Thursday, April 21, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Radiation Spreads World Wide. Governments Conspire To Downplay It.

New information has come to light demonstrating a world wide conspiracy to downplay the radiation effects wrecking havoc on then planet. US/EU computer models show little fallout or problems outside of Japan from the continuing Fukushima nuclear disaster. However, a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Air Research shows a vastly different model that shows exposure to Cessium-137 at exteme levels and Xenon exposure mentioned for the first time. Check out this link for more info This is important as Xenon is only found as a by product of uranium or plutonium nuclear explosions. This means at least one reactor was/is in full meltdown and lethal amounts of raidation were/still are being pumped into the air. The implications for this are very,very bad. So what will happen? Let's see what fallout does.

The activity of fallout deposited on the ground or other surfaces is measured in becquerels (Bq), defined as the number of radioactive disintegrations per second.
The basic unit of the system used internationally to characterize radiation dose is the gray (Gy), defined as the absorption of 1 joule of energy per kilogram of tissue. (The international system of units is gradually supplanting the previous system based on dose units of rad, but conversion is easy: 1 Gy = 100 rad.) For perspective, it is helpful to remember that the external dose received from natural sources of radiation and from cosmic radiation—is of the order of 1 milligray (mGy, one-thousandth of a gray) per year; the dose from a CT scans is about 15-20 mGy, and exposure due to cosmic rays received during a transatlantic flight is about 0.02 mGy.

However, studies done on survivors from past nuclear tests and the attacks on Japan during WW2 show a higher increase of lukemia and thyroid cancer. If the above graphs are right, these cancers should skyrocket over the next decade. If birth defects start happening with an alarming regularity over the next few years, all indicators are that cancer rates will experience an equal rise.

Thyroid cancer is a rare disease overall—with U.S. lifetime rates estimated to be 0.97 percent in females and 0.36 percent in males—and it is extremely rare at ages younger than 25. Furthermore, the malignancy is usually indolent, may go long unobserved in the absence of special screening efforts and has a fatality rate of less than 10 percent. These factors make it difficult to study fallout-related thyroid cancer risk in all but the most heavily exposed populations. Thyroid cancer risks from external radiation are related to gender and to age at exposure, with by far the highest risks occurring among women exposed as young children.

The applicability of risk estimates based on studies of external radiation exposure to a population exposed mainly to internal sources, and to I-131 in particular, has been debated for many years. This uncertainty relates to the uneven distribution of I-131 radiation dose within the thyroid gland and its protraction over time. Until recently, the scientific consensus had been that I-131 is probably somewhat less effective than external radiation as a cause of thyroid cancer. However, observations of thyroid cancer risk among children exposed to fallout from the Chornobyl reactor accident in 1986 have led to a reassessment. An Institute of Medicine report concluded that the Chornobyl observations support the conclusion that I-131 has an equal effect, or at least two-thirds the effect of internal radiation. More recent data on thyroid cancer risk among persons in Belarus and Russia exposed as young children to Chornobyl fallout offer further support of this inference.

And remember Chernobyl only lasted ten days. We are approaching week 6. We know the government isn't telling us the truth. These kind of lies may be fatal.

Stay out of any rainfall as it may be heavily contaiminated. Water supplies may suffer so start stocking up on clean water now while you can. Food from Western Europe may by the safest on Earth right now. Keep posted as things can change in a heartbeat in this increasingly dying planet.

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