1)Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Krusinski- In the ultimate case of irony, the Air Force's guy in charge of sexual assault cases was arrested this week for, wait for it, sexual assault. Lt. Numnuts was arrested for attacking a woman in a parking lot making everyone question just what in the hell is going on in our military. I know several woman in the armed forces and they all have described some sort of harassment from the enlisted all the way to generals. This is not acceptable behavior, especially from our military. And while I still don't think it's good idea to have women on the front lines, mainly because if they become POW's rape is almost certainly in their future, I have no problem with women serving in general and should be treated with respect, not leers and groping. This douche should be locked into a place where he is SURE to get raped himself and see how he likes it. I hate rapists and this dick is a black eye to America. I hope he gets everything he deserves. At the very least, his career and life are over. No mention in any article if he was married but it would be nice if his soon to be ex took half his stuff too.
2)Sylvia Brown- Contrary to what many might think, I believe that some people out there can see things the rest of us don't. I have had personal experiences that I cannot explain and my understanding of quantum physics dictate that psychics are scientifically possible That being said, 99% of the people claiming to be psychic aren't. Sylvia Brown is at the top of that list. She is wrong much more often than not and when she is right, guess work and deduction seem much more likely. This bitch has been around far too long and has reappeared in the media as she was one of the idiots who told Amanda Berry's mom, who died in 2006, that her daughter was dead at the time, which she wasn't as she was found alive this week along with two other girls who had been held captive for the past ten years. Oops. Anyone still listening to this monster is as much an idiot as she is.
3)Ariel Castro- Speaking of Amanda Berry comes this story with a happy ending as three missing girls were found alive and well, minus the physical and mental torture they suffered through these past ten years. But they have been located and this fuckwad is going away for the rest of his life, if not to death row, where he really belongs. This ass needs a good lethal injection, stat.
4)Cleveland Police department- So let me get this straight, a report of naked women on leashes in the backyard (which they deny ever hearing about) doesn't deserve an armed response, but some guy with six pot plants in his closet gets the full SWAT team experience. What's wrong with that picture? Our priorities are all screwed up and the police departments nationwide are not helping. Can we start focusing on crimes that need immediate attention and leave the small time drug users alone already?
5)The Judge in the Lauryn Hill case- The singer was found guilty of tax evasion this week and sentenced to pay back $500,000 to the IRS. That's fine. However, the judge also sentenced her to three months in jail with mandatory psyche sessions for her "Conspiracy theory" about how the record industry is reducing artists to slaves. This is frightening as this sets a precedent for judges to jail people with fringe beliefs. Not to the mention the fact, the Hill is right about the recording industry which has been accused of similar actions by John Fogerty, Sheryl Crow, Prince, Paul McCartney and others. I also used to know many people in the recording industry who all left due to rampant mismanagement, low pay and a single minded focus on finding the next boy band rather than find actual talent. The recording industry is a slave operation and anyone who believes differently are the ones that need psychiatric help and not vice versa.
6)Republicans- Another week, another attempt to repeal Obamacare, to pass a law that would end overtime pay for all workers (passed by the House and has no chance in the Senate) and screamed coverup at the top of their lungs. The only problem is there doesn't seem to be anything to the Benghazi case, even impeachment talks is on in the fringe levels but has little chance of anything more. Let's talk about what really happened. The CIA and State department got into a pissing match, something that has been going on for more than half a century now and denounced the other's conclusion. Politics got involved and people died. Obama appears to have no connection to any of this regardless of what the media and GOP are saying. I have not found one document or testimony that says otherwise. The GOP gets half the blame as their "cut costs anywhere" philosophy directly led to a lack of security there and other places. As for this "stand down order," which I still see no evidence for, stop listening to those who say the President is the only one who can give that order. He isn't. The State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA all could have given it. People seem to forget that Dick Cheney gave a stand down order when planes were approaching the Pentagon, a fact that is not in contention as the Transportation Secretary at the time testified to Congress that he was there when it happened. Benghazi was tragic. Can we please move on.
7)The media- It's bad enough Fox News has become the Benghazi channel this week which had led up to nothing. Now the rest of the media, because of a slow news week, is beating the same drums with little public outcry as we have better things to worry about here like low wages, crappy jobs and no hope in sight. Can we fix those problems first please? CNN was caught this week with two newscasters, supposedly in different parts of the city, standing six parking spots away as the traffic in back was always the same. What a joke CNN has become. The rest of our media is not much better.
8)South Carolina- The Republicans in this state hit a new low by electing Mark Sanford to Congress. nevermind the fact he cheated on his wife, or left the state without telling anyone, or used tax payer money to go to Argentina to cheat on his wife, this guy should have been unelectable. Instead he won by nine points. Maybe South Carolina should leave the US after all as there seems to be no hope for this incredibly stupid state. If you are going to vote Republican no matter who is on the ticket, you are terrible American. Maybe you missed the vote this week that attempted to get rid of overtime pay for half the country, but you voted in support of that this week with this dreadful vote. So congratulations South Carolina you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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