Saturday, April 9, 2011


Not a big shocker as their budget plan is too rape the poor to feed the rich. Way to think outside the box. Let's see those runner ups.

1)NATO- Proving why you need some sort of people on the ground, NATO this week attacked the wrong side for the upteenth time. They said they didn't know the rebels had tanks. Awesome use of real time info. Apparently you guys NEVER watch the news as everytime something happens you are shocked, SHOCKED, that events outside your world view have occurred. Unbelievable.

2)The Japanese- These couldn't tell a straight story if their life depended on it. The radioactivity meters tell a wildly different story then the nonsense they say on the news everyday. Add that to the reasonable uncertainty as to what is going to happen to all the radioactivity now worldwide. Many scientists say any exposure at all is bad for you. Can't wait for those cancer rates to skyrocket in coming decade. If we make it that long.

3)Muslim Extremists- In yet another attack on the weak and helpless, a Muslim psycho rushed a school in Brazil and killed 12 children. If Muslims really want to be exterminated off the planet, this is way it will occur. I don't know if people understand the inherent danger these psychos are causing. Message boards WORLDWIDE are posting real hate for ALL Muslims and that is very dangerous if you are a Muslim. I have said many many time, Muslims in general are a kind and generous people. However the actions of a relative few are causing a huge backlash against all Muslims. We are just one attack away from Muslims becoming the new Jews. The actions in Afghanistan with a group of retarded monkeys attacking innocent people for the burning of the Koran, a right we have in this country, is NOT helping. Muslims stand at the edge of very big cliff. I hope they understand the fire they are playing with.

4)Terry Jones- He may be some inbred, backward hick but he has right to be one in this country. Still, he's a numnuts.

5)Obama- Now that his budget has passed we can all sit back and not worry anymore. What's that you say? His plan only cuts 1% of the deficit by leaving in huge, worthless military spending, no changes to medicare or Social Security that would adversely affect the rich like removing the idiotic cap on SS taxes over 107,000$, raising taxes on capital gains or a zillion other ideas that could have actually helped. No President Pussy had a horrible budget and gave in to 40 billion in additional cuts that are all squarely aimed at poor people. Schmuck.

6)Republicans- Yes this brain power has shown its true colors and Tea Baggers scream not enough, we want harsher conditions to live in. Their plan is far far worse than Obama's yet poor people are crying about any form of compromise. I have heard recently about direct democracy and eliminating Congress. A bad idea shown by California does just that and no one votes to raise taxes, crippling the state. The reason we hire people to make these decision is that we cannot be trusted to do it ourselves. Unfortunately, both sides are doing an equally crappy job. But the edge goes to the GOP for fighting against women's health. So congratulations, the GOP is douchebag of the week.

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