Let's start with the one scandal everyone is familiar with. The Justice Department was after a leak over a report last year about a failed bomb plot that was stopped by the CIA which was not supposed to be public knowledge. Holder and the CIA had a fit calling on that old chestnut, "national security," and went about bugging AP offices, homes and cell phones of reporters to discover the leak for at least two months. Now Holder, in his usual slimy way (I really hate this guy), passed the buck onto two lower level operatives, which I find unlikely that he knew nothing about this. This is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin. First, it is a slap in the face to rapidly disintegrating Constitution. I hate to sound like some rabid Tea Party idiot, but they aren't wrong about everything (just most things) and on this we on the same page.
Second, the reason we have the first Amendment is to stop practices like this where whistleblowers are discovered and retaliated against. This action will lead many not to trust the AP to protect their information if they are constantly being watched by a Big Brother government. This is a crime of the highest nature and Eric Holder should be fucking fired already. What does this dick have to do to get the heave ho? Fast and Furious was a giant fuck up and something the Republicans actually had a reason to bitch about but as they have ruined their reputation with Birther garbage, trying to end Medicare and Social Security and now Benghazi.
Speaking of the public, recent polls do not suggest the GOP is doing themselves any favors outside their base. Some 70% of the non-Republican responders think Benghazi is a political stunt. 39% of Republicans think it is the greatest scandal in American History which means 39% of the GOP must have an IQ below 90 because that is just stupid. Worse than Watergate? Hardly. Worse than the Gulf Of Tonkin lie? Unless 56,000 people died in Benghazi, I wouldn't classify it as a speedbump. As a matter of fact, as way of scandals go I would put it somewhere between Bill Clinton's impeachment nonsense and Brad Pitt leaving Jen Aniston for Angelina Jolie. It also doesn't help the right's cause when 39% of those who though Benghazi was the worst scandal of all times, couldn't find it on a map. Sigh. In their defense though, there were plenty of liberals who couldn't find it either, proving what a bunch of dumb asses we have become.
Obama is not clean of any of this either, by the way. While I see very little to connect him to any of these scandals, except two no one is talking about. The first is that Obama has prosecuted more people under the espionage than all other presidents combined. He has used it six times, while it had only been used three times from its passage as law in 1917. Obama has it out for whistleblowers like poor Bradley Manning who is still being rail roaded for exposing massacres that took place in Iraq and Afghanistan. Years ago, the government would have feigned horror and demanded answers to why such atrocities took place, like Mai Lai, Vietnam. Now we bury the info and destroy the person leaking it. Shameful. If Bush was the one doing this, the left would be screaming bloody murder. But for some reason, the right is looking the other way too while the left secretly condones it. This is everything wrong with politics today and people backing one side or the other for all issues, no matter if they disagree with it or not.
The second scandal you will not hear on MSM. The government will certainly not tell you. It has to do with the stock market and gold sales, something I write about for a living. The stock market has gone a whopping 177 days without a minimum 5% correction, something not seen since right before the 1987 crash. Every expert out there is warning people of a dangerous bubble, and when it pops, it could plummet out of sight if panic sets in. A minimum of a ten percent correction will happen at some point soon. Nothing goes up forever, not even a rigged market.
Last month, there was a sudden appearance of a very unusual short sale of 400 tons of gold on the COMEX, which I wrote about here. Experts agree that it was a manipulation designed solely to prop up the dollar through QE infinity. Here's the rub: the seller had no gold to sell on this naked short bid. COMEX reported having a gold supply equal to half of the short sales in it's vault, and not all of that was available for delivery if needed. Only the FED, or a too big to fail bank, could have ordered such a quantity and not raise eyebrows. My sources led it right to JP Morgan's doorstep. This is from Globalresearch.com
The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls.
When the enormous naked shorts hit the COMEX, stop-loss orders were triggered adding to the sales, and margin calls forced more sales. Investors who were not in on the manipulation lost a lot of money.
The sales of GLD shares are accumulated by the banksters in 100,000 lots and presented to GLD for redemption in gold acquired at the driven down price.
The short sale is leveraged by the stop-loss triggers and margin calls, and results in a profit for the banksters who placed the short sell order. The banksters then profit again as they sell the released gold into the physical market, especially in Asia, where demand has been stimulated by the sharp drop in bullion price and by the loss of confidence in fiat currency. Asian prices are usually at a higher premium above the spot prices in New York-London.
Some readers have said “don’t bet against the Federal Reserve; the manipulation can go on forever.” But can it? As the ETFs such as GLD are drained of gold, their ability to cover any of their obligations to investors diminishes. In my opinion, these ETFs are like a fractional reserve banking system. The claims on gold exceed the amount of gold in the trusts. When the ETFs are looted of their gold by the banksters, the gold price will explode, as the claims on gold will greatly exceed the supply.
Kranzler reports that the current June futures contracts are 12.5 times the amount of deliverable gold. If more than 8 percent of these trades were to demand delivery, COMEX would default. That such a situation is possible indicates the total failure of federal financial regulation.
What the Federal Reserve has done in order to maintain its short-run policy of protecting the “banks too big too fail” is to make the inevitable reckoning more costly for the US economy.
Since the EU was faltered, European banks have demanded gold back that we once stored for them to prop up their failing institutions. China and Japan has done likewise. We still have no idea how much, if any gold, is in Ft. Knox as they haven't been audited since the 70's. The whole country may be being run on illusionary prosperity and all we have is the right going mad over nothing while the left looks at Obama and says squat. Sooner or later, this whole house of cards if going to come down and the people at the bottom are the ones who are going to covered in debris.
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