Monday, April 11, 2011

Radioactivity Spreads World Wide as Governments Says Don’t Worry. Should We?

The Japanese nuclear disaster continues to run unabated while governments tell us everything’s fine, go about your business. On the other hand, scientists seem to have a vastly different opinion, informing us that no amount of radiation is safe, no matter how small. So who’s right?

Considering the history of the EPA I wouldn’t believe them if they told me the sky was blue before I went outside to check. This is the same group that shouted to the cheap seats that there was no danger at Ground Zero after the World Trade Center fell. Oops, it actually turned out that it was extremely dangerous and as a result thousands of first responders are dead or dying. Recently, the EPA claimed the Gulf safe to swim and eat from after the BP disaster. Since then there have been many confirmed reports of people getting sick from swimming in the toxic stew or eating fish marinated in chemicals. Chemist Bob Naman, of the Analytical Chemical Testing Lab in Mobile, Alabama, has been carrying out studies to search for the chemical markers of the dispersants BP used to both sink and break up its oil. Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from this toxic mix are making people sick, Naman said. PAHs contain compounds that have been identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic. On top of this are dead fish, dolphins and whales washing up on shore, obviously affected by the chemicals. Yet, the EPA says everything’s fine. Yeah right.

Now comes their latest round of nonsense from the EPA saying don’t worry about the new x-ray machines in airports, they’re safe. Then why won’t doctors like oncologists ever use them? Because no amount of radiation is safe and any amount could trigger a mutation and cancer. A recent CNN piece interviewed doctors like Dr. Len Lichtenfield who said, “Total body radiation is not something I find very comforting based on my medical knowledge.” Even Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society (ACS) expressed concern about whether the safety of them machines, and whether or not TSA is properly maintaining and testing them for safety. The TSA has refused to release safety reports for quite some time, and when they did, the bungled reports explained nothing more than TSA’s high level of incompetence. So if scientists are overwhelming saying one thing, why is the EPA saying the exact opposite?

This is almost certainly due to the fact that the EPA is bought and sold by major corporations who want to sell you dangerous products without any care for your well-being. Don’t believe me? Look no farther than the recent nuclear crisis in Japan for clarification. We keep hearing that the radiation levels in our food, water and air are well below what can make us sick. But if you read the above paragraph again, scientists are saying that NO amount of radiation is good for us. As Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 are known carcinogens the cancer rates worldwide are almost certainly going to spike over the next decade.

It’s much worse in Japan where radiation levels are increasing to higher levels than that seen at Chernobyl. In 1986, Cesium levels reached 550,000 becquerels per cubic meter there and as a result the area has been abandoned ever since. Radiation levels outside the 30 kilometer evacuation zone in Japan have been testing at between 590,000 and 2.19 million becquerels per square meter. These are lethal levels of radiation by anyone’s standards, yet the Japanese government has done nothing to correct it. At least our milk won’t glow in the dark?

Isn’t it odd that the country that gave us Godzilla are doing the very thing that created it in the first place? With TEPCO continuing to not fix the problem the radiation levels are only going to get worse there and everywhere. Had they done what the Russians did in 1986 and cover the reactor and everything near it in cement, radiations levels would already be dropping. But TEPCO has publically said they want to get the fuel out first. Unbelievable greed.

The worst part about all of this is the economic concerns when the third largest economy goes belly up. Japanese manufacturing has dropped to a two year low and is expected to drop further as the crisis continues. Many countries are refusing to import any type of seafood from the region and this will have major implications on their economy. Plus, with their manufacturing base devastated, how long before car parts, silicone chips and electronics become harder to find? Auto plants in Louisiana, Mexico and Belgium are all facing a temporary shutdown due to this crisis. Our health, economy and trust in government is all starting to fail. Wonder of the EPA can put a positive spin on that one.

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