Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Anyone who watches the news lately cannot help but think that the game is over, the fat lady has sung and the lights are coming up as the bartender yells "last call." The word depressing does not even come close. Let's take a quick look at some of the total idiocy and frightening predictions being made around the world.

First, let's stop with the nonsense that Obama wasn't born in this country. He was and I can prove it.

1)He has released his birth certificate which is a legal document capable of getting you a passport or driver's licence. He is therefore a recognized member of the country.

2)His birth ran in local newspapers which was given to the papers by the state not his parents. Regardless, even if they did, his mother was an American citizen so it didn't matter where he was born, he'd still be a US citizen just incapable of running for President. I doubt they had that in mind when they named him Barack Hussein Obama.

3)Ignored by all but the Associated Press and apparently one other person, anyone can go to Hawaii, wait in line and get a copy of the record of all births in the state in any given year. This is available info to all. Guess what? Obama's name is there sandwiched between everyone else born that year.

4) Countless people have come forward saying they remember Obama being born in the same hospital he has always said he was born in. Unless you're Donald Trump who says he's never heard of anyone knowing the President when he was young. Read a book idiot.

5)A recent USA poll said only 38% of people say he was definitely born in this country. Wow. That means 62% of us should be just killed and be done with it because there is no hope for mankind if these mouthbreathers keep reproducing. This has to be the dumbest story in the history of mankind. A provably wrong story that the right has browbeaten and brainwashed it's followers into accepting an universal lie. If they can make these morons believe that, they can make them believe anything. And they do.

In other news, the IMF has said that the US will lose it's superpower status in as short as five years to China. Why? Because we outsourced all of our jobs for short term profit that has sunk this country into third world status. The rich have made all the gains and the middle class is rapidly disappearing. Jobs today pay a fraction of what they used to and many cannot make enough to survive. We have sold ourselves out for the new oligarchy and the the idiot Tea Party is trying to make it happen. If we don't stand up and do something soon, the alternative is mass violence, rioting, and most likely a permanent martial law, forever changing what we have here. If you have a job where wrongdoing is being accomplished with no oversight, report it any way you can. Yes, you'll be putting the lives of you and your family at risk but the alternative is that you and your family are guaranteed a life as slaves with NO rights. Remember that when a new feudal lord takes a liking to your thirteen year old daughter. Think that won't happen here? It may already be occurring. There has been rumors of high level child porn rings for years here and abroad. Look it up.

Radiations levels on the West Coast are still very high, especially Boise, Idaho. More as it becomes available.

Why is Wikileaks giving us worthless documents about Gitmo? Where are the UFO and Bank of America documents he promised?

On the subject of UFO's, a new NSA document claims a Sputnik satellite picked up an alien transmission that is being currently translated. It included math and the entire Periodic table along with messages that are still being worked on. FOIA allowed this to be given out to the public. If true, it's the most momentous thing in the history of mankind yet no one seems interested. I am.

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