According to several different prophecies from the Mayans, the I Ching and certain Native American tribes, the world is set to end sometime around Christmas of this year. Others, while not defining a specific date, such as Nostradamus and the Bible, spell out a doomsday plan that has yet to materialize. Regular readers know that I don't put to much faith into any of these. But the power of belief in others may be so strong as to make it happen and that is what worries me in this self-fulfilling prophecy scenario.
We have certainly seen out fair share of end of world possibilities lately with our weather way out of whack, a government that seems hell bent on establishing a fascist state no matter who you vote for, unrest everywhere, an approaching financial tsunami and, now some, albeit questionable, signs that echo the Bible for things to look out for when the world is about to end.
First, let's take a look at the big news of the day: the uprising from fundamentalist Muslim nutbags who are the most hypocritical losers on the planet. Insult their religion and there will be hell to pay. However, they will be the first to kill you for your religion or destroy artifacts that didn't belong to their religion because of the simplistic attitude toward "idolatry." These are kinds of people who start world wars and the latest riot mentality is proof.
There is some evidence to support the fact that the video that started all of this may have been designed to do just that. I just watched the trailer for the film that started all of this "Innocence of Muslims," and can say without a doubt there is no way this film cost the reputed $5 million. This film cost $50,000 tops. Saying you spent much more than you did is a common occurrence in Hollywood but no one was going to look at this student film with TERRIBLE acting and a piss poor script and think they spent more than bus fare on it.
That being said, the man behind the film turned out to be a convicted criminal named Nakoula B Nikoula. Nikoula served 21 months in prison for bank fraud and a $790,000 restitution payment. Sam Bacile, who was originally thought to be the filmmaker, was one of many similar aliases he had used in the past.
From this many conspiracy theories have arisen and, while I usually find most conspiracy theories (especially ones that are anti-Jewish) lacking in facts, this one has some truth that I cannot so easily dismiss.
Many think this is a psy-op job by the Mossad to provoke the Middle East and provide cover for an attack on Iran and Syria. Considering how low the co-operation between Israel and the US is right now, this is not outside the realm of possibility. How does a guy just out of prison raise these kinds of funds? Even fifty thousand is a lot of money should the five million be a lie, which it probably is. There is the possibility that either he figured out another scam to raise the necessary money (he is a crook) or had some in hiding squirrelled away before his arrest so the Israeli angle with the money is not so open and shut. While the Mossad should be considered a prime suspect, the evidence with the money is not enough to convict.
The film itself is inept. But, it did have a Monty Python like vibe to it and I wonder if that was the angle the filmmaker was going for. If that was his plan what a terrible idea as Muslims have NO sense of humor when it comes to their religion. The Python troupe experienced similar reactions across the planet in the 70's, and especially in England, when their heretical film came out and didn't even play in their home country for decades.
All in all, I see no proof of a connection between the Mossad and the filmmaker here. Yes the money has questionable roots but is obviously far from proof positive. It is equally possible that this guy had what he thought was a great idea, executed it poorly, and paid for it. It is also possible that this whole thing is a way to get the dumbest individuals on Earth to pave the way for their own destruction.
Speaking of destruction, much has been made about the end of the world as December 2012 approaches. As someone who has studied Mayan prophecy for some time now, I can assure you the Mayan calender does not end on the 21st of December. The Long Count ends there and a new era begins. The end of the Long Count may usher in an era of instability, but the world will continue, hopefully better than what has preceded it. There will be no comet that will wipe us all out regardless of what some "expert" has told you. Nirubu is not coming. And for that matter neither is Jesus, the Madhi or whatever spiritual deity you believe in.
However, one cannot so easily look away from the unending tide of bad news that is rippling across the planet right now either. Weather conditions continue to be off kilter, species are moving further and further north as climate change takes hold (which it is), and unrest is spreading everywhere. As one who has studied the Bible for decades ( I was raised Roman Catholic, went to catholic school and even was an altar boy) I am an expert on the books of Daniel and Revelation. Even I would be remiss to not notice that a lot of what is being said in those books is coming true. The Bible speaks of huge weather changes, increased radiation, a world war in which nukes are used and other factors that sound entirely plausible. This is from Revelations 16:4
"The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood."
This is from the Huffington Post a day ago:
The Yangtze River in China, one of the world's longest, has turned blood red, baffling scientists. Now the most logical explanation is that pollution is turning the river blood red, but that still doesn't make it any better as that level of pollution is going to have serious ramifications for locals.
Or take this quote from Revelations 8:11
"The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."
The Russian name for Wormwood is Chernobyl. Could this be a prophecy about the still ongoing radiation leak from the crippled Fukushima plane? As I have documented, there is a correlation between infant mortality on the West Coast and the Japan nuke crisis. Is this part of a true prophecy?
Or how about the book of Daniel where four anti-christs are described.
4The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it
This is a reference to Alexander the Great for which no one questions. Whether the prophecy was written before or after Alexander's reign is the only debate.
5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh
This could be a reference to Ghengis Khan. He would look like a bear, covered in animal skins and a beard to anyone scrying the future. His background would definitely qualify him as an anti-christ.
6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.
Could this be pointing toward the rise of the Nazi's. Four wings with four heads could describe the swastika symbol.
6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Who or what this is talking about is still up for much debate. Assuming the first three were accurate prophecies, which they may not be as everything I wrote is pure speculation, then who has the ability to take over the world? Perhaps it will be someone we haven't seen before or, then again, someone like Putin. Prophecy states the last anti-christ will arise from the East, which most think will either be China, North Korea or the Middle East. Or maybe it will turn out to be Mitt who gets into office and through his obvious bungling, starts a major war. That is a prophecy I can believe in.
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