In Ohio yesterday he actually told the crowd that he would have no choice but to raise middle class taxes and then went on to contradict himself over how Obama hadn't raised their taxes after all, both facts his campaign would later disavow as not being what Romney meant. Here's a link:
Then came the latest possible gaffe/bad joke about how airline windows don't roll down. Here's the video:
Either Romney has the WORST sense of humor I have ever seen (which is completely possible) or he really doesn't understand how airplane pressurisation works. Considering he believes Jesus was born in America and magic underwear is possible either explanation is likely. Regardless, it either paints Romney as dangerously stupid or he has a sense of humor where joking about your wife almost dying in a plane crash is hysterical to him. Sad either way.
I keep hearing from Romney about Jimmy Carter's poll numbers and how he was way ahead until Saint Reagan bested him in the debates and turned the tables on the democratic incumbent. The McCain campaign mentioned the same numbers four years ago and that didn't turn out the way the GOP wanted after McCain stumbled badly during the debates. Don't expect Romney to do much better as he has painted himself in a corner with the extreme right while the majority of American wants a more centrist person, which Romney can no longer claim lest the few supporters he has turn on him as well and turn this into a Mondale style rout.
Those numbers about Carter are bunk by the way. As expected, pundits have cherry picked the best polls which showed Carter way ahead, while most showed a tight race and a huge unfavorability rating for Carter who had been a terrible President. This was a real case where a person's religious beliefs made the country as a whole less safe and the nations that hated us took advantage of that. Do not forget that the second Reagan took office, those hostages came home. I am sure they were told in no uncertain terms that bombs where on the way if they were not released immediately. War should only be used when necessary and Carter let that opportunity fly by him at the speed of sound. On the opposite side of the scale, people like Bush, also a religious born again, used his faith as an excuse to invade countries we never should have bothered with.
This election looks very similar to 2004 where an unpopular president is no match for a much less likable opponent. People like myself voted for John Kerry and, UGH, John Edwards with a great deal of regret and I expect many Republicans are going to be doing the same thing. The numbers are all going south for Romney and, short of a miracle, there is no way he wins come November.
Speaking of going south, the US is headed for disaster no matter who wins as neither side has any concrete ideas on how to fix anything, even though some solutions are maddeningly simple. To save the economy, legalize pot and prostitution, decriminalize small amounts of all drugs, spend real money on green prospects that will actually work (no more Solyndra nonsense) and spend trillions on infrastructure work that we desperately need. Offset the costs for the above by eliminating bloated federal organizations like the DEA, ATF, Homeland Security, TSA, the prison system and the military budget. Want to save Social security: eliminate the income cap and have everyone pay in to the system. Want to save medicare: work on eliminating fraud by throwing the book at anyone found guilty and come up with a way to talk to patients about the care they received to check against the doctor's tests cost. If they don't match, hello jail and the loss of your medical license. Want more GP's: offer tax breaks for any doctor who decides to be one. Lastly increase the minimum wage to be a livable minimum wage and watch the economy soar. Neither Obama or Romney has suggested any of these. As a result, sometime next year, the economy will most likely collapse and we will be living in a very different type of America.
How bad is income inequality right now? American income inequality may be more severe today than it was way back in 1774, even if you factor in slavery. Here is the link to that study.
According to the researchers, income was much more evenly addressed back then than it is now. Shocker as we live like slaves now with no say over much that is being leveled at us. Here are some examples of how not free of a country we are.
Lemonade stands run by children are being routinely shut down for "lack of permits."
A man in Oregon was given thirty days in jail for collecting rain water.
A woman in Michigan was threatened with arrest for having a vegetable garden in her front yard.
People across the nation are being harassed to have smart meters attached to their houses which may be a gross invasion of privacy.
You can be detained at any toll booth for daring to pay cash with a high denomination bill.
If you pay cash for your morning coffee, the government says you may be a terrorist.
A Texas woman was arrested for paying Walmart a real 100 dollar bill which they claimed was fake and even ripped it up in front of her. After it was discovered the bill was real, Walmart refused to give her the hundred dollars back.
The Obama administration is still fighting to hold American citizens without charge for as long as they see fit, nullifying a law that has been on world books since 1215.
The TSA is now yelling "FREEZE" and expect us all to do just that even though the TSA has NO power to do such a thing. They have also expanded their reach outside of airports to city streets, bus terminals and even proms. This is conditioning us to OBEY.
"Border checkpoints" are popping in places hundreds of miles from any national border.
KBR received millions to build camps across the nation, a fact the government does not deny by the way. It hardly a conspiracy theory when their existence is acknowledged by the very people who built them.
The NSA is now intercepting all electronic communication and reviewing them in real time.
The government is buying billions of rounds of ammo, hundreds of thousands of guns, hundreds of bullet proof booths, while ordinary citizens are being investigated for buying boxes of bullets.
How free a society is this? Not very. And if Armageddon does happen, whether war or economic or both, will we be ready? Most likely, a vast majority of American will be caught unaware, eating Cheetos and watching "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."
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