1)Fast Food Owners- It's bad enough that these jobs pay shit wages, but a recent study showed that 84% of workers are being cheated out the meager wages they are making. This is an abomination and it has to stop. If the courts are unwilling to do anything about it I would suggest some tar and feathers for a start. Workers in Brooklyn are demanding a raise to $15 an hour and a chance to form unions without intimidation. This is why we need unions because businesses of all sorts are raping us blind while the government ignores the problem. The GOP is too busy trying to make it legal to do this practice nationwide and morons in this country are voting for it. These workers are being cheated on overtime, given fraudulent work sheets and use children against labor laws. Where does this madness end? With a guillotine if it keeps up. The AG in New York is investigating, but I will be really surprised if anything comes of it. Our government is rapidly leaving most of us behind.
2)The US Prison system- For a country that brands itself "The home of the free and the brave," we certainly have failed to live up to the ideal. We now incarcerate more people than anyone else, 7.1 million and growing, on Earth. The rise of private prisons have made the public a commodity that needs draconian laws to keep this places full. The end result is a massive loss of tax dollars and freedoms that shows no signs of abating. We build more prisons, and spend more on, than schools. We ship all of our jobs overseas and leave the crumbs for the rest of us. The reason drugs are still illegal is because they want a steady flow of mostly minority people to fill up these gulags, while giving them no hope of doing anything else but to get out of the hood. When you see the local drug dealers making more money than anyone else, wouldn't you also be tempted to do the same thing? Especially when those that do get good grades and go to college, leave with no prospects and wind up doing the same things anyways? We have got to start demanding more from our politicians because the end result is getting to be something you would see in The Hunger Games.
3)TSA- Yes it's been a while since these douchebags have wound up on my list but a recent study shows how much damage these idiots have been doing. According to a 2012 report by Human Events, the nation lost billions in lost revenue as foreign travelers have stopped coming. Yes part of it is because of the Depression raging across Europe, but when questioned, a majority said the main reason for not returning to the states was not money issues, but the TSA and Border Patrol. Government numbers said foreign travel was way up, but closer inspection realizes that all the gains were from places like Canada and Mexico which don't require the same kind of scrutiny that plane travel does today. People hate the grope and touch so much they are not coming. Worse, people in this country have also stopped traveling by plane costing taxpayers $1.2 billion in road way repairs. A recent story told of a 14 year old girl being taken into back room, WITHOUT A PARENT, and molested. They didn't report it because they figured why bother as what good would it do. This is why people need to stand up and start demanding more and if we don't get it, people will take matters into their own hands and that will be bad for everyone. These reports are everywhere, as the TSA doesn't bother with background checks. If I was a child molester, I would be all over this. Why do you think the priesthood is overrun by these monsters? Easy access. This is a serious problem that is literally destroying this country. Start demanding more. For God's sake.
4)Gene Patents- Because of the recent news of Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy and how she discovered it, we are becoming more aware that the firm that did this wants to patent the process and our individual genes as well. How does a corporation patent was is ultimately mine? This has scary potential and hopefully will not be a precedent for future patents on our own bodies.
5)Youtube- I have love/hate thing with this site. I love how anyone can get a video out there that is funny or interesting. I don't love the fact that a lot of videos get pulled down for less than savory reasons. I understand if it is pornographic or has swearing in it, but lately they have gone into censorship territory. Take the above story about Jolie and the patent process. Any video talking about why this shouldn't be allowed is being pulled down by the site. Why? In the past, similar topics that delve into corporate malfeasance have also been eliminated making me wonder how free a country we really are and how much like North Korea we are becoming.
6)Democrats- I can't go this week without mentioning these assholes as well who have been caught in several real scandals (the AP scandal, the fixing of the COMEX) but all we have heard about are the ones that don't matter (Benghazi, the IRS) from the idiot right. Obama has had a bad week and his use of the press has been stunningly awful. His "I found out about it when you did," seem trite and unreal. If he really didn't know about some of this, he needs to get his head out of ass and start seeing the forest for the trees. We have major problems coming down the pike and we need to get ahead of it. It doesn't help that they have spent an inordinate amount of time defending themselves from the most ridiculous accusations from the most unhinged senators (ie Republicans). But can we please start fixing things like job losses and decreasing wages, which people really want answers to, and forget about the rest for right now.
7)The Justice Department/Eric Holder- It's nice to see some from the left finally jump on the bandwagon and call out Holder for the giant douche that he is. This AP scandal is a terrible action that happened on his watch and he should be called out on it. Spying on the press for any reason is illegal and unwarranted, literally. The stupid Patriot Act was used here and should be repealed immediately. It won't, but it should. If Obama has any integrity left, Holder should be shown the same door as the current IRS chief and given the quit or be fired speech.
8)Republicans- It's been another stellar week for the GOP. Darryl Issa has gone on a witch hunt over Benghazi, which is turning into more and more of a circus with every passing day. Issa says there is a major difference between "terrorism," and "acts of terror," which there isn't. Some are calling for impeachment hearings which is odd as no one has been accused of anything illegal yet, no matter how much they scream about it. The worst news for them is that it also appears the GOP has altered emails from the White House to further their cause. CBS news noticed stark differences between emails the GOP gave them and ones from the White House, State Department and the NSA. One might be a error but several spell out a pattern of abuse that shows that the right has nothing and are now making shit up to verify their bull. Here's a list of some of the emails and how they were altered:
The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."
The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."
The GOP version of Nuland's comment, according to CBS News: The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda."
The White House email: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."
These drastically change the tone of the statements to give credence to the Republicans theory. If there was ever a case for impeachment, this would be it and it's not Obama that I am looking at.
On top of this, they also tried to repeal Obamacare AGAIN, blocked any voting for seating the head of the EPA and have used the filibuster to destroy any legislation that isn't from their draconian brethren. Keep voting for this assholes and see what kind of country we have left. So congratulations republicans nationwide for you are indeed douchebags of the week.
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