Monday, May 20, 2013


After weeks of mock indignation over pseudo-scandals, the right has finally lost any grip they had on reality and have resorted to baseless claims that border on insanity. The biggest of these is Umbrellagate, after the right went into a tailspin over a white Marine holding an umbrella for the President during a recent press conference with Turkish PM, Tayyip Erdogan. Sarah Palin, that battalion of all known wisdom, tweeted this gem shortly afterward: "Scandalous Hat Trick. Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas. Speaking of coverage, glad you finally called in the Marines… shame it was just to hold your umbrella " The right went ballistic over it, looking like the racists they really are. Palin and the other mouth breathers seem to have conveniently missed the infinite pictures of past presidents having umbrellas held for them for the past century. They also seem to have missed that history lesson where William Henry Harrison did not have someone hold an umbrella for him during his inauguration, which lead to pneumonia and death thirty days later. Ironically, there are many pictures of Sarah Palin having someone hold an umbrella for her as well during her failed attempt at VP so she can't even remember her own history accurately.

All this as new polls shows the President's approval rating hasn't budged meaning these scandals are not quite as damaging as previous polls stated. Polls are more or less worthless in today's "fix the results" standards. Remember those right wing polls that showed Romney with a commanding lead in the Electoral College? Those turned out to be totally wrong as the right just fixed the data to suit their hypothesis, as they do all the time from political polls to basic knowledge of science like the age of the Earth and evolution. Anyone not believing in the latter two must be lumped in with the same groups like The Flat Earth Society and the Klu Klux Klan for following beliefs that are wrong on every level.

Here's some other quotes from brainpowers like Sean Hannity: “They were protecting him and maybe in this case he should have been protecting them and the people in Libya." Or this from Eric Bolling: “Wouldn’t it be nice if he had them (Benghazi) covered the way they have him covered?” Is there nothing these blowhards can not turn into a mock scandal with some tie to Benghazi? Michael Moore had a great quote this weekend where he said the issue wasn't the IRS targeting Tea Party groups but NOT targeting companies like GE and Exxon that pay no taxes. Funny how the right missed that part as they are too busy going after President Blackenstein.

Just to prove that the GOP is only interested in sticking to the little guy, a House committee, chaired and run by Republicans, recently passed a much needed farm bill that would keep prices from exploding and affecting everyone. But celebrations were short lived as it was also revealed that in the bill is an amendment that would strip SNAP benefits from two million people and end free lunches for needy students. Democrats have signaled they won't vote for the bill and some ultra-rightwingers have joined in as the bill doesn't cut enough. Wow. This the modern GOP: a party hell bent on destroying this country by making us all work for slave wages, with no overtime, benefits or safety net. This is what anyone voting Republican is doing right now and it has to stop, unless living like a slave is what you want.

Companies are finally getting some push back on all this with places like JC Penny, Sears and WalMart barely hanging on. Their numbers are dropping and many are saying they are boycotting these places due to low wages which their sales confirm as real and accurate. Some think Walmart may go bust within the next twenty years if current sales keep dropping at an exponential pace. Corporations have to realize we have hit bottom when it comes to cutting things for employees and we are not going to take it anymore. This is why we have a second amendment and if the government is unwilling to help us make more money, expect some to take matters into their own hands. The gravy train is over and it is time to give the public more money. You can't claim poverty as a reason to cut people's wages while giving the executives millions dollar raises. Sooner or later, that will come to literally bite them in the ass as the fed up public takes giant chunks out of their behinds.

The right is lost, the left is corrupted and the middle no longer exists. Unless we stand up and start demanding more from our elected officials, and from the idiots voting the dumbest humans on earth into office, nothing will ever change, except for the worse. Don't let it.

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