Monday, August 14, 2017


It's not one day after Nazis killed a woman and we already have stupid conspiracy theories, name calling from both sides, a president proving to be woefully inadequate for the job and a public too stupid to know right from wrong anymore. I hate dumb people and will tell you that to your face if you say something incredibly moronic regardless of who you are. As you can guess, I am not popular at some parties for just that reason. There is no reason to be dumb anymore unless you choose to be so, as the world is at everyone's fingertips which way too many use only for porn, cat videos and vitriol aimed at whoever people are mad at that day. Knowledge of the ages is available to all and no one uses it for that purpose at all. It's why we are spiraling out of control.
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Let us take a quick look at three totally different forms of political thought all with roughly the same name: socialism, democratic socialism and national socialism. Only one of those actually works and that is democratic socialism, which right now is the ONLY political theory that shows promise. The other two are a watered down communism with equally awful results and national socialism, which isn't actually socialistic at all, and is in reality Fascism with a better name. I can't tell you how many idiots I encounter every week who like to say that the Nazis were socialist, demonstrating beyond doubt they have never read one sentence about Nazis ever in their life. Even a brief perusal of Hitler and his rise to power show that while there were a couple of avowed socialists in the party, like Goebbels and Strasser, Hitler and his philosophy were anti-socialist from day one. Strasser left the party and Goebbels changed his thinking, coming under the sway of Hitler's oratory skills. Once in power, the Nazis arrested the communists and socialist and barred many from office. How does that make Hitler socialist then? It doesn't proving too many can read and choose not to.

Fascism by definition is the ultimate right turn while Communism is the far left. Both employ similar tactics such as free speech removals and dictator-like policies and rulings. What they aren't is carbon copies of one another. Fascism is the sharing or abdication to rule by the corporations. Hitler was fully held by the industrialists of the time who could have shut down his reign at a moments notice. But as the banks were making money fast and corporations, especially ones manufacturing for the war effort, were making money hand over fist, no one was going to say boo about anything, Jews be damned. Communism on the other hand is the government completely controlling all industry and while Russia may technically be no longer communist, they are still following the playbook like it was. No one does business in Russia without Putin's say so, thus the reason many of the elites who did not support him are all on the run, some even assassinated. There is a clear difference between these two political methods even though they use a lot of the same tactics.
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Here at home fascism is alive and well and has been for some time. No one president can be blamed but this was been a slow coup since 1933. When the elites saw that no one would accept fascism willingly, they bided their time and slowly changed things toward such a state without anyone knowing. Things like the War on Drugs, Civil forfeiture, anti voting laws, and demonizing a minority (blacks, Hispanics, Muslims) are all right out of the fascism playbook and way too many of you are voting for this. Idiots. As of late, things had sped up to now have droves of these fuckwads are now protesting violently the removal of Confederate statues that never should have been placed in the first place. There is nowhere on Earth were someone lost a war and then had monuments put up in their honor. If you go to Germany there are NO memorials to anyone there for WW2. Nazi symbols are banned and a recent drunk dumbass, from the US of course, got his ass kicked for goosestepping down the street. Should we be any different? I am all for free speech but even I have to question the morality of walking down the street holding a Nazi or Confederate flag. Both should be regulated to dust bin of history. And again, Confederate statues are the ultimate in participation trophies, something the far right is supposed to hate.  Remind them of that at every instance.

 But with the death of a protester this week, the dynamic has no changed. First blood has been spilled and that could lead to a lot more bloodshed. The alt-right is planning rallies in Boston soon, something that could bring back memories of how the Revolutionary war started. Don't be surprised if someone gets shot here and not necessarily an anti-protester like Charlotteville. The right seems to think they have all the guns somehow missing that story of the guy who shot at Republicans during a baseball practice, almost killing a few. This will get violent if that's the only avenue they have left.
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We are facing Civil War led by a idiot public being led on by elites who want this to happen. Bloodshed could lead to martial law, suspension of all sort of things, including the second amendment guys on the right, if things spiral out of control which is exactly what the powers that be want. If we want to survive, we have to be above this and violence, which in this case will solve nothing. Let the right run over you and watch their support plummet when videos like the one in Virginia turn people away in droves. Yes, some may die but they will be martyrs like Heather Heyer who because of her sacrifice might actually prevent more deaths from happening. I know she didn't do this on purpose but let us not waste the death of this fine young woman and use it for our advantage. Her passing can help us all and that is exactly what she would want had she lived and someone else died in her place. We have to stop fascism by the most non-violent means possible. If you go to another rally, don't fight back. Let them beat you and act helpless and then play that video non stop world wide and watch their support wither and die. Trust me when I say this latest action in Virginia did nothing to help their cause and lots to hurt it. When the guy who arranged all this tried to give a press conference the next day, he had to run for his life when angry people tried to rip him a new one. The fact he wasn't really hurt was perfect here as violence was kept to a minimum but the message got out loud and clear: WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE! GO THE FUCK HOME!

People seem to think that free speech IS free. It isn't as many a person found out caught on tape screaming with a tiki torch which doesn't say to me angry mob but that there was a sale at Pier One. Since the demonstration, one has been found out as a college student (which means he might be transferring somewhere else soon), two have been fired, and another has been disowned. There was a reason the KKK used to wear sheets to hide their identity and this was it. They knew what they believed in was wrong and if anyone knew they'd get drummed out of society. Today's morons have no concept of that and are paying a steep price.
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Fascism is here. It's in our streets, our Congress and, especially, our President. Trump WANTS to be Hitler and has shown that at every step. Worse, half of the Republican party supports that idea. This means the GOP is now overrun by fascists and any vote for them is a literal vote for Hitler. Read how he came to power and it's not that far from what we see today. I have been warning you for some time this was coming and it is now here. If you identify as a Republican congratulations you are a card carrying Nazi now. Please wear the swastika so we know who to kill first when this whole idea of society goes belly up. I hope it doesn't come to that and hope that non-violent tactics work first. If not, there are going to be a whole lot of dead Republicans nationwide when people start to figure out who is actually to blame.

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