a giant douchebag, says the government statistics are being manipulated by the government but then offers no proof for his spurious claim. In previous posts I show that the numbers are indeed rigged, but have been that way for decades and not are being used by Obama for personal gain. First off the claim is retarded as, if the numbers were being manipulated, they would have started years ago and not a few weeks before the election. Second, math is math and the formulas used to figure out the number, while still flawed, are accurate given the parameters they are meant to demonstrate. This claim is patently false within the context the GOP is using it.
For anyone new to my site or this story, I have degrees in anthropology and philosophy meaning I am an expert in statistics and logic. There is no scientific data I cannot read and see if the hypothesis makes sense no matter what the subject. The trick to this is complicated and requires an advanced knowledge of Boolean logic, a method of reducing all language to a symbolic subset which proves or disproves any theory regardless of topic or language. Think geometric theorems with words instead of math.
Because of this, I see the GOP as a dangerous entity that if they ever get back into a position of absolute power like they were in the early part of this century, their Ayn Randian ways will make a permanent slave class especially among minorities, wages will plummet as corporations take complete control while unions die on the vine and women's rights will be sent back to the stone age. Anyone voting for this should really reconsider, not that I have any faith in the American people anymore now that polls show undecideds moving toward Romney in the wake of last week's debate debacle. Mind you these numbers ARE rigged in a sense that the media is manipulating them for the own reasons. More on that later.
First, I want to discuss a common theme in all the debates and that is the role of government versus the corporate state. I keep hearing how much better business runs things over the government, a theory I find to be quite false. Medicare, fraud aside, runs better than private health care in that costs are keep way down compared to private insurance plans. This fact gets drowned out over and over by the hyperventilating Teatards of the US. The Post Office would be running in surplus cash if the GOP hadn't made the idiotic law of making them the only business in the entire country to prepay pensions and health care costs. Try that with Aetna and see how popular it is. Privatization of everything from schools to hospitals to even our military is on the table for the Republicans and, if we let it happen, we will truly live withing a fascist state.
How good is business at fixing their infrastructure, money that we as taxpayers give to them to do the job they are supposed to? The American Society of Civil Engineers gives corporate America a D, who sees $2.2 trillion needed to fix our aging infrastructure. Our electric grid is dangerously overburdened and can blackout millions on occasion due to easily fixable problems. New Delhi saw first hand what happens when a dying grid hits the wall of population growth. 600 million people sat in the dark when it all went down earlier this year for several days, not a fun prospect where the temperature hovers around a million degrees.
It also doesn't help that many of the companies have fired tens of thousands of linemen and maintenance in order to pump up the bottom line. This is exceedingly dangerous when profit outweighs common sense. As all of this occurs, rates are rising much faster than inflation. Pacific Gas and Electric raised their rates to pay for replacing all 2.3 million telephone polls over the next fifty years. The math states that in order to accomplish this feat, 46,000 would have to be replaced each year. So far, they are averaging 3000. So enjoy all those new polls in the year 2778 people.
As these are legal monopolies, the government is allowing them to charge these prices with no guarantees of any of the monies going to maintenance and repairs. So in fact, we are paying more and more for less and less. And the GOP wants to give even less regulations to these behemoths so get used to power becoming unaffordable in the near future for a vast majority of us at this rate. Also, the Teatards are bitching about how they want NO money to be put into infrastrcture but have no problem with a bloated military budget. Morons.
Corporations are much worse than government. Look at pay structure. Government workers get the type of pay we should all be getting, around an average of $75,000 for mid level employees. The average salary for a mid level employee at a corporation is around $42,000 and dropping. Government unions protect the worker and their salary while the rest of us are getting buried with no help from anyone. A national union is our only hope at this point but one that has no hope for success as too many are against them thanks to the GOP and our worthless MSM.
The media is destroying us. For the last week I have heard nothing from any network, except the liberal MSNBC, about how devastatingly awful Obama was in last week's debate. I will be the first to admit, he sucked. However, Romney did nothing but lie and lie some more and our supposed fact checking media did a puff piece about it and then moved back to bitching about how bad Obama performed. The secret to this is the media WANTS a close race. They want people watching their newscasts and their opinions because that is how they make money. Because of that, the polls have shifted toward Romney in a shocking manner but I still feel that Obama is going to win as the swing states are all still leaning left and Romney's debate bounce is already showing signs of fading. The VP debate may be very interesting as the attack on the Libya consulate is going to come up and that is bad news for both sides.
Ryan will pounce on the fact that the State department refused to add security for the consulate in order to fool the American people into thinking things were better there than they were. Biden will counter that the reason they couldn't send any more forces is that the GOP House refused to allocate more money to do just that, for which Ryan was one of the people who cast no as his vote. Whoever spins this best will be the winner and Ryan is going to have a rough time with that. Do not think that Biden will lose this debate as Ryan is very inexperienced with a debate on this scale and could fold as badly as Obama did if he is not careful.
One thing the media hasn't told you is that EVERY president for the last forty years has lost the first debate, except Clinton Dole in 1996. Most have roared back in the second debate like Reagan versus Mondale, which killed him in the general election. Obama has to do the same to Romney and, considering he's moving to the center of everything from taxes to abortion, he's giving the President a lot of ammo. I still wonder if Obama took a dive at the last debate so he could destroy Romney in the last two, knowing historically, chances were no matter how we did, the MSM would crown Romney the winner. Let's just hope that the last debate Obama was in is the worst we are going to get. If that is not the case we are in lots of trouble.
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