Monday, April 23, 2012


Recently I uncovered this quote from John T. Flynn, a writer vilified for his opposition to FDR policies. While I don't agree with his stance on Social Security and other welfare programs (all of which he was way wrong about), his views of the fascist state were quite accurate.

Fascism will come at the hands of perfectly authentic Americans, as violently against Hitler and Mussolini as the next one, but who are convinced that the present economic system is washed up and that the present political system in America has outlived its usefulness and who wish to commit this country to the rule of the bureaucratic state; interfering in the affairs of the states and cities; taking part in the management of industry and finance and agriculture; assuming the role of great national banker and investor, borrowing millions every year and spending them on all sorts of projects through which such a government can paralyze opposition and command public support; marshaling great armies and navies at crushing costs to support the industry of war and preparation for war which will become our greatest industry; and adding to all this the most romantic adventures in global planning, regeneration, and domination all to be done under the authority of a powerfully centralized government in which the executive will hold in effect all the powers with Congress reduced to the role of a debating society. There is your fascist. And the sooner America realizes this dreadful fact the sooner it will arm itself to make an end of American fascism masquerading under the guise of the champion of democracy.

…. They began to flirt with the alluring pastime of reconstructing the capitalist system. They became the architects of a new capitalist system. And in the process of this new career they began to fashion doctrines that turned out to be the principles of fascism. Of course they do not call them fascism, although some of them frankly see the resemblance. But they are not disturbed, because they know that they will never burn books, they will never hound the Jews or the Negroes, they will never resort to assassination and suppression. What will turn up in their hands will be a very genteel and dainty and pleasant form of fascism which cannot be called fascism at all because it will be so virtuous and polite.”

This was published in 1944. How much does the above sound like your average Teatard or American Taliban member today? They want that dictatorship and are real polite about it, compared to the storm trooper tactics of days past. We have gone from a society of liberty to one of near total control over our lives. Want proof?

A flea market in Baltimore was raided by DHS this past weekend. The reason given was counterfeit items like sports apparel, music and cosmetics. Aren't these guys just supposed to be after terrorists? I highly doubt Al Queda is fortifying their coffers with old CD's of Tupac and knock off lipstick. DHS gave this quote as the reason for the raid:

"Individuals who produce and sell counterfeit goods harm the American economy. The reality of counterfeiting is that it's much greater than just buying a knock off item at a discounted price, it's a multibillion dollar a year problem that undermines corporations."

Since when does DHS give a rat's ass about corporate theft? Oh that's right, since they became the new Gestapo, which they are.

The TSA is back in the news as they conducted VIPER raids on innocent people on buses in the Houston area. The TSA have steadfastly said that no bags were searched, even though passengers and their OWN WEBSITE say differently. If DHS is the new Gestapo, then the TSA represents the Brownshirts. These wastes of space are a cancer on our society and need to be treated as such. If anyone ever sees some idiot stupid enough to wear his Nazi/TSA uniform out in public, let him know in any way possible that this is not accepted behavior anymore. Do not serve them in your restaurants. Do not sell to them in your stores. Unless we start treating these fascists like the slime they are, nothing is ever going to change.

Remember, outside of an airport, they have no legal authority to look in your bag without a warrant. If they insist, still so no. If they arrest you, get a lawyer and sue the shit of them which you will most likely win. Even our corporate controlled Supreme Court will have a hard time defending this policy, lest they let the cat of the bag as to how controlled the rest of us have become.

If we don't start standing up for our rights, we won't have any anymore. There are rumors that the government buying trillions of rounds of ammo and bullet proof booths may be their attempt to crack down hard after a false flag operation when "terrorists" strike at some random mall or car bomb across major cities. Then they arm the TSA and enact checkpoints across the country. We don't have the manpower to do something like this with law enforcement alone or the authority to put troops on the streets for any extended period of time, so this would be a possible solution. If it does, hopefully America will see it for the fascist push it is and hunt down anyone wearing a TSA outfit. At that point, it will be war.

So what of the next election? Won't that change things? Not a lick no matter who wins. Civil liberties have been crushed even worse under Obama than Bush and don't expect Romney to do any different. There are no individual parties anymore. There's center right and far right and the left has been, well, left, as in left behind. This is from

 "Here are three people fighting against the totalitarian sect of our government, William Binney, former top NSA official, Jacob Applebaum, an internet security specialist who works with WikiLeaks, and Laura Poitras, an Oscar-nominated documentary film-maker whose work has brought her to the attention of US authorities and led to her harassment by US government agents.

Binney resigned his position with the National Security Agency (NSA) after 40 years in protest at the government’s increasingly totalitarian methods of data-collection and retention, without judicial oversight. The government has targeted him: in 2007, his home was invaded by FBI agents after he went to the Senate Intelligence Committee with revelations about illegal NSA spying on American citizens: they pointed guns at him, and warned that he would “not do well” in prison. Applebaum and Poitras have been detained, searched, and interrogated every time they have re-entered the US from abroad – Poitras over 40 times – and had their laptops seized and presumably copied. None of these individuals have been charged with a crime.

All modern dictatorships employ the same method of limited freedom in certain realms, expanding and contracting the parameters of the permissible according to the tactical advantage of the moment, and yet always upholding the first principle of any and all tyrannies: that the government grants such “rights” as “free speech” and “free assembly” at its sole discretion. Which means they can be rescinded at a moment’s notice.   

Take Orwell’s classic work, 1984, which posited a world in a state of perpetual warfare (check!), where constant and universal surveillance is the norm (check!), where “thoughtcrime” is ruthlessly punished, and where most ordinary people (the “proles”) are basically left alone, with totalitarian methods of repression directed almost exclusively against rebellious elites (check!) This last item is the point Greenwald made in his piece, and it bears repeating and elaboration. The idea is to make it possible to exert control without affecting how most people live their lives. If you aren’t a “whistle-blower,” a Julian Assange, or a Bradley Manning: if you don’t reveal closely-guarded government secrets, if you aren’t making documentaries about how the Americans conquered and lorded over the Iraqis, then you have nothing to worry about. There are no political prisons, no gulags – but if you step out of bounds the government has enough information to discredit, destroy, and/or imprison you. Two journalists – Tom Vanden Brook, a writer for USA Today, and Ray Locker, an editor – who were writing about the Pentagon’s use of military contractors to whitewash its sorry record in Iraq and Afghanistan, found that a website and a false Twitter account in their names made a sudden appearance, in what appeared to be a coordinated effort to discredit them and their work.

The contractors deny all involvement, and, yes, this happened under the Obama administration – last week. Barack Obama is an essential element of the developing totalitarian trend in the United States: indeed, I would argue his reelection is the essential factor pushing this process forward. “Lean forward!” barks MSNBC – but forward to what?  

The neoconservatives who have taken over the conservative movement and the Republican party are certainly not going to jump into the breach and take up the cudgels on behalf of the Constitution. They only invoke it when it offers to upend the President’s economic and social initiatives, such as Obamacare, but when it comes to this administration’s assault on basic civil liberties they say “Faster, please!  

So this is what has become of our once great nation. We not only have an active Gestapo, a return to the Brownshirts of Mussolini, but a public clamoring for it as well. We may be all done here people but it is still not to late to make a difference. End The Tea Party bullshit, move away from the fascist right, demand some sort of accountability from the disappearing left and treat the TSA like the dog shit they are. The other option is to go out back, dig a hole and lie down in it because sooner or later, they just might come for you or your kids or your best friend. It'll be good to have that grave ready when it does.

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