Thursday, October 4, 2012


I have been watching debates for a long time now and last night was easily the worst I have ever seen. We have all seen the polls that show Romney won last night, an issue I disagree with it. In my eyes the true winners were anyone not watching. Obama looked like he took an Ambien before the fracas. Romney lied through his teeth about everything. Jim Lehere should have stayed in retirement because he looked every bit the eighty years old he was. As a moderator, he was terrible, losing control at every instance, not pressing either candidate about anything and basically letting Romney dictate the entire speaking match.

This debate was dull, dull, dull. Read my blog from yesterday and realize that I was dead on about how the debate was going to go. The only big surprise is that Obama failed to show up and made some monumental mistakes in his failure to refute effectively any of Romney's half truths and out right lies. Not that Lehere ever asked anything resembling a good question, constantly rephrasing the same question over and over. Here is the entire ninety minute debate in summary.

Obama- Romney has no specifics.

Romney- Obama has no plan to fix anything

Lehere- Is it time for my milk yet?

Both are right in the fact that neither has any real options on how to fix anything, however Romney's plan, with what few specifics he was spelled out, spell ruin for the country if implemented. Obama's is not much better.

Obama looked a lot like Elizabeth Warren in her first debate in which she allowed Brown to dictate the tempo and failed to refute any unsubstantiated fact used against her. In the second debate, she was far more focused and attacked Brown relentlessly about everything. We can only hope that Obama does the same in two weeks. Some say he did so as to not appear as an angry black man. But appearing as a passive doormat isn't anymore pleasing. One of his biggest mistakes last night was saying that Romney and Obama had similar plans for Social Security. If that's true, we are in all sorts of trouble as Romney's plan will destroy it along with Medicare and Medicade. If the GOP gets all three branches of the executive government again, there won't be much of a country left and zero safety net protections for 99% of the populace.

Obama inexplicably failed to mention Bain Capital, the 47% comment, and the obstructionist attitude of Congress as reasons to not vote for Romney. Instead. he went on long winded personal stories that went no where and caused many a person to tune out, myself included. The reason that Romney won is that he spoke forcefully and with passion while Obama looked ready for a nap. Romney is not McCain where cool and collective worked versus a doddering fool. You have to take the fight to the GOP and next time, don't bring a pacifier to a gun fight.

Overall, the entire debate was boring. There were no real memorable moments with that much talk of "zingers" not appearing from either candidate. Jim Lehere needs to retire, stat. David Gregory was far better as a moderator during the local Senate debate than this codger who was mowed down from the  minute the whole thing started. Considering that Bob Schieffer is handling another one (he's 75) maybe it's time to let people like Brian Williams, David Gregory or any other reporter who is not a million years old do the heavy lifting in four years.

I don't expect much of a bounce regardless of who people say won. Early voting has started in many states before this debate even occurred, people who watch the debate have for the most part made up their minds already who to vote for and Romney made few contributions as to why people should vote for him over Obama. By the way, how does one win a debate by presenting lie after lie, which the moderator should have gone after but didn't maybe because it was past his nap time?

Romney kept hammering the president about the $716 billion dollars taken out of Medicare which, contrary to his claims, will NOT affect seniors. Romney kept talking about nursing homes that were going to close or small businesses that weren't hiring because of Obamacare for which I say: PROVE IT. I want a list of all these businesses who claim this because I guarantee it isn't the reason that Romney is spouting about. Either these businesses don't exist or they are not hiring/closing for reasons that have nothing to do with the president's health care plan. First off, Obamacare doesn't take effect for another year so that argument seems weak that business owners can magically predict the future that far off. Second, why would nursing homes close when the only money being taken out of the $716 billion are overpayments to insurance companies? Most likely, these people don't exist and only weren't refuted because Obama gave such a terrible performance and Jim Lehere sucked as a moderator.

Here are some Romney falsehoods from last night

"The president said he’d cut the deficit in half. Unfortunately, he doubled it.”

When Obama took office, the deficit turned out to be $1.4 trillion dollars. In 2012 it is estimated to be $1.1 trillion. That is not doubling the deficit.

"I just don't know how the president could have come into office, facing 23 million people out of work, rising unemployment...... and spent his energy and passion fighting for Obamacare. It has killed jobs."

There is no evidence that Obamacare has cost any jobs anywhere. It certainly wasn't true in MA with Romney's plan where we have one of the highest job creation stats in the country. The 23 million is also up for debate but as the government keeps giving us nonsense data, that figure is anyone's guess.

"Up to 20 million will lose their insurance when Obamacare goes into full effect."

No such thing happened in MA when Romneycare went into effect.

"It hurt the housing market because of Dodd Frank."

The housing market collapsed mainly because of credit default swaps and not because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were loaning to unqualified people. Dodd Frank has been neutered for the most part and has had little effect on anyone or anything. Only in GOPland is this bill hurting anything.

"You will never balance the budget by raising taxes."

Bill Clinton and the 90's would beg to differ.

"My plan is not to put into place any tax cut that would add to the deficit."

No economist who has looked at his plan say it is possible to do this without raising taxes on the middle class.

"I think about half of the businesses (green ones), of the ones that we have invested in. have gone out of business."

Reports say the failure rate was 1.4%. That is not half except in GOPland.

The sad part is the president did a terrible job refuting any of the above.

Obama will have to be much more aggressive in the next debate, of which the topics will be much more helpful to the democrat. We still have to hear about immigration, foreign policy, women's health rights and a zillion other topics that weren't brought up last night as all we heard, and I accurately predicted, taxes, jobs, and health care. Obama should start by attacking Romney whenever he strays into bullshit territory, NEVER agree with Romney on things like SS, start tying him to the GOP congress and stop allowing Romney to dictate the tone of the debate.

Let us all hope the next debate has a better performance by the President, a much better moderator (I have little hope for that as a 75 year old geezer and a chick named Candy don't inspire hope) and a public smart enough to see when someone is lying blatantly to them. If you hate America, by all means vote for any GOP candidate come November but don't come crying to me when the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. Does no one remember eight years ago when Bush ran the whole thing into the ground? Do we really want a repeat of that? Obama may have stumbled, but he is far from out of it. The next debate may be crucial so let's hope he has a better game plan than to be  a punching bag for Romney.

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