Monday, April 30, 2012


Capitalism is dead in this country for anyone trying to make a honest buck. Due to first amendment rights issues I've had with Google, I have been forced to remove their ads which, let's face it, weren't doing me much good anyway. For a supposedly left leaning organization, they certainly practice a bunch of fascist ideals (look at the way they bowed to Chinese pressure about their websites) and I sincerely hope that a massive cancer wave hits their upper echelon of fools and idiots. Donations for my site can still be given through my Paypal account (another group bordering on Nazi techniques) at which would be greatly appreciated. I will be looking for a new site in the coming weeks, with a distinct possibility of going to an actual website and I hope that my vast amount of readers world wide will follow me.

But I digress. Tomorrow could be an interesting day, as contrary to many a right wing idiot out there, the Occupy movement has not gone away. The Great Recession not only hasn't ended, it's gotten worse. The housing market, according to every expert out there, will continue to spiral downward and may take 25 years to fix itself. Something tells me people aren't going to be willing to wait that long for things to turn before drastic measures are taken.

We keep getting told the unemployment rate is going down which flies in the face of every other statistic out there. The only reason it's going down at all is more and more people are being thrown out of the workplace, never to return. One third of this country is unemployed or underemployed right now, a stat that does include prisoners and older people. Remove that and you still have a number in the low to mid twenties. If you have been lucky enough to find a job, chances are you made half of what you used to make, which probably wasn't all that much to begin with.

So where is this recovery? The stock market, rich people's salaries and every other place that means dick to Main Street America, just as it has for the last decade and has even increased again under Obama. While I am still going to vote for Obama come fall, I don't expect much from him to help out the little guy at all. On the other hand, Romney and the GOP will usher in that similar style austerity measures seen in Europe that is destroying their economies. Don't believe me. Let's look at these stats from Spain, now going through a Greek style default with no end in sight.

1) Spain unemployment is now at 24.4% with some saying it will climb above 30% soon. The US is at similar levels but our leaders lie through their teeth with disturbing regularity. The Spanish youth unemployment rate is 52%. The US is 50%. But we're not in a recession for some reason. Explain that to me please. Of 47 million people in Spain, only 17 million have jobs. In this country, 83 million are unemployed in a population of approximately 300 million. That does not allow for a unemployment rate of anything below twenty percent, yet most states are falling well below eight. Right.

2)50% of a real estate in Spain held by banks is considered to be troubled. US banks are rumored to be holding between 20% and 30% of similar homes.

3)Spanish GDP is projected to shrink by 1.7% this year. The US GDP for the last quarter is supposedly 2.2% but according to several leading economists, this number is wildly inflated and is probably closer to zero.

4)Home prices fell 11.2% with foreclosures at over 30%. Home prices in the US are still falling somewhere between 1% and 10% depending on the area, with areas like Detroit hardest hit.

These are just some of the stats with the rest seen here:

A global depression is rapidly coming toward us with no one at the helm to steer us away from the massive iceberg the US Titanic is sailing blindly toward.

In response to the massive amount of inequality, the Occupy Wall Street movement is back now that warmer weather has returned, an American Spring of sorts. Tomorrow massive protests are scheduled around the world in places like NYC, Sydney, San Francisco, Barcelona and London to name a few. Traffic will most likely be hell in many cities as protesters plan to shut down major bridges, tunnels and city streets in what they hope will be a huge bout of civil disobedience. The Teatard trolls are out in full force to denounce this legitimate protest as as a bunch of hippies crying out about wanting free stuff which is not what they want. We want a freaking job that pays real money not slave labor. We want health care that doesn't bankrupt you every time you get sick. We want accountability by a government who seems to care nothing about the plight of it's people. If you can't get that through your idiot brain, please get one of your many guns and blow your brains out because you really are a waste of space.

The 99% returns and we are PISSED! We are pissed that nothing has been done to fix the many problems in our country. We are pissed the GOP seems hell bent on doing the same crap that isn't working in Europe. We are pissed the Democrats don't seem to be much better.

We are the 99%

We do not forget

We do not forgive.

A government should fear it's people and not the vice versa.

Fear us.

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