Trump's "HUGE" story turns out to be even less interesting than his earlier birther nonsense. Turns out he is offering Obama $5 million to the charity of his choice if Obama releases his college transcripts. Nevermind the fact the NO president has ever released his records although both Bush's and Kerry leaked out showing a C average for both.
I also do not care about anyone's college record, not even Bush's. Why? Because college grades are a terrible reflection upon anyone's intelligence or character. I have a genius level IQ of 181. I am an expert in several fields and even invented both a philosophical theorem about free will versus omnipotence that has yet to be challenged twenty years later (omnipotence does not impede free will as long as the knower does not impart knowledge upon the knowee. The decisions are still his own without outside influence.) and a shortcut on a lengthy logic theorem. However, some of my grades were terrible due to push back from less than stellar teachers which I had little patience for. Some of my teachers found me brilliant and other found me to be an ass, so my grades do not show my real intelligence.
As Obama was editor of the Harvard Law review in his first year, his college grades are most likely very good. Someone with crappy grades, no matter what his skin color was, was not going to get that position. However, if he got a C in organic chemistry or the like, the GOP will use that nonstop to prove racial bias for his entry into any position as well as questioning whether a C level president is good for this country even though they had no problem with Bush being a less than stellar student. Where was Trump when Bush was running this country? Oh I forgot, Bush was white and rich and that makes all the difference apparently.
Meanwhile, Gloria Allred is in MA today, her court case delayed until tomorrow. Supposedly it has to do with a bitter divorce between the owner of Staples and his wife in 2004. Romney testified in the owner's defense and may have perjured himself, not a serious matter but certainly better than P.T. Trump's three ring circus of idiocy. The longer this drags on, the more speculation against Romney and the more his campaign suffers. Romney's attorneys have already made it clear they have no problem with the judge unsealing the records, indicating there is not much to this story either. So both stories appear to have huckster posturing behind them rather than a genuine devastating blow to either candidate in an increasingly tired campaign.
The polls are not in Romney's favor right now. Current numbers have Obama 253 to 191. This means Romney has to win Ohio, Florida, Virginia and North Carolina and any one of the remaining three swing states to win. Obama needs Ohio or Florida or any combination of two to four of the remaining states to win. That is not good news for the challenger.
Polls show women, Hispanics, gays and blacks still supporting the president by a good margin. White, older men appear to be the dumbest people on the planet as they are literally asking to shafted good when things like Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, food stamps, and welfare go the way of the dodo if Romney wins. Add onto that death to the unions, wages falling across the board for people making less than $50,000 a year, and several new wars and you have to wonder what drugs these morons are doing. States like Florida and Virgina have become competitive due to this idiocy. Who votes to have any hope for getting ahead crushed before their eyes? White dudes.
Luckily my brethren are becoming an endangered species and don't have the pull they had a decade ago. If Hispanics show up in droves in Florida, Obama wins. If young people put down the bong and vote in Virginia, Obama wins. Worst case scenario is that bad weather spreads across the country on the 6th and the dems stay home. If it's bright and sunny, look out Romney.
I will be thrilled not to have to write this stuff anymore and can get back to bashing the ultra rich again and multi national corporations who suck. November 6th can't get her quick enough at this rate. Watch for yet another press bomb to hit before the end of this cycle which will be even less interesting than the two hinted at this week. Be sure to stay tuned for Trump making my douchebag column later this week. He has certainly earned it.
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