Take 3D printing, which is a terrible name. A better one would be 3D replicating or something like that. Anyways, 3D printing will eventually allow anyone to make things at home. Screwdrivers, hammers, guns, doorknobs, just about anything. Larger ones may be able to eventually replicate cars and, once an edible based product can be synthesized, food. This will have major implications as tens of millions of people will lose their jobs as a lot of product companies will be made obsolete. This is not that far off into the future. Once that happens, a capitalistic, consumer based economy will grind to a halt. There simply won't be enough jobs to go around if the entire country no longer needs many goods and services and a massive amount of poverty will simply swamp the system until it crashes completely.
Another issue is the emergence of many medical breakthroughs that could extend life to near immortality. Scientists have discovered ways to not only allow humans to live to be 250 years old, they may have also figured out a way to reverse aging. Think of what that would mean: an overcrowded planet running out of resources fast as an elite group controls all, especially any sort of immortality ability which they would strictly control. Even if it made it out into the general public, they may have a slave based class which literally has to work forever with no chance of advancement. That sounds like hell. This is huge step forward and one that has chilling potentials.
Lastly, we have achieved giant steps forward in robotics where and android that thinks like a human is not that far off. Depending on how they are built, mankind could be exterminated if they become self aware and destroy us like in Terminator. That is not out of the question, unless Issac Assimov's three rules of robotics are used, which mankind should heed greatly.
At some point soon, these three steps forward could make or break us depending on how we react to it. Considering we have a rabid populace who is somehow de-evolving (which they of course don't believe in), I don't have much hope.
So what can be done? We have to start looking at a new economic policy. Communism, Fascism and Socialism are all dismal failures in some way or another, although all of them have some truth buried among the bullshit, just like the Bible. Peel away the garbage and start to see things as they were intended.
Money is destroying us and we need to get away from ambition for coin and start developing ambition for progress. That will be hard as the right keeps using the word PROGRESSIVE as an insult which is terribly ironic because then they are the opposite which is RETARDED. Progress is the only that will save us, not some trumped up ideal from a fictional past which exists only in their minds.
I would prefer something along the lines of this method. Every single person in this country is guaranteed a place to live in a safe neighborhood, three meals a day and a job. If they prove to be incapable of one job, another will be given to them. Eventually, he either sinks or swims. Sink, and you go to a boot camp where you will work doing something. Swim and you get farther ahead and better benefits. By this method, merit is rewarded over cronyism and inheritance. If you are happy being a middle manager, and you do a good job, you could stay there your whole life. If you want more, the companies you work for will give you a chance to rise. If you are good a specific skill, that is what the government will let you do. If you suck at near everything, the government will find a place for you. By this method, everyone at least starts at the same point. In today's world, the rich start a marathon one inch from the finish line while, for the rest of us, it might as well end on the moon.
We cannot continue down this same path because it is coming to an end. One way or another, whether we like it or not, things have to change and drastically. In one future, we can realize everything Star Trek told us was possible, and still is; the other is a dystopian, Matrix-like future where we will be little more than batteries for the elite's economic engine.
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