"Former war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte told Swiss TV that a UN commission has 'strong, concrete suspicions' that rebels had used the nerve agent sarin gas.
She said that the United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law.
'Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated,' said Ms Del Ponte."
This is the exact opposite of the US position and both have reasons to lie. The US for military reasons and the UN for lately being somewhat anti-American in nature. I am not some dimwit who believes the UN is coming for us or any nonsense like that but their voting blocks as of late have a distinct anti-US tinge to them that is undeniable and perhaps with good reason. We have not exactly been a good friend to a lot of places in the world lately and we are seeing that on the world stage. There are also complex reasons, such as domination attempts by Russia and China, currency wars and other complicated matters that would be best described in a future article.
Syria is falling apart. And as they seem hell bent on assisting their only real ally, Iran, in getting missiles to Hezbollah to be used against Israel, they are asking for trouble. Israel, of course, has retaliated against the Syrians hard for this indescretion by bombing the crap out of at least twelve sites so far. The death toll is unknown, but I expect it be at least five hundred dead, most of them elite soldiers protecting these stockpiles. Assad wouldn't want these arms to fall into rebel hands so they would be well guarded. Now they are stuff on rock. And the Syrian government is pissed.
Most surprisingly from all of this though is that Israel provided NO warning to the US at all about this strike, meaning that this is a clear sign to Obama that, if they feel Iran is a threat, they may do exactly the same thing. That is extraordinarily dangerous as any attack on Iran may immediately affect US troops and a little heads up that a war is coming might be nice.
Now I doubt anyone wants a war, least of which would be Assad who is kind of busy at the moment. The Syrians have threatened retaliation but I fear that as much as North Korea: possible but highly unlikely unless suicide is in their future. The Israelis have apologized for the assault but said they would not allow Iranian missiles to get into terrorist hands regardless of where they might be.
I highly doubt this will advance beyond talk, but in today's unpredictable times, anything is possible. We have two sides telling us two different things, both of which are plausible. Did Assad use sarin or did the rebels? I don't know because we do not have any sort of scientific community who can get the message out over what is true and what is bunk. All science, no matter how wrong, is being treated as possible and real, even when it clearly isn't. Until we have a National Science Board, filled with the smartest people in the country, if not the world, to examine these kinds of things and let us know who is telling the truth. everything will be guesswork. It is near impossible anymore to know whether just about anything you think you know is right. Are temperatures getting warmer, cooler or staying the same on a global scale? The answer is yes depending on what you read and not all of it is from dubious sources, yet still contradict one another somehow. Did 9/11 happen the way the official story said it did? Don't know for sure but I doubt it. What really happened at OKC? Up in the air. We are desperate for answers and all we get are soundbites. All I can tell you is that if we keep this trend up, soundbites are going to bite us all in the ass.
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